Scripts aren't perfect, but that Irencius is pretty beastly, so imo you did fine. It would be pretty sucky if you wee killed off by Irenicus there, so glad it worked out as it did!
Norgath left Suldanessalar after being thanked by Queen Ellesime and the Elves for saving their community. He went on to travel through the vast Forest of Tethyr in a southerly direction. He rested in the Grove of the Ancients, and listened to a number of cryptic prophecies from talking stone heads until his keen ears heard an adventuring party approach. The Dwarf set some of his Spike traps just in case they wouldn't be friendly. That turned out to be a wise decision. The party was led by a female Bhaalspawn who had made it her business to hunt and kill other Bhaalspawn, including himself. She was accompanied by wizards and fighters. Norgath hates fighting multiple enemies in relatively cramped spaces (which is why ToB is going to be hard for him, or to be more sincere: for Blackraven). He retreated to the point where he had set his traps, and was relieved to see Ilasera (his main concern) follow him. The traps dealt serious damage, but they didn't kill his foe. Nevertheless they gave the Bounty Hunter a good headstart in his melee dealings with the female, and after heavy blows had been dealt on both sides, he prevailed.
Norgath then wanted to see what Ilasera's followers were up to, but found himself transported away to a hellish pocketplane, a creation of his own mind in Bhaal's realm. There the Dwarf met a Solar and Saravok's spectre which he brought back to the world of the living by giving it a small part of his soul in return for information. He also got his second Imp pet (next to his trusty familiar), Cespenar, who upgraded a couple of weapons for Norgath: his elemental staves were merged into a Staff of Elemental Mastery (fewer but stronger summons, higher enchantment), Haer'Dalis' short swords were upgraded, mostly for Creeping Chaos, and so was the Short Sword of Backstabbing.
(Speaking of Imps, I experimented with releasing and picking up Norgath's Imp familiar and had no problems there in spite of the fact that the Hell Trials saw Norgath's alignment changed from LE to LN.) In his pocketplane he had to face a challenge: killing a stream of increasingly powerful creatures. This part was extremely laggy, with the screen freezing for seconds at various times. I allowed myself a reload when after one of the lags Norgath suddenly saw himself surrounded by Bodhi and Sarevok (who hadn't been there before) and Ogre Magi, with no means of escape. The second time Norgath went through the fight, there were lags as well, but they didn't affect gameplay as much. At any rate, Wand of Cloudkill charges killed off everything but the strongest enemies: Sarevok, Bodhi and Irenicus apparitions. Norgath first felled hasted Bodhi in melee (generously chugging potions of extra healing in the process). Sarevok's movement rate was much lower, so he was much easier to fight. He was slain with hit and run tactics.
Irenicus, finally, was as soft on Norgath as he had been in the past. Inexplicably he cast unimpressive spells like Remove Magic or Sphere of Chaos at Norgath, but when the Dwarf called forth his Horn of Valhalla Berserk Warior, the wizard somehow thought a Comet an appropriate measure against the summon. I really fail to see why he didn't drop the Comet on Norgath. The Dwarf dispelled the wizard's protections with his prized SotM (what a fantastic weapon!), before finishing him off with his speed weapons.
Sarevok explained to Norgath that he had to go to the town of Saradush, north of the Forest of Mir, because it was there that Alaundo's prophecies appeared to be unfolding. The town was besieged by Fire Giants led by a Bhaalspawn Fire Giant named Yaga-Shura. Within its walls many more Bhaalspawn had gathere, and the ruler over the town was a Bhaalspawn as well, a Half-Orc named Gromnir Il-Khan. Upon arrival Norgath slew a number of Gromnir's needlessly hostile soldiers. He then retrieved a stolen spellbook for a wizard (who gained little from it, as he would soon find lots of spells missing, stolen by Norgath). He also made an evil merchant pay with his life for kidnapping, blackmailing and framing innocent people.
