True, I've seen them all, I think. The first one was bearable, the rest was not. The second one I remember my GF had to ask me to please shut the f up because I was commenting everything all the time and it's usually the other way around.
The next poster would rather be a werewolf than a vamp if they had to choose.
False. Being a werewolf just sounds messy. Fur, ripped clothes, werewolf-drool... Gross. At least vampires seem somewhat cleanly, all things considered.
Not really. The fact that I'm wracking my brain about my beach visits already seems to indicate it wasn't interesting. I remember finding a really ugly, dark grey, unmemorable broken piece of shell.
Almost. By chance, I figured out how to whistle when I was 16. Until then, I never knew exactly what position my lips had to be in to make the right sound.
I also learned to snap my fingers only when I was 16. Until then, I had made one persistent mistake: I never had my ring finger pressed against my palm. My finger was always held up. When I finally tried snapping my fingers with the ring finger near the base of my thumb, it made a much louder sound.
The next poster thinks technology has made things better in the past 10 years.
Uhm, I have a mixed feeling about technology. In the past months I've been growing apart from technology, and I think it's mostly misused, and that destroys some of the most important cultural aspects, if not all of them (albeit rather slowly). Also, it makes people care more about things that mean *nothing*, and then nobody's chill because they're upset over some random shit. Sucks. Although, the "proper" usage of technology is not only possible but beneficial, but yeah, doing this right is no fun.
The next poster believes we should live in a Rousseau-ic world. No technology, no art, no nothing. Only nature.
That is certainly not the case. I mean, I am happy to use bio-organic stuff when I can, but I'm just as guilty of using plastic packaging as anyone else. Also, price is a motivator, and the part of the country I live in does not stock cheap organic stuff. Unless I am misunderstanding what you mean by "bio-organic," and it's something dumb like "items that contain carbon." In which case... fooey on you. =P
@LordRumfish: It's a reference to Bojack Horseman, where George Clooney is actually Jurj Clooners. The Nazi Who Played Yahtzee is a Jurj Clooners movie.
8 hours per day, basically without fail. Your mind works so much better when it has just the right amount of rest.
Too little sleep weakens your mind, especially your memory. Too much sleep and it can induce fatigue and depression (losing sleep, likewise, has anti-depressant effects). Severely disrupted sleep cycles can even mess with your hormone levels. Sleep is like food: it may seem like a simple, everyday thing, but it has a huge impact on your health.
Sticking to a rigid sleep schedule and getting the right amount of sleep obviates the need for caffeine.
The next poster wants to tell us about how awesome their best friend is.
Too little sleep weakens your mind, especially your memory. Too much sleep and it can induce fatigue and depression (losing sleep, likewise, has anti-depressant effects). Severely disrupted sleep cycles can even mess with your hormone levels. Sleep is like food: it may seem like a simple, everyday thing, but it has a huge impact on your health..
Damn, that explains *everything*... WIZDARDRY!!1!!11!
The next poster definitely is a Wirzdard. I'm not even guessing, he *is* a Widzar.
False, I am wiztard who eats wiztarts. (Hmm.. that was kinda funny in my head but written out it just wasn't as funny.)
The next poster is a gnome Punster - a gnome-specific bard kit which relies on their wits to tell puns so sophisticated even wise men like Elminster can't fully understand them and get confused so that the gnome, specialized in darts, can pew-pew them to death.
The next poster watched Twilight. Yes, that one.
The next poster would rather be a werewolf than a vamp if they had to choose.
The next poster is a fan of F. Lang because of Nosferatu.
Being a werewolf just sounds messy. Fur, ripped clothes, werewolf-drool... Gross. At least vampires seem somewhat cleanly, all things considered.
The next poster puts pineapple on pizza.
The next poster will revive Guess the next poster-thread.
The next poster preferred Tyranny to PoE and will tell us why.
Because a. Poe wrote better poetry than tyranny ever has and b. tyranny wants to take my freedom away.
The next poster will explain what I missed.
The next poster hated high school.
The next poster loved middle school.
The next poster didn't finish high school.
The next poster has found something interesting washed up on the beach.
The next poster has never learned how to whistle.
I also learned to snap my fingers only when I was 16. Until then, I had made one persistent mistake: I never had my ring finger pressed against my palm. My finger was always held up. When I finally tried snapping my fingers with the ring finger near the base of my thumb, it made a much louder sound.
The next poster thinks technology has made things better in the past 10 years.
The next poster believes we should live in a Rousseau-ic world. No technology, no art, no nothing. Only nature.
The next poster has been using Bio-organic technology for years now.
The next poster is overfond of using puns.
The next poster has played yahtzee.
The next poster loved Jurj Clooners in The Nazi Who Played Yahtzee.
The next poster has watched Dr. Otto and the Riddle of the Gloom Beam.
@LordRumfish: It's a reference to Bojack Horseman, where George Clooney is actually Jurj Clooners. The Nazi Who Played Yahtzee is a Jurj Clooners movie.
He won an Oscar for it, I think.
The next poster has watched paint dry.
The next poster has watched grass grow.
The next poster has trouble sleeping.
Next poster gets plenty of sleep.
Too little sleep weakens your mind, especially your memory. Too much sleep and it can induce fatigue and depression (losing sleep, likewise, has anti-depressant effects). Severely disrupted sleep cycles can even mess with your hormone levels. Sleep is like food: it may seem like a simple, everyday thing, but it has a huge impact on your health.
Sticking to a rigid sleep schedule and getting the right amount of sleep obviates the need for caffeine.
The next poster wants to tell us about how awesome their best friend is.
The next poster definitely is a Wirzdard. I'm not even guessing, he *is* a Widzar.
(Hmm.. that was kinda funny in my head but written out it just wasn't as funny.)
The next poster is a gnome Punster - a gnome-specific bard kit which relies on their wits to tell puns so sophisticated even wise men like Elminster can't fully understand them and get confused so that the gnome, specialized in darts, can pew-pew them to death.