The (solo no-reload) adventures of Norgath, dwarven Bounty Hunter of Candlekeep

With @semiticgod's exciting Spiders hunting after Melissan, @OlvynChuru's Jester continuing his pacifist mass murdering ways, and @bengoshi's archdruid Yahiko still going strong, I felt the need to try my hand again at an ambitious solo adventure. My other, more roleplayed run with a custom party is still in progress (and will be updated sometime soon I hope). In order not to confuse both journals, I decided to make a separate thread for this run. Besides, who knows what good not journaling the current run in a thread called We're All Doomed might do. 
Here is Norgath:
As I said, this is going to be an ambitious run, i.e. one that includes metagamimg. However, whether I want it or not, I always incorporate some roleplaying in my gaming, so it would be foolish to expect myself to behave differently this time. I have particular difficulty doing evil things with good characters, much more so than doing good things with evil characters. Therefore Norgath's Lawful Evil alignment is convenient. It allows him to do evil things (such as the Assassinations mod quests in BG2). At the same time his lawfulness and his calculating mind (note the excellent mental stats) ensure that his good actions make some sense to me as well. The physical stats are optimized for survivability purposes, with 19 CON, 20 with the Tome, minimizing the penalty to saves vs death when the Claw of Kazgaroth is equipped. CHA is a bit of a dumpstat, though I could have gone all the way to 2, and optimize INT and WIS. With 7 CHA (after the Tome), Norgath will just be an almost stereotypical blunt, surly Dwarf.
The most important mods I'm playing with are Ascension, QuestPack with its revised Hell Trials, Song & Silence, Rogue Rebalancing, SCS I and II (v21), Wheels of Prophecy, and aTweaks. Besides those, Thalatntyr's Item Upgrade in BG1 and Weimer's Item Upgrade in BG2 allow Norgath to get some items upgraded by Thalantyr and Cromwell respectively. Assassinations, Back to Brynnlaw, and Sellswords offer a couple of new adventures in SoA. Finally, I'm using a number of tweaks from BG2Tweaks and BGTTweaks that facilitate different aspects of gameplay. Most consequential are the Un-Nerfed Thac0 table, maximum HP at level up (but also max HP for all enemies), and importation of gear from BG1 into Irenicus' Dungeon.

Here is Norgath:

The most important mods I'm playing with are Ascension, QuestPack with its revised Hell Trials, Song & Silence, Rogue Rebalancing, SCS I and II (v21), Wheels of Prophecy, and aTweaks. Besides those, Thalatntyr's Item Upgrade in BG1 and Weimer's Item Upgrade in BG2 allow Norgath to get some items upgraded by Thalantyr and Cromwell respectively. Assassinations, Back to Brynnlaw, and Sellswords offer a couple of new adventures in SoA. Finally, I'm using a number of tweaks from BG2Tweaks and BGTTweaks that facilitate different aspects of gameplay. Most consequential are the Un-Nerfed Thac0 table, maximum HP at level up (but also max HP for all enemies), and importation of gear from BG1 into Irenicus' Dungeon.
Post edited by Blackraven on
After @semiticgod 's thread and taking into account your own style, I expect this thread to be epic. Let's hope you will do it!
Your right about favorite class/kit. Not 100% sure about race, at least from a power perspective. Previous to this run I tried with an Elven female BH. She was noticeably stronger in combat thanks to her high Dex and innate sword and bow bonuses. (Unfortunately that didn't keep her from dying though.) The Dwarven saves may prove a great boon though.
@DreadKhan, I had a female elven Stalker who literally got Shanked in Candlekeep not long ago: SCS v28 poison weapon... Thankfully Norgath has fared better so far.
"Always try to be helpful to others. If you can't be bothered with it for their good, then do it for yourself. People will treat you much better if they like you." This had been one of Gorion's teachings back home in Candlekeep. When he was on his own, after Gorion's death, Norgath learnt that there was much truth in his foster father's words. People hadn't been very nice to him. So what's a plain-looking, penniless Dwarf to do, an inexperienced Bounty Hunter all alone in the cold, dark world?
