Chnapy said:False. Except if you compare the two by the price I guess.The next poster is sad that he will never know if Skatan wanted tentacles
False. Except if you compare the two by the price I guess.The next poster is sad that he will never know if Skatan wanted tentacles
Skatan said:True, tentacles are great! Yay!The next poster likes to ninja-post unsuspecting forumites. I just realized I messed it up again by not really answering @Chnapy's assumption :-/
True, tentacles are great! Yay!The next poster likes to ninja-post unsuspecting forumites.
The next poster wants to give me an amazing job.
The next poster wants to have a party.
The next poster thinks I should stop posting every other post in this thread and get back to work and finish that goddamit powerpoint instead!
The next poster thinks @Skatan should get comfortably numb
The next poster would like to see Arcomage added to GOG store.
The next poster loaded sixteen tons, and what did they get? Another day older and deeper in debt.
The next poster likes Walk Off the Earth.
The next poster enjoys quietness.
The next poster never ever feels the need to speak to end an awkward silence*, and is quite happy for it to extend into eternity.
*In fact, silence is never awkward. Unless your a mage and your talking about the spell, of course!
There next poster frequently doesn't think before he/she leaps.
The next poster is in a good mood.
The next poster has piloted a water borne craft.
The next poster would like to visit Enroth.
The next poster is celebrating ascension day tomorrow by getting hammered and playing games.
The next poster owns a bathrobe.
The next poster is on a porn break.Wait. Sorry, that's me.The next poster has rode in a limousine.
The next poster has a permit that allows them to drive a limousine.
The next poster likes green tea with ginger.
The next poster is wearing rubber underwear right now.
The next poster has just tripped and hurt themselves.
The next poster plans to spend his/her holidays in Erathia.
The next poster plans to spend his/her holidays in Grimsby.
The next poster needs a new phone.
The next poster always wanted tentacles.
The next poster thinks IOS>Android
The next poster is sad that he will never know if Skatan wanted tentacles
The next poster likes to ninja-post unsuspecting forumites.
The next poster would like to be a ninja.
The next poster wants to save Jadame from destruction.
The next poster has visited Grimsby.