Wizard Slayer is the best fighter class, hands down. Sure, they can't use a lot of equipment but when you hit a mage protected by Stoneskin, Protection from Magic Weapons, Mantle, Improved Mantle, etc. the penalty to their casting failure rate still applies even if damage doesn't occur. Whirlwind + Wizard Slayer versus mage = no more spells for that combat.
My other unpopular opinion: I like to celebrate Earth Day by burning old tires soaked in motor oil and random household chemicals. It gives the marshmallows I roast over it that undeniable "smokey" flavor.
@FinnTheHuman Hey I gotta tell it how it is, my first time playing the game I couldn't even figure out wtf was going on. It wasn't until I realized that the actual animation had no connection to the rounds that I started to realize that it was pointless than. Call me weird, but I need that control over my character. I don't like them just swinging randomly like in BG.
You don't like them swinging randomly!!!?? Now your just trying to be provocative. I can't take this anymore. I'm leaving. Just kidding, of course. Except about leaving. To all a good night
@Mathsorcerer, I think that was addressed a little while ago, but that's only really as important as you claim when you're using mods like SCS that disproportionately buff enemy spellcasters. In an unmodded game, they're not really that much tougher than other enemies, and the Wizard Slayer will do much worse against Vampires or Golems or the like than, say, a Berserker.
@Mathsorcerer: A Wizard Slayer can inflict spell failure through Stoneskin, but not through weapon immunities. If a lich casts PFMW or a mage casts SCS Absolute Immunity, the only way a Wizard Slayer could impose spell failure is through area-effect ranged weapons like Fire Seeds.
No worries. Just going with the flow of the thread--unpopular opinions and all that jazz. I am merely keen on Wizard Slayer right now because in my most recent run through BG2EE my WS killed Firkraag all by herself in one round and no pre-buff spells.
@DragonKing , There's an option in the EE's to "Turn Off Cosmetic Attacks". With that box checked, every swing you see on screen will be an actual roll to hit.
I'm not sure if they're really overpowered without SCS or the like, but I do feel like they're a bit too common, especially from SOA onwards. Has anyone done a headcount of how many level 18+ mages are in the game, because I wouldn't be surprised if they number over 50, which seems excessive for just Amn, Tethyr, and a remote outpost in Calimshan.
I think the problem comes from the fact that at some point only thing that can actually hurt you in any meaningful way are the mages, others are merely cosmetic. So they had to spam mages everywhere for challenge (which is again a product of bad balancing)
I think the problem comes from the fact that at some point only thing that can actually hurt you in any meaningful way are the mages, others are merely cosmetic. So they had to spam mages everywhere for challenge (which is again a product of bad balancing)
I have a hard time believing that. We're talking about the intent of the game designers here, so unmodded game. In vanilla, is a generic high-level mage more dangerous than a beholder? Arguably not. More dangerous than a Balor? Probably not, although it depends on what resources you have. More dangerous than a Drow party with Cleric support? Still depends on what your party can do, but probably not. They're a significant threat, but only one among many, and I'd need a lot of convincing to believe that they're the biggest threat in the unmodded game, with their predictable tactics and subpar spell choice.
I think if you rest too often in the game you should be attacked by a party lead by Biff the Understudy. The party's composition would otherwise be made up of whatever native creature would otherwise attack you when resting.
(Biff attacking you with a group of illithid at his side. Tell me that wouldn't confirm your worst fears about how powerful biff really is)
I find it kind of stupid that my party gain and lose heroic reputation points for actions and events that HAVE NO WITNESSES FOR! I mean if I kill someone in broad daylight in a city, that is understandable, but if I commit a murder at night, in the middle of a forest with little to no human interaction for miles... why did my reputation go down again? What did my team members just go telling people what we did in every city that we go to?
If I go into a building and massacre everyone in it, and there is no evidence that anyone saw me enter or leave that building. How the hell does the rest of the world know that I'm a evil monster? Is it like fable where I grow horns and have a evil aura about me?
