Yeah, to some extent. The best one I've ever drank was in Shanghai, China. It was a basic black tea with lemon, but it was just so perfect (probably at least partially due to context).
The next poster drinks on average ~5-6 cups of coffee every (work)day.
The next poster has farted in an empty elevator, and started laughing, and then been sort of shocked when there's another person waiting on the floor they get off at.
Depends on the other human's reaction, how (s)he was being devoured and what stage of the devouring process was at. Too many variables to give an honest answer.
The next poster cringes when they hear a Christmas song.
The next poster is actually happy that they start selling christmas goods early every year, because that means more christmas candy such as gingerbread and cinnamon-stars.
The next poster drinks on average ~5-6 cups of coffee every (work)day.
The next poster prefers playing Evil alignments.
The next poster celebrates Thanksgiving.
The next poster has farted in an empty elevator, and started laughing, and then been sort of shocked when there's another person waiting on the floor they get off at.
the next poster is (1) not a us-american and (2) isn't sure what thanksgiving is about
edit: ninja'd
The next poster would have trained to be a ninja if born in feudal Japan.
the next poster recently died in a d&d campaign (like me)
The next poster cringes when they hear a Christmas song.
The next poster thinks shandyr has been reading the thrilling novel entitled "Killer Mushrooms ate my Gran".
The next poster owns an apple product.
The next poster associates their IRL identity with a class archetype in RPGs. Example: I identify as -Insert Class Here-.
The next poster has started their christmas shopping.
The next poster has a draft coming from somewhere in their house.
@Shandyr ... You and your Broccoli insurgents may have killed Queen Ester... But the peace and stability forged in the Broccoflower union was a ruse.
Your army may have destroyed the Earthmelons.
You may have extinguished the firemelons.
But let it be known.
And you will not devour me until I wreak out my terrible REVENGE ! ! !
Oh yeah... I guess I support myself and stuff...
The next poster has EATEN a WATER MELON and LIKED IT !
impossible. no.
The next poster has EATEN a CANTALOUPE and LIKED IT !
The next poster reads "cantaloupe" and thinks its spelled wrong (just seems like the u is unnecessary)
The next poster is preparing for a terrible and devastating war between anduin and shandyr
The next poster has watched an episode of Jessica Jones
The next poster is actually happy that they start selling christmas goods early every year, because that means more christmas candy such as gingerbread and cinnamon-stars.
The next poster knows that honey can be used to disinfect wounds.
No. @Shandyr ... @mlnevese was teaching me how to become a powerful psionic being! He would... He would never turn me into a...
So I would bite into...
*Anduin sense of betrayal meter starts to blip*
The next poster has felt betrayal...
The next poster is a fan of some 'other' type of football (US, Rugby, Aussie rules etc.)
I did nothing. Awakening your true power does not create what isn't already there.
The next poster believes that the only truth that matters is inside yourself.
The next poster will feel the full FURY of the airmelon!
EDIT: For those out the loop. An air melon is exactly like a watermelon on the outside but is full of air... like me...