Norgath decided to help people, not for them, but for himself: to make some gold, and to get treated a bit better, especially in stores. Amongst other feats he enabled Thalantyr the Conjurer to restore his fowl apprentice Melicamp to human form, helped a family find a lost necklace in Beregost, calmed an aggressive drunk in Feldepost's Inn, brought Firebead a book he needed, helped a slime retransform into a man, slew spiders for Landrin in the FAI, brought Joia her lost ring, returned Brun's dead son to the farmer and gave him 100 GP, retrieved a bowl from three fishermen for a young priestess of Umberlee, slew four Half-Ogres for a wounded Paladin, refused to take from Oublek a reward he wasn't due, helped Charleston Nib the archaeologist, and pacified frenzied Brage; he even did some babysitting for a woman in Nashkel.
These (and other) simple but good deeds made him a lot more popular. And a ring handed to him by Lord Foreshadow, made life even more pleasant for Norgath. Shopping time had come. A potion of master thievery bought at the Nashkel Carnival gave Norgath the confidence to try and pickpocket an expensive looking cloak from Algernon in Beregost. He succeeded at his first attempt, discovered the cloak enhanced his CHA, donned it and bought a suit of Shadow Armor, the Deep Red Ioun Stone (+1 DEX), the Sound Defense (short sword +2, +1 AC, +1 Saves v Death), the Claw of Kazagaroth, the Masterbelt (+10% Locks and Traps) and a composite shortbow +2. The sale of a Ring of Wizardry, a suit of Ankheg Plate mail, a couple of wands and miscellaneous loot made those purchases possible. (Norgath was level 5-6 at that point).
During one of his coastal excursions, he found a cave guarded by Sirines. Thankfully they hadn't seen him, so they didn't try to charm him. The Dwarf snuck past them and entered the cave, where he disarmed a number of traps, and where he boldly took on a number of Flesh Golems that would hit him hard.
he even did some babysitting for a woman in Nashkel.
(That is from the mini quest mod isn’t it?)
Yes it's from the mod you mentioned, really nice and immersive. Glad you know it.
I think it's also time for me to catch up with your writing, tomorrow...
Making generous use of his Necklace of Missiles, Norgath literally blasted his way through the Nashkel Mines until he reached Mulahey's den. He entered it quietly, placing two regular traps near the entrance and throwing two special ones into the Half-Orc's chamber. Hidden in shadows he then walked toward Mulahey and Mulahey, somehow sensing the Dwarf's presence, toward him. They met right in front of Norgath's special traps. The snares instantly killed the Half-Orc when he went hostile. The priest's death cry was heard by suddenly appearing Kobolds and Skeletons, but the traps by the entrance and two fireballs made them suffer the same fate as their master.
Back in Nashkel the Dwarf asked the guards to arrest an Assassin that had threatened to kill him, but the guards werent't very vigorous and the Assassin, Nimbul, went after Norgath anyway. In order for the guards to disengage, Nimbul would quaff potions of invisibility (that Norgath had hoped to acquire for himself). The only way for Norgath to get Nimbul to show himself was to leave stealth and go look for his foe. Nimbul would then cast spells at the Dwarf - Confusion, Horror, sequencered Magic Missiles, Glitterdust - while Norgath would attempt to avoid getting hit by the spells by entering the Nashkel Store. The Bounty Hunter successfully evaded the first three spells but had to make a save vs the latter spell. When Nimbul's Mirror Images and Stoneskins were gone, courtesy of the guards, Norgath ended the fight by plunging his short blade in his opponent's back.
Norgath fled the camp after he was done in Tazok's tent, rested at the FAI, bought scrolls of PfMagic and PfPoison as well as a number of protective potions from Thalantyr, and decided to follow the Elven prisoner's lead toward the hidden Iron Throne base in Cloakwood. In the first area he slew Tasloi that had Gurke's Cloak of Non-Detection, and Aldeth Sashenstar for a group of Druids he didn't felt like messing with. The second area saw no less than four Phase Spiders greeting Norgath upon his arrival. Careful manoeuvering enabled him to cast Protection from Poison on himself and to quaff a potion of freedom, before he dealt with the arachnids using arrows of biting and acid arrows.