From a Priestess of Waukeen the Dwarf received a key that would take the Dwarf through the prison into Gromnir's Palace. And he bought from her a Ring of Animal Friendship that Cespenar used to upgrade the Staff of the Woodlands; the Imp also fused the Bone Club and the Gnasher into a new Club +4 Fulcrum (which was unintended because Norgath had wanted to Blackblood and Gnasher fused into a Club +5 Pitchwife).
Norgath now has a great collection of weapons but being a solo adventurer he can only use one or two at a time... In the prison Norgath encountered and slew numerous Vampires including an Elder or Ancient variant.
There were also many guards, but they never saw Norgath sneaking past them.
He reached Gromnir's Palace, the first level of which was heavily guarded. The Dwarf took out a battle mage with a Staff of Striking backstab, and used the same tactics against the remaining guards.
Norgath's prevalence over these guards marks Blackraven's most successful SCS no-reload run to date, besting his attempt wiith Thani who fell in this fight due to some very unfocused playing. (Thani had completed two levels of Watcher's Keep though, while Norgath hasn't even entered the Keep. So it could be argued that Norgath hasn't surpassed Thani yet. Nevertheless plotwise, Norgath is now Blackraven's most advanced no-reload character.) Upstairs there was even more resistance: two battle mages and a wizard called Karun the Black, an Orog priest curiously named Halbazzer Drin, a couple of ranged and melee warriors, a hasted rogue Eler Had, and of course Gromnir himself, accompanied by a fell cat named Ramazith. Besides, the casters would summon no less than seven Skeleton Warriors to their side. The room was much too confined and crowded for Norgath to be able to set his traps, and the opposition was way to powerful to be fought in a straight fight. So the Dwarf saw two options: summons or stealth (and lots of patience). He took the stealth route. Gromnir was the only one to see through Norgath's SotM-invisibility, but the Dwarf could easily outrun the Half-Orc thanks to Boots of Speed and oils of speed whenever the warrior whirlwinded. Thus Norgath set to gradually thinning the opposition's ranks. Karun the Black and the battle mages (after a couple of SotM dispels), Eler Had, Halbazzer Drin: they all fell to Norgath's vicious surprise attacks.
He would also strike Gromnir time and again with his SotM.
When the battlefield had become more manageable, Norgath revealed himself on one side of the room, provoking the remaining foes to attack him there, until the Dwarf went invisible again. He then hasted to the opposite side of the room, where he placed a Time trap.
Being the only one to see through Norgath's invisibility, it was Gromnir Il-Khan who followed Norgath and triggered the Time trap. The Dwarf then equipped Daystar in the main hand and the Scarlet Ninja-To in the off hand, activated Assassination and within the duration of the Time Stop he finished the Half-Orc (who had already been injured from previous SotM surprise attacks).
A woman named Melissan teleported in, surprisingly because she was supposed to have been imprisoned by Gromnir who had distrusted her. Like Gromnir Norgath didn't trust the woman, but he nevertheless decided to follow her leads to places where Yaga-Shura the invincible Bhaalspawn Fire Giant could be weakened, so that he could be slain.
Thanks @Gotural, it's becoming quite thrilling for me now, with Norgath so close to completion of the trilogy. I'm aware though that the last hurdles are also the biggest by far. So close and yet so far away...
Norgath rested at his pocketplane and then traveled to the Forest of Mir in search of clues about Yaga-Shura's invincibility and possible ways to undo it. On his way he had his elemental summons deal with some of Yaga-Shura's soldiers.
It saved a merchant from certain death. The Dwarf took many valuable scrolls, potions and items as payment for his good deed. In the Forest of Mir he was greeted by different types of undead creatures, including a Master Wraith disguised as a resentful Gorion. Norgath used Sunrays against the creatures, to great effect. The damage he inflicted on one of them, a Devil Shade, was astonishing (possibly breaking another of Blackraven's personal records):
The Master Wraith fell to SotM dispels and Daystar combined with Scarlet Ninja-To attacks.
A Skeleton Mage seemed to be alarmed by the commotion. It approached and time-stopped stealthy Norgath but did little to upset the Dwarf otherwise. Norgath retreated and dealt with the creature using Maze and damage traps.
