The next poster thinks Skatan said 'cucumber' out loud just to be cool, and is now trying to be even cooler by pretending they never said cucumber at all.
Uh...I mean, you sort of can't avoid inhaling dust in a dusty room, but I think False, like I don't actively go out of my way to sniff dust? That I can remember anyway, maybe when I was a kid, lost to the mists (dusts?) of time...but I think False.
The next poster has one or more areas of their living space that they haven't dusted in over a year.
True, although I have no idea who Josie is. Maybe you should come around and talk it over?
The next poster is so sick of certain radio stations only playing the same 500 or so eternal royalty songs every day until their ears bleed. He/she used to like some of those artists/songs until he/she was forced to memorize lyrics/tunes from constant involuntary exposure on the jobsite (or other place, as applicable).
The next poster has seen Iron Maiden live.
The next poster likes manticores!
The next poster likes figs.
The next poster prefers espresso over other variants of coffee.
The next poster wants to eat me.
And with regards to my earlier reply, I should point out that I was indicating I had seen Iron Maiden live, rather than the fact I like Manticores.
I am in no way suggesting I don't like Manticores - I just wanted to put the record straight.
The next poster thinks figs are horrible.
Figs arent very good but those Fig Newtons though...
The next poster thinks You can't start a fire without a spark. This gun's for hire, even if we're just dancing in the dark
The next poster is a boss.
The next poster is my slave.
The next poster always frees the slaves in both BG and BG2.
The next poster has just said 'Cucumber' out loud.
OK, good to get that out of my chest.
The next poster is now imagining which foul words I just said out loud at my office.
The next poster thinks Skatan said 'cucumber' out loud just to be cool, and is now trying to be even cooler by pretending they never said cucumber at all.
The next poster thinks... All we are... is dust in the wind dude. Dust. Wind. Dude.
The next poster sniffs dust.
The next poster has one or more areas of their living space that they haven't dusted in over a year.
The next poster laughed at cake in brass eye.
The next poster would like to visit the Abyss.
The next poster eats at least one piece of fruit each day
The next poster was born in the 80s
The next poster was born out of space, out of time.
The next poster wants to be an NPC.
Next poster wants to travel into deep space.
The next poster would like to have a pic-nic in the Hell.
The next poster has never been abroad.
The next poster would like to ride a glabrezu.
The next poster thinks Josie is on a vacation far away.
The next poster is so sick of certain radio stations only playing the same 500 or so eternal royalty songs every day until their ears bleed. He/she used to like some of those artists/songs until he/she was forced to memorize lyrics/tunes from constant involuntary exposure on the jobsite (or other place, as applicable).
The next poster is so hungry that s/he could eat a hand.
The next poster loves playing sports.