OOC: Sorry, I was trying to be ironic. I just thought it was funny that the only spell we've got is probably the least useful in the current situation since it doesn't much matter whether the guy is evil or not when he is already slaughtering the party.
OOC: yep. Run! We could try the "heal it to damage it route" but something tells me we need those healing spells. If Minsc and Arkanis can drag Tiax and Edwin, that'd be great.
OOC: It's late here and I'm heading to bed. If we win initiative Alora will try to spike the door unless you prefer trying to web the knight. If he keeps following I vote we keep running and each time we get to a new door I will attempt to spike it if we win initiative.
I don't know who is carrying the holy water but if she can get hold of a vial she will throw it at the demon knight.
Minion, roll 1d20 for Alora's holy water splash
OOC: If we get initiative can we run out of the doorway and attempt to web the knight there?
Minion, roll 1d20 for Hold Person.
Minion, roll 1d20 for hopeless attack
Minion, roll 1d10 for figure init
Minion, roll 1d20 for party init
Minion, roll 1d10 for party init
Minion, roll 1d20 for Figure attack
Minion, roll 1d6 for target
OOC: Alternatively we can retreat out of the room and if we get initiative I can try to spike the door shut.
Minion, roll 1d20 for Spear +1 attack
Good luck. I think you are going to need it.
Minion, roll 1d10 for party init
Minion, roll 1d10 for figure init