No longer craving XP, Norgath hurried his way through the forest to the Iron Throne base, but when he arrived he ran into four Iron Throne hirelings guarding the structure. Fortunately, they only proved a slight delay. He set his traps near the bridge to soften up / kill the warriors, drank an oil of speed that would facilitate hiding/backstabbing, and a potion of magic shielding to protect himself against the mages. Rezdan fell first, to a single backstab (after a critical miss had kept the more dangerous Kysus alive for the time being).
He entered and snuck toward a slave that was willing to flood the mine if given a key to unlock a river plug. On the second level he must have taken too long between seeing his stealth fail due to the area transition and finding a new spot to hide while still invisible. (This is difficult to keep track of with the Claw of Kazgaroth equipped; it blurs the user.) One or more of the guards noticed him, and while Norgath did manage to hide after that, the SCS better calls for help had already been made, and the Dwarf was soon cornered by a multitude of guards and black talons causing him to immediately quaff a potion of defense.
Back in the Gate Alathis' Guard (the cowl that gives immunity to backstab and poison when equipped) and a scroll of PfMagic made Norgath's encounter with Slythe and Krystin a relative breeze. The only problem was that Krystin too, was one of those mages that tend to hide when they're facing a foe that's protected from magic as per the green scroll.
When Norgath cheated his way into the Ducal Palace with Slythe's invitation, Sarevok's coronation ceremony was about to begin. There was a lot arguing going on though; violence seemed imminent. Norgath didn't know who to trust, so he set four traps amongst the seemingly hapless members of the crowd. (He was a bit lucky there because with the Masterbelt he "only" had 90 Set Traps which he could have easily increased to 100 with a DUHM I forgot to cast.)
Duke Belt teleported Norgath to the Thieves Guild where he apologized to his friends for not staying for a chat. He was in too much of a rush to go after Sarevok who had just entered a maze below the guild. Norgath was very content with his tremendous but temporary power, so he decided to try and waste as little time as possible in his pursuit of Sarevok. Tamoko would represent his only delay. Without Lord Foreshadow's Ring of Human Influence Norgath was insufficiently becoming for the Kara-Turan priestess to be convinced of his good intentions. She did not live to regret her superficial outlook.
I'm pleased to report to you all that Norgath is doing very well considering the circumstances.
His trip to Amn for Duke Belt didn't quite go as planned, what with his being kidnapped and poisoned by a man he had heard called Mae'Var.
I forgot to take a screenshot, as I often tend to, but I recall he had close to 400k XP, which meant one immediate level up (level 11) at the beginning of SoA, and later a second one (level 12) still in Chateau Irenicus as well. In sum: Stats are 19-18-20 -16 -20-7. The level 12 proficiency pip was invested in Two Weapon Fighting (3rd pip, the other two profs are Short Swords and Shortbows). The 40 skill points all went to Detect Illusions, bringing that skill into the 65-80 range, just like Stealth, Find Traps and Set Traps.
During a quiet moment, Imoen of all people released Norgath from his cell. He was positive that he had set out to Amn on his own, and yet Imoen had been a prisoner in this dungeon just like himself, as well as two others whom he had briefly met during his journeys on the Sword Coast: Minsc and Jaheira. The lass was thanked for waking him at an opportune moment but then told that they'd stand a better chance trying to sneak out by themselves. Minsc and Jaheira he bluntly informed that he prefered to work alone. Bereft of all his gold and gear, the sullen Dwarf kept to the shadows while exploring the dungeon to get an idea of its layout, and to seek escape of course. He snuck past numerous Mephits and Duergar,
While Norgath was sorting out his possessions and storing some items in his pack, he was spotted by some of the Duergar and was forunate to find a quiet corridor where he could cloak himself in shadows again. [His base stealth was 70, which as such is sufficient to reliably hide in Irenicus' dungeon, but with the armor and the boots, he was even better off of course.] From that moment the prey became the hunter. He started to haunt the place, invisible like a phantom unless and until he chose to attack. Many Duergar wouldn't even lay eyes on him before he put them to rest with a short sword he'd found (a mundane weapon, nothing like the splendid Short Sword of Backstabbing that had become his staple weapon).
The first room he entered contained four Mephit portals that kept spawning different types of Mephits. No (extra) healing potions had been needed thus far, but these pests (that would blind, doom and scald the Dwarf at every turn) made him quaff two or three. He did prevail though, by destroying the portals.
