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Baldur's Gate meets Heroes of Might and Magic 3



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2018
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  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    edited March 2018
    Well, so far we have played till the first week of the second month. up to ~10 lvl for the heroes. Too early to estimate how it will end.

    Yes, the blue (Tower, Tresset) started very slowly, but the orange (Dungeon, I) had to deal with constant attacks of the green (Rampart, AI) (it still hasn't ended, actually) + attacks of the purple (Stronghold, AI) - and in the process meant all the orange army was lost. I literally have no more than 1 week of creatures right now.

    AI actually has been playing almost brilliantly - even at 100%. The main hero of the green has ~250 mana, so you can easily imagine how much damage he can inflict in fights. For comparison, my heroes don't have more than 70 at this stage.

    I also have to say that Solmyr (from the tavern) looks scary, with 11 (!) in Power. I usually prefer to start with Might heroes (for a quick start agains neutral stacks), but they may get weaker with time if compared to heroes like Solmyr. Yes, I've managed to hire Deemer, but he's trailing a lot.

    Again, this is the difference of SinglePlayer vs MultiPlayer - I can play no problem with Might characters against AI, using mistakes in AI world map tactics, but I can't do that against another Player.

    I hardly can imagine a balanced high level fight between Solmyr and Shakti (my starting hero).

    Tower is usually one of the most difficult towns to play as in MP, but the longer the game goes the more powerful it becomes. This map is huuuge, so with time I predict Solmyr will wrack things ups.

    The fact we don't intend to rush killing each other and first focus on AI adds to the Tower's power, I think. It would be a different game if the only aim was to rush to the human opponent and finish him. I think we also want to explore the map and maybe find the Grail.

    I understand this map is not designed for MP, but - man - playing it in MP is so fun!

    And I propose as soon as we finish to restart with new factions - so that any player who suffers a defeat could choose a more optimal town for this map (using knowledge of the map).

    I'll share screenshots which I make from time to time when we finish.

    One addition - for some reason, tavern gossip don't work or work inconsistantly. Tresset has been seeing strange symbols in the gossip instead of letters, while I have stopped to get any gossip at all in recent weeks.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2018
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  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Shandaxx said:

    One addition - for some reason, tavern gossip don't work or work inconsistantly. Tresset has been seeing strange symbols in the gossip instead of letters, while I have stopped to get any gossip at all in recent weeks.

    Have you ever noticed that when playing the game in singleplayer? Also if it happens again could you make a screenshot? I'm especially interested in the "strange symbols".
    I kinda thought this may have happened because of some language translation issues or something along those lines.
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  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    So we have continued a bit, till ~ the start of the 3rd month. @Tresset now had a chance to watch my heroes chasing enemies in circles wasting time and troops.

    Basically the green continues to be a big problem and now they are joined by the red (Necropolis, AI) - and these armies mostly target Larswood.

    I don't know what level Solmyr has but he got 2 relic artifacts while I still haven't managed to get one. My highest hero is of the 15th level.

    I have found the Recanter's Cloak (which prevents casting level 3 or higher spells during combat) but I'm undecided if it's fair to use this item. Imagine feelings of a player whose main character is a wizard who relies on magic. Never liked this item in MP. Orb of Inhibition is even worse. It would be balanced if other items nerfed brute force.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    We quit playing this one tonight. I got whupped by Green. I was honestly struggling anyway, so it isn't surprising.
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  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    We were playing on Knight difficulty.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    @Shandaxx I'm all for you joining us when you can. Get well. A new match on that map is up to @Tresset as obviously it's not easy to accept what happened yesterday.
    Basically, it was AI that killed the Blue, not another player.
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  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Julius wasn't helping me at all. Not only did we not trade with each other, he also killed any scouts of mine he saw and was able to catch, even if they were just harmless 1 imp people who were only looking for obelisks. About all we did was tell each other how we were doing and what we were doing.

    Honestly, I have never really played a non-allies map with other humans, so this is kind of a new thing for me.

    My main downfall, I think, was a lack of any way to get ore. I had no mines anywhere remotely nearby and everything I wanted to build needed ore. I eventually got enough to build some stuff just by trading my surplus gems and wood in the market at a terrible rate, but it was super slow. I get that you want it to be a challenge and resource poor map, but maybe try to space the mines better, or at least put wood and ore mines within reach of everyone. Another thing you could do is put some trading post adventure objects on the map in the especially resource poor areas. Having access to a better trading rate would have helped me IMMENSELY. Practically the whole time I was wishing the tavern you put in for Winthrop's Inn was a trading post instead. That would have given me a fighting chance, I think.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    edited March 2018
    Huh, I didn't even think about helping with resources. I'm not against the idea, it just didn't come to me completely. I guess I've just got too used to the "surviving based on what I have" mindset.

    When we restart (hopefully with @Shandaxx ) I plan to start as the Blue to see how things go myself. Even it will mean I won't win, it's completely ok.

    As for killing scouts - of course I would do that. It's kind of normal not to let the opponent see your town(s).

    @Tresset's suggestions above sound reasonable.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    @Shandaxx I would be all for having you join us after we finish our current game! Would you like to play regular Heroes 3 or HotA? We are currently doing regular Heroes 3, but I have been itching to try HotA with Julius. The only problem is he is not as familiar with it as we are.
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  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    I play the odd bit of MP Heroes 3 and would be happy to join a game if others are interested. I haven't played this map since @JuliusBorisov and I were doing speed runs a while back, but I'm used to losing anyway so that's not a problem :D.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    Yes, losing happens here and there constantly. It's fine!
    Now it's becoming to look like a fun future adventure, with @Grond0 also willing to join!
    Your screenshots, @Shandaxx, illustrate that you've been able to successfully go out of the "starting zone" and get all those resources - something @Tresset had had a problem with, apparently.

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  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    edited March 2018
    Tresset and I have played the default map called Reclamation (Tresset - the Orange and I - the Purple). And it has shown even original developers didn't always think about balance. Long story short, only the Orange has 2 (two!) dwellings of the 7th level 1-2 turns away from their capital on that map. All other starting positions (and this map is for 7 players) don't provide even one such dwelling.

    It gives quite a perspective on the Fight for the Sword Coast map.

    I still support Tresset's suggestions above about the Blue, and looking forward to give it a try in our MP game.

    Btw, for balanced MP games we can use Maps or Random Template Maps available for download on
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2018
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  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    Sure thing! I tried to say that different starting conditions are completely ok.
    How are you, btw? Getting any better?
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  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited March 2018
    I just thought I should mention that the issue I was having (and am still having) with the tavern rumors has nothing to do with this scenario. The problem seems to be that, for some unknown reason, when I play with Julius, my tavern rumors appear in Russian rather than English. Kind of an unfair advantage for him since he can read both Russian and English, but it is no big deal. Tavern rumors are but a small part of the game (and I still seem to be beating him quite regularly).
  • RVNSRVNS Member Posts: 285
    I am ready to try this map as well. Looks super fun! might and magic three is probably in my top five favorite games. Now to figure out which starting town I want to play.
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