He then ventured deeper into the woods, bypassing more hostile undead thanks to SotM-invisibility, until he met Yaga-Shura's foster mother Nyalee. She sent him to the Marching Mountains to retrieve the Fire Giant's heart and hers, needed for the woman to break her foster son's invincibility. In the Marching Mountains Norgath found Yaga-Shura's lair. The Bhaalspawn himself wasn't there - he was at the Siege Camp just outside Saradush, but he had many powerful creatures guarding his stronghold. On a first level Norgath encountered Lizard creatures, Fire Trolls, a Bone Fiend, an Erinyes, Burning Men, Fire Giants, a Fire Lich, Efreetis, and a Flaming Skull. Many of said creatures, though thankfully not the Fire Giants (the most plentiful of the Dwarf's foes), saw through Norgath's invisibility and made placing snares practically impossible. The Bounty Hunter had no business with any of these creatures, so he couldn't really be bothered with risking his neck against them. Norgath therefore opted for a stealth-based approach, much like he had done in Gromnir's Palace. It resulted in an exciting experience for both Norgath and Blackraven, as there were various narrow stairs and passages that could easily get the Dwarf blocked by the bulky hard-hitting Giants and the many other creatures that roamed about and saw through his invisibility. So it was not without difficulty that the dexterous Dwarf assembled four wardstones that gave him access to the second level.
On his way up to the second level Norgath got what he had coming with his elusive antics: he found himself stuck between Fire Giants and Fire Trolls. The Dwarf got free by summoning his Djinni at the top of the stairway and going invisible again with his SotM. The Fire Trolls' hits were taken while the Giants went after the Djinni, creating some room to manoeuver for the Dwarf.
The second level housed more Giants and creatures of fire, including Brimstone, a Dragon, and Imix, a Prince of Fire. It didn't change the Dwarf's strategy: he zizagged his way past the opposition, retrieved the two hearts, and (barely) slipped past the creatures again, back to safety.
He returned to the Forest of Mir where Nyalee used her druidic sorcery to undo Yaga-Shura's invincibility, only to regret her action moments later. She attacked Norgath but proved herself unprepared for his traps.
The Bounty Hunter relaxed for a bit at his pocketplane, and then traveled to the Siege Camp. As before, Norgath had little interest in battling Yaga-Shura's cronies; his fellow Bhaalspawn was his quarry. Again, SotM-invisbility proved extremely useful. None of those present noticed the invisible Dwarf except Yaga-Shura himself. Norgath knew he wasn't as strong or hardy as his foe, so he prefered not having to fight the Giant in straight combat. Besides he was sure that such an approach would result in the minions joining the fray to help their master. He therefore decided to set as many damaging snares as possible at an unguarded point, and to use SotM-invisibility to lure the brute toward them. His first attempt failed as the snares were triggered by a Lieutenant warrior.
Several more attempts were just as fruitless: there always seemed to be some stray goon or even a summon around to sacrifice their life for their commander. Norgath is a patient and headstrong Dwarf though. Eventually, a number of traps, including a time trap that allowed for an Improved Haste plus Assassination assault with the Fulcrum Club and Scarlet Ninja-To, brought Yaga-Shura to the brink of death, and said weapons' intermittent poison/acid damage did the Giant in.
Ok sadly the second pocketplane challenge has just ended Norgath's run. In it he had to fight Sarevok, Angelo, Semaj, Tamoko and an evil version of himself. Traps set at the entrance point injured both faux Norgath and Angelo, but killed neither.
Faux Norgath saw through invisibility, and he had potions of speed and whirlwinds that combined with his boots of speed made him lighting fast. Real Norgath quaffed a potion of speed as well to avoid most of his clones' whirlwind strikes. He survived his clone's whirlwind, and seemed to manage reasonably well, but when he tried to restore his health with a Rod of Resurrection, the heal simply took too long (in spite of Norgath having a clean aura). He suffered various hits in the process, not just from faux Norgath but also from others, as using the Rod made the Dwarf visible. His health got dangerously low when finally the RoR flower animation appeared, but somehow it was too late. One of his foes must have managed to land a good hit before the Bounty Hunter's health was actually restored.
