True. I do have more than five pairs of socks. I am not sure whether this is chumpish however. Rather.... I would suggest it is a perfectly sensible number of socks to have.
True, it was an act of biological warfare by someone annoyed at my crush in kindergarten. Although in retrospect it was nice to get chickenpox then and not when there's far more risk of it being lethal as an adult.
The next poster has kisses much more recent than their first kiss that alcohol, bad memory or some other factor have kept firmly out of the view of their mind's eye.
The next poster thinks that @Chnapy couldn't have chosen a more annoying 80s song to quote... Curse you, @Spandau_Ballet! "*TRUE!!!!*gasping, screeching, voice-breaking exhale!*"
The next poster would form a saxgaze band with me (I just invented it, shoegaze but every instrument except drums is replaced with an electric sax connected to a pedal board for effects, drums are replaced with a percussionist banging on a bunch of bent and busted saxophones).
True, in the sense that sometimes that's the only place I can get some games. Sigh. I prefer places where DRM isn't built-in to every purchase and where playing without logging in to a client is the default...but whaddaya gonna do? It's not how I own Beamdog games.
The next poster thinks Half-Life 3 will be and already is overrated.
False. I haven't played the first 2 in so long that I barely remember anything about them. So I don't have a judgement call on half life 3.
The next poster thinks that, with a few exceptions, recent video games are not as deep and thus not as fun because they invest too much resources on graphics and not enough on a good gaming experience.
The next poster owns a "Welcome" doormat.
The next poster has a jar of pickled onions in their cupboard/fridge.
The next poster is the proud owner of a loofah.
The next poster is a nowhere man living in a nowhere land making all his nowhere plans for nobody.
The next poster is looking forward to the summer.
The next poster believes nothing is real, and nothing to get hung about.
The next poster has more than five pairs of socks, like a chump.
The next poster has swum with sharks.
The next poster was a shark in a past life.
The next poster still remembers his/her first kiss.
The next poster has kisses much more recent than their first kiss that alcohol, bad memory or some other factor have kept firmly out of the view of their mind's eye.
The next poster thinks that anyway you want it thats the way you need it.
The next poster thinks that Shonda Rhimes is an evil mistress.
The next poster will quote another annoying 80s song.
The next poster likes spiders.
The next poster wants to meet Prince Charming and Snow White.
The next poster thinks that @Chnapy couldn't have chosen a more annoying 80s song to quote... Curse you, @Spandau_Ballet! "*TRUE!!!!*gasping, screeching, voice-breaking exhale!*"
The next poster wants more sax solos in modern music.
The next poster loves music of all kinds.
( @GenderNihilismGirdle the whole song kills me, but not in the same pleaurable way that you have expressed.)
The next poster would form a saxgaze band with me (I just invented it, shoegaze but every instrument except drums is replaced with an electric sax connected to a pedal board for effects, drums are replaced with a percussionist banging on a bunch of bent and busted saxophones).
The next poster thinks there's nothing quite like a triangle solo.
Next poster uses Steam.
The next poster thinks Half-Life 3 will be and already is overrated.
The next poster thinks that, with a few exceptions, recent video games are not as deep and thus not as fun because they invest too much resources on graphics and not enough on a good gaming experience.
The next poster thinks that 4K grass is ruining video games.
The next poster likes the feel of walking bare foot through grass.
The next poster played alot of Kid Icarus when she/he was a kid.
The next poster thinks he/she can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain.
The next person is tired of old songs and want to move onto Nintendo 8-bit games instead.
The next poster thinks 8 bit grass and 4K HD grass should get married in a ceremony officiated by 16 bit grass.