As the coast seemed clear, Norgath took some time to rest before he continued his search for a way out. That search brought him past a forge room (where Duergar were shunned and a Girdle of Bluntness secured) and a room with a Shapeshifter he slew.
He saw Imoen there, and Irenicus too, as well as a number of thieves. The Bounty Hunter nodded approvingly as Imoen boldly cast a spell at Irenicus (that girl surely hadn't idled her time away). But in a blink numerous wizards came teleporting in and arrested both Irenicus and Imoen. Apparently these wizards regulated spellcasting within the city. The Dwarf wasn't pleased to see his quarry disappear right in front of him, but there was little he could except explore the city for hints where the wizards might have gone, for commercial opportunities, and for clues regarding that other figure he had a score to settle with: Mae'Var.
On his way exploring the promenade, a guard informed him that he was in Athkatla, and warned him of disappearances of in a circus tent. Norgath took a gauging look at the tent and thought it impossible for people to disappear in there, so he decided to check it out. Once inside he seemed to have stepped into another world though, much bigger, inhabited by werewolf-like creatures, Shadows, and an Elf that looked like an Ogre due to some sort of illusion magic. Norgath dispelled the illusion on the Elf, spoke with a woman that was made to look like a Spider and confronted the perpetrator, an Ogre Mage that when slain turned out to be a Gnome (more illusory magics). Dealing with the ogrish Gnome hadn't been easy by the way, because Shadows drained him twice of his strength.
He learnt that the city was very unsafe for the unprepared. Hidden in shadows he came upon a group of ruffians who were clearly out to ambush citizens that happened to take a wrong turn. They didn't notice the Dwarf though, and he took advantage of that, throwing a couple of his special traps in their direction. The snares held his foes, allowing him to take three of them down with his bow (one or two others were or went invisible). On one of his victims he found an enchanted short sword, Arbane's Sword.
Upstairs a retired thief handed Norgath a pair of Gloves of Pickpocketing he no longer needed. It gave the Dwarf an idea. With an excellent reputation as the savior of the slaves and the reformer of the Inn, and with a couple of potions of master thievery he could steal some valuable items for sale at the inn, at virtually no risk. Thus he appropriated various enchanted weapons and other valuable items. Some of those he'd keep for himself, other goods he would barter with Merina over at the Thieves Guild either for more useful wares (such as the Black Cat's Claw +2, which confers Luck and +1 DEX upon the user), or simply for hard coin for him to spend. The Copper Coronet wasn't the only business to experience unexplained losses in its stock, and Norgath soon found himself as prosperous a mercenary as he had been in his glory days in the city of Baldur's Gate. Amongst his new possessions are a wealth of magical potions, scrolls, and enchanted arrows as well as various situationally useful items (such as Ring of Air Control, Rod of Resurrection, Mercykiller Ring, Ring of Regen, Reflection Shield, Vhailor's Helm, Alathis' Guard cowl, and his old blade Sound Defense +2 that must have been fenced by Mae'Var after the kidnapping).
In the Docks District Norgath was approached by a pale woman that told him his mistress wanted to have a word with him in the Graveyard District, after sunset. Norgath went there somewhat early and saw no trace of the mistress. He decided to reconnoitre the area a bit, and even entered a pavilion that led to an open, underground area inhabited by Spiders that poisoned him and had him flee back outside to recover.
He then decided to return to his Guild business. He still had the Cowled Wizard to deal with after all. The mage had Mephits - some of which capable of stunning their targets, against which the Dwarf hoped to be protected with Arbane's Sword - guarding his home, and two Stone Golems. The Mephits hurt him, but with a potion of extra healing and Kitthix's webs and poisons, the Dwarf prevailed.
Norgath was level 15 at the beginning of the sessions on which this update is based. He would gain more levels, but I decided to try and postone leveling up until level 21. The reason is that I see little use for the Resilient Sphere traps that are the BH's special traps between levels 16 and 21, whereas the level 11-15 Hold Traps are good. At level 21 the Resilient Sphere traps are succeeded by Maze traps which I do consider useful.