Well at least it's comforting to see that even at this stage of the game I'm capable of providing a relatively anti-climactic end to an otherwise highly enjoyable (and for me successful) playthrough.
Well done Blackraven, getting that far is very impressive and even though you didn't get to the end, you've made us remember Norgath and i'm sure that the next time you try, you'll get all the way. Hats of to you @Blackraven
There was a variable global for scs, that prevents enemies going melee-crazy in their time stops. Maybe you have it active? This affects slayer Irenicus and Big girl M at the very end. Normally, they obliterate anyone with their devastating melee attacks in their own time stops, they go for the pc, ignoring summons and npcs. They are a force to be feared.
Only way to survive such an assault is protection from magic weapons or hardiness+armor of faith+defender of easthaven combo with a big hit point pool. Or, I understand Irenicus can't detect invisible, that's another way too. Big M will see through invisibility, ofcourse. Hitting bhaalspawn special ability 'focus' to be temporarily immune to time stop, in the ascension battle, is a way to survive as well.
@Nimran, @semiticgod, @SionIV, @Tidus, @kcwise, @Dreadkhan, @Wowo, @Elrandir, @bengoshi, @lunar, thanks for your sympathies and words. Norgath's fall saddened me a bit more than Thani's (my Wizard Slayer and only other no-reload solo character to make it into ToB), because I really enjoyed the character and the kit. Before I started this playthorugh I said I considered the Bounty Hunter to be my favorite kit, and Norgath's run has only confirmed this.
It seems I'm getting closer to completion of a no-reload run, and I think that if I'm ever to pull it off it would be now (rather than giving up and getting rusty again on the game). Therefore I'm inclined to try and take (at least) one more character into ToB.
I would try again with Norgath, but I want to give him a break first, so I'm thinking of a fun and competent character for a new solo no-reload challenge. It'll have to be part Thief though, because that's the class I enjoy the most and know best how to play. I'm inclined to go for something a bit more exotic this time to increase the fun factor, and find myself undecided between: - Cleric/Thief (I rolled up and did some playing with a jolly Halfling Battleguard of Tempus/Thief), and - Fighter/Thief (probably kitted as Barbarian - as @Elrandir said, I've made it once into ToB with a warrior and once with a Thief, both Dwarven, so maybe Dwarf Fighter/Thief would be my triumphant Bhaalspawn). Any recommendations?
@lunar, sound advice, thanks. In addition to it, the Cloak of the Sewers deserves mentioning I'd say. Rat form + Defender of Easthaven or Jan's armor = healing upon getting hit. I was going to use it, possibly against Sendai and probably against Melissan. I checked my WEIDU-log but found nothing that suggests Irenicus and Melissan should behave differently during their Time Stops.
@Nimran, @semiticgod, @SionIV, @Tidus, @kcwise, @Dreadkhan, @Wowo, @Elrandir, @bengoshi, @lunar, thanks for your sympathies and words. Norgath's fall saddened me a bit more than Thani's (my Wizard Slayer and only other no-reload solo character to make it into ToB), because I really enjoyed the character and the kit. Before I started this playthorugh I said I considered the Bounty Hunter to be my favorite kit, and Norgath's run has only confirmed this.
It seems I'm getting closer to completion of a no-reload run, and I think that if I'm ever to pull it off it would be now (rather than giving up and getting rusty again on the game). Therefore I'm inclined to try and take (at least) one more character into ToB.
I would try again with Norgath, but I want to give him a break first, so I'm thinking of a fun and competent character for a new solo no-reload challenge. It'll have to be part Thief though, because that's the class I enjoy the most and know best how to play. I'm inclined to go for something a bit more exotic this time to increase the fun factor, and find myself undecided between: - Cleric/Thief (I rolled up and did some playing with a jolly Halfling Battleguard of Tempus/Thief), and - Fighter/Thief (probably kitted as Barbarian - as @Elrandir said, I've made it once into ToB with a warrior and once with a Thief, both Dwarven, so maybe Dwarf Fighter/Thief would be my triumphant Bhaalspawn). Any recommendations?