I agree that darts are very underrated. A GM fighter can get a ridiculous amount of attacks with them each round. Couple that with the fact that most darts have secondary spell effects on hit and you have the final mage battling weapon. The stunning darts are especially good (the target gets a save vs. spells, iirc, but when 3 darts land the target, the chance to pass the three saves is slim even for high level enemies). Bear in mind that a GM fighter can throw 3 of them (followed by more in the same round but after others make their actions) before anythign else happens (darts have a very, very low speed number, coupled with the bonuses to speed you get for being GM, you will almost always throw your darts before anybody else can do anything).
I think if you rest too often in the game you should be attacked by a party lead by Biff the Understudy. The party's composition would otherwise be made up of whatever native creature would otherwise attack you when resting.
(Biff attacking you with a group of illithid at his side. Tell me that wouldn't confirm your worst fears about how powerful biff really is)
No. The real FEAR of everytime long time BG player are not ilithids, dragons, Demogorgon or even Biff the Understudy.
The being that makes every BG player shudder is Noober (and his brothers).
I run as if all the devils from the Nine Hells were chasing me every time I see him.
I used Kivan in one playthrough, and then never again. That Christian Bale Batman voice of his is just impossible to take seriously, and Coran's just as good an archer.
Oh and other: No-rest runs are a byproduct of neo-liberal capitalist ideology. Unlike what bourgeois tells you you need sleep to function well.
Karl Marx run, where you seize the means of production squeeze every last bit of gold from every bourgeois and upper class NPC no matter their alignment and aid the proletariat without asking for reward no matter their alignment.
@GenderNihilismGirdle: Or a Mao Zedong run! Murder everybody with more than 5 coppers in their pocket or 5 Intelligence on their character sheet and shout slogans at the survivors.
An old professor of mine told a story about how his family survived the Cultural Revolution unscathed. The sons of the family took out a loan to start a business, they failed miserably, lost most of their land to pay off their debts, and were therefore classified as poor people when the communists took over. Being dirt poor was good political capital during the Mao era. The grandfather said their failure as businessmen was one of the best decisions they ever made!
If Marx had been alive to see what Mao turned his thought into, I doubt he'd have more in common with Mao than with Liu Shifu or the married radical power couple of Liu Shipei and He Zhen. Gimme those Chinese radicals over Mao any day of the week.
Whats next? Reloads are overused?
Edit: Or should I say, respawning is better than reloading?
My other unpopular opinion: I like to celebrate Earth Day by burning old tires soaked in motor oil and random household chemicals. It gives the marshmallows I roast over it that undeniable "smokey" flavor.
Hey I gotta tell it how it is, my first time playing the game I couldn't even figure out wtf was going on. It wasn't until I realized that the actual animation had no connection to the rounds that I started to realize that it was pointless than. Call me weird, but I need that control over my character. I don't like them just swinging randomly like in BG.
Noober and Neeber are the best npcs in the game.
(Biff attacking you with a group of illithid at his side. Tell me that wouldn't confirm your worst fears about how powerful biff really is)
like the one when you leave Ust Natha under disguise
If I go into a building and massacre everyone in it, and there is no evidence that anyone saw me enter or leave that building. How the hell does the rest of the world know that I'm a evil monster? Is it like fable where I grow horns and have a evil aura about me?
-cries in silence for fable-
The being that makes every BG player shudder is Noober (and his brothers).
I run as if all the devils from the Nine Hells were chasing me every time I see him.
seize the means of productionsqueeze every last bit of gold from every bourgeois and upper class NPC no matter their alignment and aid the proletariat without asking for reward no matter their alignment.An old professor of mine told a story about how his family survived the Cultural Revolution unscathed. The sons of the family took out a loan to start a business, they failed miserably, lost most of their land to pay off their debts, and were therefore classified as poor people when the communists took over. Being dirt poor was good political capital during the Mao era. The grandfather said their failure as businessmen was one of the best decisions they ever made!
If the nightingale could sing like you...