I have! The next big thing is cider. I think when the beer hype cools down a bit, which it acutally already have in my country Sweden, the next thing ppl will obsess about will be cider. They will also start their own home cider breweries etc. Remember where you read it first, folks!
I'm not sure. I normally go full Hobbit or with this modern latin american sandals that I can't find a name for in english, unless 1) it's very, very cold 2) it's raining too hard 3) I ought to have shoes for what/where I am going to do/go.
False, I don't work and never did so in the past (I finished high school in 2016 o.0), so no. And actually I never had that happen to me really (probably because it was what I was expecting).
The next poster hates running into shocking images on the internet and even browses Wikipedia without images.
False, I have a very standard "there's never a wrong time for telling Hitler jokes" kind of humour. Though I do tend to laugh when children fall or hurt themselves (lightly), but I think that's just because I am not a parent yet.
The next poster is of course wearing a tie, 'tis friday after all.
The Undertale thing was a jab about how a certain portion of Undertale fanart is hideously inappropriate. It's a long-running joke in the community that if you look too long you'll see something weird. I was going to post more pictures but some of them had some non-PG-13 language in them.
1942, Hitlers car turns a corner and hits the butchers dog. The driver stops at the butchers shop, walks in, and says: "Heil Hitler! The dog is dead." Says the butcher: "Well it's about time isn't it!"
The next poster is watching their favourite tv show.
The next poster recently discovered the next big thing.
The next poster is a sucker for licorice.
The next poster likes seeing people wearing snow white socks.
The next poster refuse to wear socks.
The next poster is drunk.
The next poster has worn a sombrero.
The next poster thought I was either European or a girl at least once in the past.
The next poster
is a European female.has been a Eurapean female at least once in the past.The next poster will describe in detail their last excretion of fecal matter.
The next poster knows all about how fecal matter could be the solution for the global warming problem.
The next poster has googled something innocent on their work computer and by mistake got something really nasty on screen.
The next poster hates running into shocking images on the internet and even browses Wikipedia without images.
The next poster is giving me a weird look.
Edit: *Oriny = irony. My brain and my fingers don't always communicate so well.
The next poster understood Semi's post above.
The next poster likes to think they have quite a unique sense of humour.
The next poster is of course wearing a tie, 'tis friday after all.
The Undertale thing was a jab about how a certain portion of Undertale fanart is hideously inappropriate. It's a long-running joke in the community that if you look too long you'll see something weird. I was going to post more pictures but some of them had some non-PG-13 language in them.
The next poster will tell a Hitler joke.
The next poster has never made a mistake in their whole life. Ever.
The next poster is going to make a mistake. 100%.
Next poster is wearing a tie.
The next poster is bricking themself over what might happen in the future.
The next poster is a ferreteer.
The next poster likes... broccoli...
The next poster remembers Troy McClure from at least one film he has appeared in.
The next poster disapproves of the continuous wars that take place on the forum
Next poster wants a