The Dwarf's first action as master of his own guildhouse was to instruct his thieves to undertake high-risk activities for maxmimum profit (though his house would not engage in slave trade). He also had a run-in with a few old friends of Mae'Var's who were out for vengeance, but they would discover that they had plied their trade on the wrong person.
Back in the city Norgath went on his way to check on his subordinates at the guild house, but was accosted by a Necromancer that begged him to release a friend of his from captivity in the orange building where he had brought a poisoned man a week or two before, a Harper compound it turned out to be. The Dwarf agreed and even did a commission for the Harpers, slaying two mages and their pets,
Anyways, keep it up!
I've been taking screenshots, so aye I think I might just do that. He's currently back at Candlekeep, sporting everything from the 'the practical defense' to 'the cloak of balduran.'
A solo run is a lot less hard than I thought. Then again, reading this thread helped a lot. I never cared for potions or scrolls before this run. Now I'm going broke to make sure there is always the right tool for the job. So thanks for that!
Not sure how the fight against Sarevok will go though. Solo tanking that encounter won't be easy.
Good to see you again btw! Haha, great! Looking forward to reading the tale of Norgath's fellow Dwarf. You're already very far into it... As to tanking Sarevok, I'd be careful with that. The only build I can imagine pulling that off would be a Fighter/Mage with constant Mirror Images (including from scrolls), and a few Stoneskins. I think Boots of Speed plus Oil of Speed plus Beruel's Retort or Prat's Returning Throwing Axe +2 plus strength buffs would give you a better chance. Before that though, there's the Ducal Palace which in my opinion is even harder. You might want to read a bit on strategies people use there.
It gladdens me that my thread has been of help to you. Thanks for telling me so.
More Norgath:
Rather than traveling straight to Imnesvale, Norgath decided to first see to a few nightly tasks he had agreed to perform for Aran Linvail because, conveniently, the sun had just set. The first task consisted in protecting his friend Mook (a smuggler who worked not for Norgath's guildhouse but for the nearby headquarters), so that the lass could do her job without vampiric intervention. A Vampire did show up though, and it instantly slew the poor girl. It only fed Norgath's deep contempt for the foul creatures. This one summoned a Giant Rat swarm before it would fall to Norgath's backstabs and a trap he'd all but forgotten about (that trap had been placed before to see if it would do anything against Xzar's killer). The rats were sturdier than any rat he'd ever laid eyes on, requiring various hits while dealing respectable damage themselves, and they afflicted the Dwarf with a disease that drained his health. Norgath did prevail over the rats, but the experience taught him two things: (1) some of the Vampires had special abilities, and (2) his backstabs were insufficiently damaging for quick disposal of enemies. Both things worried him.
Before he left the sewers he ran into a gang of thugs he decided to ensnare from different angles. Unfortunately two stray Goblins spoilt part of the plan.
The true reason he had traveled to Imnesvale however, were the deaths and disappearances of people in the Umar Hills. Norgath encountered the area infested with Shadows (including canine variants) and Wraiths. The darkness greatly facilitated backstabbing but again the Dwarf found his damage output lacking (both with the Short Sword of Mask, which due to its +4 enchantment should give the best minimum results, and with the Black Cat's Claw, his +2 Ninja-To, a slashing weapon).
Here are screenshots of his Character Record (the red 18 CON is due to the still equipped Claw of Kazgaroth), and his inventory, for an impression of his stats and gear. DI, ST, FT and LP are all maxed at 100, MS is 155 and the other thieving skills are undeveloped.
Also I just finished my solo run, and will eventually right it up. I'll just say that dwarven defenders are amazing when they hit Str25, Dex23 and Con22. Add in magic resistance 75%, fire/electricity 100%, physical damage 55%, AC -8 (with a -20 vs crushing and -12 vs piercing)...he's a tank like no other.
The stats you mention look amazing. The other day you were wondering how Sarevok could be dealt with, but with those stats, especially the 100% physical resistance, you have nothing to worry about. Not sure how long all of that lasts though, probably not long enough to finish off Sarevok?