@lunar, sound advice, thanks. In addition to it, the Cloak of the Sewers deserves mentioning I'd say. Rat form + Defender of Easthaven or Jan's armor = healing upon getting hit. I was going to use it, possibly against Sendai and probably against Melissan. I checked my WEIDU-log but found nothing that suggests Irenicus and Melissan should behave differently during their Time Stops.
Go for the C/T. It's a unique, fun and very powerful combination. Pick the Half-Orc and you'll be in for a game like none you've played before.
a barbarian(or berserker)/thief sounds fun! also, between dwarven vigor and his/her skill set it's going to be really tough to bring down...
@Tidus, I like the concept, but don't you think it might actually be too tough to bring him down?
Jan's Armor (25) + Innate Barbarian physical resistance (20) + Defender of Easthaven (20) + Hardiness (40) basically means 105 physical reistance in all battles. Magic Resistance could also be brought to 100 with Human Flesh (20) plus innate (Hell trial, 10) plus Amulet of Seldarine (10) plus Ring of Gaxx (10) plus Carsomyr (50). And with Dwarven saves most spells wouldn't affect the character anyway... It leaves only vulnerability to elemental damage.
Unkitted Fighter/Thief would probably be fairer (and would be in accordance with the rules as well).
@Blackraven , well if you put it like that... fact is, I hardly metagame a character... much less equipment! so it's rare for me to think and an end-game 'almightiness'...
what I had in mind was more a rogue-oriented character who would mainly rely on stealth and cunning but got a really short-tempered nature and sometimes raged him/herself out of shadows hurling axes around... you know, just for the fun or it! [note that I picture Game of Thrones' Tyrion Lannister while writing this description and keep giggling for no real reason]
I'm probably alone in my thinking when it comes to this, but do you really want to play a F/T? It's the same thing as with a pure class thief, you're just better in combat. You'll still end up backstabing, setting traps and fooling around with use any item. I would find it incredible boring, especially after playing a bounty hunter which has more unique stuff to do while in combat.
I'm still going to say C/T on this one. If you want to you can use armor of faith with Jans armor and defender of easthaven, but you also got many tools in the divine spellbook. Sanctuary (and backstab with it too), summoning creatures, buffing yourself up, devas, turn undead will make you laugh as you walk through bodhis lair while blowing up everyone.
We're talking about a 5 page childrens book (F/T) and a crime novel (C/T) when it comes to interesting abilities in combat.
@Tidus, that sounds awesome. I like the idea of an axe-wielding Barbarian rogue, though a bit more fearsome than ol' Tyrion. @SionIV, you're not alone in this. Thieves are my favorite class, followed by clerics, so I should have a blast with young Finbar. I went with a Halfling (instead of Half-Orc as you suggested); the portrait was decisive.
As sad as it is to see Norgath’s bold attempt cut short, it is good to know that from his ashes will spawn yet another bhaalspawn from Blackraven’s fertile imagination. How sweet it will be when, one day, that yet unknown hero stands triumphant to take his place among the gods.
Thanks for sharing your emotions and tactics!
Norgath left Suldanessalar after being thanked by Queen Ellesime and the Elves for saving their community. He went on to travel through the vast Forest of Tethyr in a southerly direction. He rested in the Grove of the Ancients, and listened to a number of cryptic prophecies from talking stone heads until his keen ears heard an adventuring party approach. The Dwarf set some of his Spike traps just in case they wouldn't be friendly. That turned out to be a wise decision. The party was led by a female Bhaalspawn who had made it her business to hunt and kill other Bhaalspawn, including himself. She was accompanied by wizards and fighters.
Norgath hates fighting multiple enemies in relatively cramped spaces (which is why ToB is going to be hard for him, or to be more sincere: for Blackraven). He retreated to the point where he had set his traps, and was relieved to see Ilasera (his main concern) follow him. The traps dealt serious damage, but they didn't kill his foe. Nevertheless they gave the Bounty Hunter a good headstart in his melee dealings with the female, and after heavy blows had been dealt on both sides, he prevailed.
