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Guess Facts about the Next Poster



  • BGLoverBGLover Member Posts: 550
    False. I remember.

    The next poster wonders where time goes.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    False. I know where it goes... But I'm not gonna tell ya!

    The next poster knows the secret location of Time.
  • GenderNihilismGirdleGenderNihilismGirdle Member Posts: 1,353

    The next poster will never wrest the secret location of Time from me!
  • TheElfTheElf Member Posts: 798
    False. Time is space. Space is time. And your mind is blown.

    The next poster is a secret fan of Twilight.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    No. Just no.... I won't even elaborate about what I think of the sparkling vampires...

    The next poster loves a book series that is actually good.
  • profanitywarningprofanitywarning Member Posts: 294
    True. If the Birthgrave Trilogy counts. And the Storm Lord Trilogy.

    The next poster knows who the author is.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    The next poster does tho.
  • GenderNihilismGirdleGenderNihilismGirdle Member Posts: 1,353
    False, but I know that some actually good speculative fiction book series are a) the Prince of Nothing/Aspect-Emperor series of fantasy novels by R. Scott Bakker and b) the Dune series of sci-fi novels (Frank Herbert-penned only, not his son's stuff with KJA that reads like fanfiction).

    The next poster, if they've read Dune at all, have only read the first book (idk why but this is a very common thing, and God-Emperor is the best in the series which is 4 deep so a lot of people are missing out big time tbqh).
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    False, I've only seen the movie (like 15 times). I would actually like to read the novels, now that you mention them, maybe I should get them. That's actually a very good idea now that I've started reading regularly again (commuting = reading).

    The next poster thinks Zimmer does the best epic music.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    False, that's Bach, but i like Hans Zimmer too.

    The next poster share their favourite poem with us.
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156

    Now weary traveler rest your head,
    For just like me you're utterly dead.

    The next poster has a pet.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    Nope, but I´d like one. Or more.

    The next person has pet sounds.
  • TheElfTheElf Member Posts: 798
    The album? True.

    The next poster would like a pet but doesn't have one.
  • GenderNihilismGirdleGenderNihilismGirdle Member Posts: 1,353
    False and True, I don't want a pet and I don't have one.

    The next poster has another poem worth sharing!
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Somehow we had lost our way, the only thing we’d known.
    We’re laughing in the shadows-where-we-once-had-called-our-home.

    A horde of little creatures weeping, creeping in the briars—
    (Those who claim they know my name, the light that burns within)
    They whet the flame that soon became the burning iron spires.
    Mires drank the towers sank the cowards we had been.

    And will we rise again?
    Is there a life beyond our own?
    And will a world begin
    When we are dust and ash and bone?

    And do you know I’ve seen our fate behind the dusty curtain?
    Do you know I hold the lovely world inside my head?
    And who will gently carry all my weak and weary burdens?
    Who will keep the world alive when I am cold and dead?

    And what will happen when I die? Will I become anew?
    Or will I see the mountains in the sky forever turning?
    Will the people change into the strangest kind we knew?
    Or will I see in darkest skies the blue coyote burning?

    Though I run I hold the world inside my tired mind,
    For in my sleep I pull the chain that drags along the sun,
    And often hear beyond the void where voices left behind,
    The shadows mutter underneath collapsing-into-one.

    It’s only in my weary head.
    The world is just a dream.

    (I'm going to put this in a book somewhere, but I haven't decided which one)

    The next poster would like to share a "yo mama" joke.
  • TheElfTheElf Member Posts: 798
    I'm not saying yo mama is stupid, but it takes her two hours to watch 60 Minutes.

    Next poster is procrastinating something right now.
  • profanitywarningprofanitywarning Member Posts: 294
    False. I'll do my procrastrinating tomorrow. If I can find the time.

    The next poster does not believe in time.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    edited January 2017
    True. Time is one of the worst magazines on the planet.

    The next poster likes nonsweet sweets.
  • GenderNihilismGirdleGenderNihilismGirdle Member Posts: 1,353
    True, I also like nonsalty salty foods.

    The next poster likes nonexistent existence.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I don't believe in paradoxes.

    The next poster likes the politics thread.
  • GenderNihilismGirdleGenderNihilismGirdle Member Posts: 1,353
    Neither True nor False, through my degree in Political Science and through many experiences with people willfully ignorant of the fine distinctions between ideologies on the internet over the years I've learned to avoid any forum's One Forum Politics Thread (That In The Darkness Binds Users).

    Besides, I get political enough on just random threads on here to get my fill lmao

    The next poster gets easily absorbed in politics.
  • profanitywarningprofanitywarning Member Posts: 294

    The next poster avoids discussing politics, and avoids discussing discussing politics. And avoids thinking about discussing discussing politics.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    False. It should be renamed "USA politics thread", because it's what it is right now :p

    The next poster has an actually good idea of what I should have guessed about him.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352

    The next poster very recently ate a mango. It was ripe and juicy and tasted marvelous.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870

    The next poster very recently was eaten. They were ripe and juicy and tasted marvelous.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    True. I ate a ripe and juicy pizza, and it tasted marvelous.

    The next poster share their self made video with us.
  • GenderNihilismGirdleGenderNihilismGirdle Member Posts: 1,353
    False, the only self made videos I've ever made have me in them from an era before I realized I was trans and I don't like 'em, my USB-charging digital video recorder no longer charges, I don't own a cell phone, and my webcam's broken (or more accurately they don't make new drivers for it anymore because it's super old lol I'm sure it'd work if I plugged it into a computer running XP or Windows 98) so I can't self make one to share either.

    The next poster, unlike me, would be able to wiggle their budget enough to afford fixing one or more of the issues I have above in my place lmao
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    True, I've earned and saved enough to never have any issues with my economy. But then again, I'm not really a spender anyways, so I put most coins on the hoard.

    The next poster has never been in Russia.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    True, plenty.

    The next poster will post their favorite Monty Python sketch.
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