In the Copper Coronet the siblings told him there was no illithium, and they blamed each other for it. Gorje had failed to dig up any new illithium in the Umar Hills, and Unger had to make the embarrassing confession that their latest shipment had been stolen from right under his nose. The thief: a fellow named Neb. Being unwelcome Duergar, the brothers knew the City Guard would always be against them if they tried to recoup their lost shipment. In a bout of kindness that Norgath didn't expect from a Duergar cousin, Unger informed the Bounty Hunter of Neb's whereabouts, a derelict home in the Bridge District.
Norgath found a couple of buildings that fit that description. The first one he entered had an untidy ground floor but a well-kept sarcophagus downstairs. He was quite curious to take a peek, but decided to go after Neb first. He found the strange-looking lad, too rugged to be a Gnome and too diminutive to be a Dwarf, in a nearby house - surrounded by hostile child spirits. Norgath told Neb to hand him the illithium, but Neb wasn't willing to cooperate. The Bounty Hunter then went invisible and took out Neb with a backstab using his Staff of Striking. The child spirits thanked him, and then disappeared.
When he went back to the first building he had visited, he found an asnwer to his question: yes, he would probably get an upgraded Mace of Disruption or Azuredge Axe crafted at some point. The sarcophagus contained an Elemental Lich, a powerful undead creature. Norgath's deep-rooted loathing of undead creatures was immediately rekindled. The Dwarf's first reaction upon seeing the creature rise, was to give it a good smack with his staff.
Anyway the Dwarf made for the sewers beneath the Temple District to see if he could learn more about a cult of the 'Unseeing Eye', a lucrative commission from the Temple of Helm. In the sewers he dispatched a Sea Troll and, with Kitthix, a Rakshasa.
He then entered an older tunnel that led him past more undead creatures: Shades, Hell Hounds, and Vampiric Mists. He dealt with them using backstabs and traps, but couldn't prevent one of the mists from level-draining him.
He took a key to enter the catacombs, and to his surprise he stumbled upon a second sarcophagus, identical to the one that had contained the Elemental Lich. A bystander, a former Unseeing Eye cultist, begged the Dwarf not to open the sarcophagus because it contained a great evil. Norgath ignored the man's wish but not his warning nor his prior experience with the Elemental Lich. Norgath placed his (regular thief) traps before removing the lid from the sarcophagus. That proved to be a wise decision: a backstab and the traps finished the Lich, a Shade variant, quite nicely.
The former Gaal cultist, Sassar he called himself, was impressed with Norgath's effective disposal of the Shade Lich, and asked the Bounty Hunter for help. The Dwarf was to assemble two parts of the rod, not just the part that Gaal wanted, and with it slay the Unseeing Eye, an Elder Orb. Norgath decided to take some time to think about it all. He had no experience dealing with Beholders and their ilk; all he knew was that these were dangerous creatures.
He returned to his guildhall to receive updates on the performances of his thieves. Lathan had some very good news: new recruits were on their way from Baldur's Gate no less. Among them were his former partner Narlen Darkwalk with whom he had "visited many a neighbor" back in the Gate, and his friend Black Lily the racy fence with whom he'd had a good relationship as well.
Pleased with these reinforcements Norgath went to see if it were possible to buy or otherwise appropriate an abandoned property right next to his guildhouse in order to expand his hall and to be able to accommodate more thieves. The building turned out to be inhabited by Battle Horrors, creatures that Norgath has successfully fought before. It was no different this time. Downstairs, Norgath found yet another sarcopagus like the two that had contained the Liches. It was as if the Gods had wanted him to find these coffins. He removed the lid and met Kangaxx the Lich who requested him to give him the bones he would find in the other coffins that had contained the other Liches. Norgath humored the Lich in hopes of receiving a powerful item for his effort, but was rewarded with the Lich's wrath. (Importantly, SCS Kangaxx doesn't throw Imprisonments at its foes, but rather uses a large number of high level spells to try and prevail over his attackers, such as Fiends, ADHWs, Time Stops, PW Kill, Symbol Death etc. It does have its Trap the Soul (imprisonment) ability but uses it only on summons or even innocents. Norgath has really good saves, for example a -6 vs Spells, so the biggest threats to him would be damaging spells and summoned damage dealers.) Like he had done with the Elemental Lich, Norgath played hide and seek with Kangaxx the Lich in order to provoke his opponent into wasting his spells. Norgath failed to avoid Kangaxx' first spell, a Time Stop.