In his pocketplane he had to face a challenge: killing a stream of increasingly powerful creatures. This part was extremely laggy, with the screen freezing for seconds at various times. I allowed myself a reload when after one of the lags Norgath suddenly saw himself surrounded by Bodhi and Sarevok (who hadn't been there before) and Ogre Magi, with no means of escape.
The second time Norgath went through the fight, there were lags as well, but they didn't affect gameplay as much. At any rate, Wand of Cloudkill charges killed off everything but the strongest enemies: Sarevok, Bodhi and Irenicus apparitions. Norgath first felled hasted Bodhi in melee (generously chugging potions of extra healing in the process). Sarevok's movement rate was much lower, so he was much easier to fight. He was slain with hit and run tactics.
The town was besieged by Fire Giants led by a Bhaalspawn Fire Giant named Yaga-Shura. Within its walls many more Bhaalspawn had gathere, and the ruler over the town was a Bhaalspawn as well, a Half-Orc named Gromnir Il-Khan. Upon arrival Norgath slew a number of Gromnir's needlessly hostile soldiers. He then retrieved a stolen spellbook for a wizard (who gained little from it, as he would soon find lots of spells missing, stolen by Norgath). He also made an evil merchant pay with his life for kidnapping, blackmailing and framing innocent people.
In the prison Norgath encountered and slew numerous Vampires including an Elder or Ancient variant.
Upstairs there was even more resistance: two battle mages and a wizard called Karun the Black, an Orog
priest curiously named Halbazzer Drin, a couple of ranged and melee warriors, a hasted rogue Eler Had, and of course Gromnir himself, accompanied by a fell cat named Ramazith. Besides, the casters would summon no less than seven Skeleton Warriors to their side. The room was much too confined and crowded for Norgath to be able to set his traps, and the opposition was way to powerful to be fought in a straight fight. So the Dwarf saw two options: summons or stealth (and lots of patience). He took the stealth route. Gromnir was the only one to see through Norgath's SotM-invisibility, but the Dwarf could easily outrun the Half-Orc thanks to Boots of Speed and oils of speed whenever the warrior whirlwinded. Thus Norgath set to gradually thinning the opposition's ranks. Karun the Black and the battle mages (after a couple of SotM dispels), Eler Had, Halbazzer Drin: they all fell to Norgath's vicious surprise attacks.
Norgath rested at his pocketplane and then traveled to the Forest of Mir in search of clues about Yaga-Shura's invincibility and possible ways to undo it. On his way he had his elemental summons deal with some of Yaga-Shura's soldiers.
In the Forest of Mir he was greeted by different types of undead creatures, including a Master Wraith disguised as a resentful Gorion. Norgath used Sunrays against the creatures, to great effect. The damage he inflicted on one of them, a Devil Shade, was astonishing (possibly breaking another of Blackraven's personal records):
In the Marching Mountains Norgath found Yaga-Shura's lair. The Bhaalspawn himself wasn't there - he was at the Siege Camp just outside Saradush, but he had many powerful creatures guarding his stronghold. On a first level Norgath encountered Lizard creatures, Fire Trolls, a Bone Fiend, an Erinyes, Burning Men, Fire Giants, a Fire Lich, Efreetis, and a Flaming Skull. Many of said creatures, though thankfully not the Fire Giants (the most plentiful of the Dwarf's foes), saw through Norgath's invisibility and made placing snares practically impossible. The Bounty Hunter had no business with any of these creatures, so he couldn't really be bothered with risking his neck against them. Norgath therefore opted for a stealth-based approach, much like he had done in Gromnir's Palace. It resulted in an exciting experience for both Norgath and Blackraven, as there were various narrow stairs and passages that could easily get the Dwarf blocked by the bulky hard-hitting Giants and the many other creatures that roamed about and saw through his invisibility. So it was not without difficulty that the dexterous Dwarf assembled four wardstones that gave him access to the second level.
