False, False, and False. And although the first of those questions is now undeniably true, the latter two will remain false for a very long time to come!
The next poster has heard of Lawrence Richard Walters.
The next poster is totally not at all thinking of a Saturday morning cartoon show called "The Buttery Biscuits" sort of like the Gummi Bear TV show and their HQ is the Buttery Biscuit Base.
Not really, unless combining bits and pieces from many different diets can be called to have a unique dietary habit. I just try to avoid all the stupid shit people eat and stay healthy. I couldn't care less about the fat hysteria from the past though and I don't believe in calorie counting since I think 1 calorie is not equal to 1 calorie. Now that I work out 4-5 times per week again, I have started to add in a lot more carbs again, so instead of eating maybe one quarter to a third of pure carbs (like pasta or whatever), I now eat maybe half again. Then I eat mostly veggies for the rest with some minor fish or meat on the side on occasion.
I am one of those people who has always been able to eat whatever, whenever, and never really gain weight. Even now at the age of 35, I still eat an ungodly amount of food and often measure my food intake in kilos rather than in calories. So a good lunch is about 0,8-1 kilo of food with slightly less for dinner.
The next poster also measures their food intake in weight.
Yup. Though honestly I'd be terrible at any adventuring proffession. I'd probably be a farmer or maybe work in a tavern somewhere. I think the best I'd manage would be the illegitimate sprog of some minor noble who is taken care of but kind of ignored.
The next poster would also be hopless as an adventurer.
I thought I had no allergies. Then I noticed a correlation between nuzzling kittens' bellies and sneezing for hours afterwards. Turns out I can't tolerate cats. Very sad.
The next poster is currently nuzzling a warm fuzzy cat. Or perhaps a very tiny rhinoceros.
False, but I'm def more of a cat person than a dog person, even tho I love doggos.
The next poster found it just as amusing as me that @wubble said "False" to my earlier "next poster" since it implies they were thinking exactly what I typed out lmao
also thanks a lot @wubble for getting that stuck in my head forever now
The next poster knows if this counts or not.
The next poster is going to travel abroad soon.
The next poster also hates any type of transport that isn't walking (all the others give Crevs aches in head o.0).
The next poster knows about, bought, tasted and liked chocolate wine.
The next poster has heard of Lawrence Richard Walters.
The next poster has heard of buttery biscuit base.
The next poster is totally not at all thinking of a Saturday morning cartoon show called "The Buttery Biscuits" sort of like the Gummi Bear TV show and their HQ is the Buttery Biscuit Base.
The next poster thinks Greg wallace is a legend.
Next poster loves peanut butter.
The next poster prefers other countries foods over that of their home country.
The next poster has a unique dietary habit or preference.
I am one of those people who has always been able to eat whatever, whenever, and never really gain weight. Even now at the age of 35, I still eat an ungodly amount of food and often measure my food intake in kilos rather than in calories. So a good lunch is about 0,8-1 kilo of food with slightly less for dinner.
The next poster also measures their food intake in weight.
The next poster doesn't like paying for stuff, because paying for stuff costs money.
The next poster has a hilarious nickname they want to share with us.
The next poster likes fishsticks.
The next poster has grown tired of a previously favourite food as well.
The next poster has also had gastroenteritis and can sympathize with me.
The next person will tell us their favorite candy bar, if any.
The next person thinks my joke was maybe too harsh.
The next poster's humour is not rated PG13.
The next poster likes his women the way he likes his coffee: ground up and vacuumsealed in small portions.
The next person will continue this journey down the deepest depths of dark humour.
Next poster likes christian country.
The next poster would make for a terrible cleric.
The next poster would also be hopless as an adventurer.
The next poster is blessed to never experience such a thing.
The next poster is currently nuzzling a warm fuzzy cat. Or perhaps a very tiny rhinoceros.
The next poster found it just as amusing as me that @wubble said "False" to my earlier "next poster" since it implies they were thinking exactly what I typed out lmao