False, I never had Heaven's Mandate I just said I did. Now my palace is flooded and demons are killing my family for my presumption!
The next poster stole all the jade seals with my family crest from my palace knowing I can't haunt them while I'm being tortured for eternity in the next life.
False. Even though Hawking says that you need to be going faster than the speed of light to make time travel even possible and of course Einstein says that as things go faster they becoming heavier, making it impossible to travel the speed of light, I am of the belief that our little minds just haven't comprehended how just yet.
The next poster thinks Back to the Future was the best time travel movie ever.
Edit: The person below me is a communist, having never seen Back to the Future!
Can we go to 16 bit? The next poster thinks that Shining Force 1 and 2 were the best RPGS ever
The next poster, unlike me, has not logged thousands of hours playing Final Fantasy Tactics for the PlayStation.
The next poster likes to write fiction.
The next poster lost the Mandate of Heaven.
The next poster stole all the jade seals with my family crest from my palace knowing I can't haunt them while I'm being tortured for eternity in the next life.
The next poster doesn't believe in time travel.
The next poster thinks Back to the Future was the best time travel movie ever.
Edit: The person below me is a communist, having never seen Back to the Future!
The next poster will murder me for blood and honor.
The next poster knows that Hollywood is just terrible at implementing real life science in their movies.
The next poster is posting in this thread.
The next poster thinks that today is the Day of the Destroyer.
The next poster is mighty magical.
The next poster is saddened by this because they had an anti-magic field at the ready.
The next poster has used an anti-magic field on a young girl's heart and now the music can't free her whenever it starts.
The next poster wants to be a poet.
The next poster noticed that my latest posts in this thread are quotes from the Might and Magic saga.
The next poster remembers everything she/he reads.
The next poster likes Might and Magic X: Legacy.
The next poster likes Bloodstone: An Epic Dwarven Tale.
The next poster still hasn't played SoD yet.
The next poster hasn't played SoD yet, either.
The next poster would like to see another chapter in the Might and Magic RPG saga.
The next poster thinks GoT is overrated.
The next poster likes HOMMIV sound tracks.
The next poster wonders where is @bengoshi ?
The next poster hates being put on hold.
The next poster thinks that I should stop quoting Might and Magic games.
The next poster has never faced a throng of gargoyles.
The next poster always uses a coaster (wherever possible), when resting a glass on a flat surface.
The next poster has been lost in a twisty little maze of passages, all alike.