Again, SotM-invisbility proved extremely useful. None of those present noticed the invisible Dwarf except Yaga-Shura himself. Norgath knew he wasn't as strong or hardy as his foe, so he prefered not having to fight the Giant in straight combat. Besides he was sure that such an approach would result in the minions joining the fray to help their master. He therefore decided to set as many damaging snares as possible at an unguarded point, and to use SotM-invisibility to lure the brute toward them. His first attempt failed as the snares were triggered by a Lieutenant warrior.
He survived his clone's whirlwind, and seemed to manage reasonably well, but when he tried to restore his health with a Rod of Resurrection, the heal simply took too long (in spite of Norgath having a clean aura). He suffered various hits in the process, not just from faux Norgath but also from others, as using the Rod made the Dwarf visible. His health got dangerously low when finally the RoR flower animation appeared, but somehow it was too late. One of his foes must have managed to land a good hit before the Bounty Hunter's health was actually restored.
[kudos on this run, by the way]
You have died. Your deeds of valor will be remembered.
Only way to survive such an assault is protection from magic weapons or hardiness+armor of faith+defender of easthaven combo with a big hit point pool. Or, I understand Irenicus can't detect invisible, that's another way too. Big M will see through invisibility, ofcourse. Hitting bhaalspawn special ability 'focus' to be temporarily immune to time stop, in the ascension battle, is a way to survive as well.
It seems I'm getting closer to completion of a no-reload run, and I think that if I'm ever to pull it off it would be now (rather than giving up and getting rusty again on the game). Therefore I'm inclined to try and take (at least) one more character into ToB.
I would try again with Norgath, but I want to give him a break first, so I'm thinking of a fun and competent character for a new solo no-reload challenge. It'll have to be part Thief though, because that's the class I enjoy the most and know best how to play. I'm inclined to go for something a bit more exotic this time to increase the fun factor, and find myself undecided between:
- Cleric/Thief (I rolled up and did some playing with a jolly Halfling Battleguard of Tempus/Thief), and
- Fighter/Thief (probably kitted as Barbarian - as @Elrandir said, I've made it once into ToB with a warrior and once with a Thief, both Dwarven, so maybe Dwarf Fighter/Thief would be my triumphant Bhaalspawn).
Any recommendations?
@lunar, sound advice, thanks. In addition to it, the Cloak of the Sewers deserves mentioning I'd say. Rat form + Defender of Easthaven or Jan's armor = healing upon getting hit. I was going to use it, possibly against Sendai and probably against Melissan.
I checked my WEIDU-log but found nothing that suggests Irenicus and Melissan should behave differently during their Time Stops.
Jan's Armor (25) + Innate Barbarian physical resistance (20) + Defender of Easthaven (20) + Hardiness (40) basically means 105 physical reistance in all battles.
Magic Resistance could also be brought to 100 with Human Flesh (20) plus innate (Hell trial, 10) plus Amulet of Seldarine (10) plus Ring of Gaxx (10) plus Carsomyr (50). And with Dwarven saves most spells wouldn't affect the character anyway... It leaves only vulnerability to elemental damage.
Unkitted Fighter/Thief would probably be fairer (and would be in accordance with the rules as well).
fact is, I hardly metagame a character... much less equipment! so it's rare for me to think and an end-game 'almightiness'...
what I had in mind was more a rogue-oriented character who would mainly rely on stealth and cunning but got a really short-tempered nature and sometimes raged him/herself out of shadows hurling axes around... you know, just for the fun or it!
[note that I picture Game of Thrones' Tyrion Lannister while writing this description and keep giggling for no real reason]
I'm still going to say C/T on this one. If you want to you can use armor of faith with Jans armor and defender of easthaven, but you also got many tools in the divine spellbook. Sanctuary (and backstab with it too), summoning creatures, buffing yourself up, devas, turn undead will make you laugh as you walk through bodhis lair while blowing up everyone.
We're talking about a 5 page childrens book (F/T) and a crime novel (C/T) when it comes to interesting abilities in combat.
@SionIV, you're not alone in this. Thieves are my favorite class, followed by clerics, so I should have a blast with young Finbar. I went with a Halfling (instead of Half-Orc as you suggested); the portrait was decisive.
Step 2: He's in the expansion. Woo! Time to see a new dwarven deity.
Step 3: Sadness.