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S.C.U.M.A. Recruitment Thread! (My Modding Portfolio) *Did I Break This Thread :S!?!*

WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
edited October 2015 in General Modding
SUPER Cool Ultimate Modder's Association (S.C.U.M.A.)
Here Is A Body Of My Baldur's Gate Community Content Work Thus Far, A Portfolio If You Will:

B.A.M.s, Item B.A.M.s:

Before And After (Bottom Is Non-Reforged)
My Work (Thus Far) With:@swit
Character Name: Bardo
Class / Kit: Trueclass Thief.
Ability Scores:
- Strength: 12
- Dexterity: 19
- Constitution: 13
- Intellect: 11
- Wisdom: 11
- Charisma: 17
- Studded Leather Armour replaces his 'Baldur's Gate II Leather Armour +2'.
- Short Bow replaces his Short Bow +1.
- 9 Arrows of Dragon Slaying instead of his original full stack of 40: Move Arrows of Dragon Slaying x9 into the 'middle quiver slot'.
- (Non-Magical) Arrows x30 replaces his Arrows +1 x30: Move Arrows x30 into 'leftmost quiver slot'.
-Potion of Master Thievery x1 instead of Potion of Master Thievery x4.
-Potion of Healing x1 instead of Potion of Healing x4.
Special Innate Ability(s):
- None except his Thief default of Set Snare.
Weapon Specializations:
-Level 2 Bardo: * Short Bow, * Dagger.
-Level 4 Bardo: * Short Bow, * Dagger, * Short Sword.
-Level 6 Bardo: * Short Bow, * Dagger, * Short Sword.

-Level 2 Bardo: Leather Armour worn instead of Studded Leather Armour
-Level 4 Bardo: Studded Leather Armour worn.
-Level 6 Bardo: Hide Armour worn instead of Studded Leather Armour

Character Name: Bub Snikt
Class / Kit: Trueclass Fighter.
Ability Scores:
- Strength: 17
- Dexterity: 16
- Constitution: 14
- Intellect: 10
- Wisdom: 11
- Charisma: 13
- Chain Mail Armour replaces Studded Leather Armour +1.
- Long Bow replaces Composite Long Bow +1: Long Bow placed into Weapon Slot 1.
- Spear added and placed into Weapon Slot 2.
- Short Sword replaces Bastard Sword +1 : Short Sword placed into Weapon Slot 3.
- (Non-Magical) Arrows x30 replace Arrows +1 x30 and Arrows of Biting x30: Arrows x30 placed in the leftmost quiver slot and Arrows of Biting x30 are removed.
- Potion of Healing x2 instead of Potion of Healing x4.
- Antidote x1 instead of Antidote x3.
Special Innate Ability(s):
- Draw Upon Holy Might x1 per day.
Weapon Specializations:
-Level 2: *** Long Bow, ** Spear, * Short Sword (Original 'Illegal' "**" Weapon Specialization placed into * Long Bow, * Spear or * Short Sword).
-Level 4: **** Long Bow, ** Spear, * Short Sword.
-Level 6: ***** Long Bow, ** Spear, * Short Sword.

-Level 2 Bub Snikt: x1 Less Potion of Healing. Studded Leather Armour worn instead of Chain Mail Armour.
-Level 4 Bub Snikt: x1 Less Potion of Healing. Studded Leather Armour worn instead of Chain Mail Armour.
-Level 6 Bub Snikt: (full) x2 Potions of Healing. Chain Mail Armour worn.

Character Name: Conchobhair Strongblade
Class / Kit: Cavalier
Ability Scores
- Strength: 18/35
- Dexterity: 14
- Constitution: 15
- Intellect: 10
- Wisdom: 14
- Charisma: 16
- Platemail +3 replaced by (Conchobhair Strongblade's) Masterwork Field Plate*: [Top Row, Bottom Row is +1 Upgrade.]
- Two-Handed Sword +1, Dragonslayer.*
- Helm of Glory replaced by HELM08
- Potion of Health x1 Instead of x3
- Potion of Healing x2 Instead of x5
- Composite Long Bow +1 removed (Cavaliers Cannot use ranged weapons).
Special Innate Ability(s):
- Default Paladin Special Abilities and learning progression.
- Default Cavalier Special Abilities (Remove Fear once per day per level).
Weapon Specializations:
-Level 2: ** Two-Handed Sword, ** Two-Handed Style.
-Level 4: ** Two-Handed Sword, ** Two-Handed Style, *Halberd.
-Level 6: ** Two-Handed Sword, ** Two-Handed Style, **Halberd.

- *Two Handed Sword +1, Dragon Slayer Plan: +2 Upgrade and Unique B.A.M. Image; but for now:
THAC0 +1, +3 vs Dragons
Damage: 1d10+1, +3 vs Dragons
Chance to Slay Dragons - Removed.
Fire Resistance 25%.
Acid Resistance 25%.
Aura of Protection - Removed.
Save vs. Breath Weapons: +1
Speed Factor: 8 (It should orthodoxically be 9 for a +1 Two-handed Sword. The original Dragonslayer +2 has -2 'illegal' Speed Factor bonus, so I wanted to keep the uniqueness of the bonus but reduced it by one.)

Ferthgil Trollslayer: image
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class / Kit: Berserker Fighter Kit
Strength: 15* (-3) (Killing the stereotype of Dwarven Fighters only being Strong and Tough by with no grace.)
Dexterity: 17* (+/- 0) (Killing the stereotype of Dwarven Fighters only being Strong and Tough by with no grace.)
Constitution: 16* (-3) (Killing the stereotype of Dwarven Fighters are always 'Super Tough', not just pretty tough.)
Intelligence: 13 (+6) (Problem Solving. Stupid people cannot think fast in combat; thus they die. We 'need' more able minded Dwarves.)
Wisdom: 12 (+/- 0)
Charisma: 14 (+9) (Leadership)
[Ability Roll: 87 (+9), Very High] (The Fighters were lacking a 'Stoic', 'Noble' and a 'Gifted Leader Character'; Jaheira is 'just a strip of old bark.')
- [I am Studying First Edition Armour Types, please be patient; good content is not rushed content]
Special Innate Ability(s):
- Default Berserker's Special Innate Ability: Enrage
Weapon Specializations:
-Level 2 Ferthgil: ** Axe, ** Bastard Sword
-Level 4 Ferthgil: ** Axe, ** Bastard Sword, * Two-Weapon Style
-Level 6 Ferthgil: ** Axe, ** Bastard Sword, ** Two-Weapon Style
Weapon Proficiency Reasoning: Dwarves with swords, we 'need' more of them. I do not like the stereotypical idea that 'Dwarves do not use swords'; I think that idea is bunk. I threw away the old Single Weapon Style nonsense that Ferthgil Bloodaxe had before. I replaced it with Two Weapon Style because his 'previous situation' looked (to me any way) like a loss of a really neat idea: a Dwarf with Sword and Axe, his father's Battle Axe.

- *I want a Mold-breaker of a Dwarven Fighter. I am ill and fatigued of finding the same 'cookie cutter' stupid repugnant oaf fisted clumsy Racist Demeaning Dimwitted Stereotypical Depiction of Dwarven Characters Again and Again! I loved the new Dwarves from the Hobbit, and I loved the Dragon Age: Origins Dwarves especially the Dwarves of Nobility; Hell I loved that 'super crossbow rogue' Dwarf in Dragon Age II. I want a thoroughly interesting Dwarf and one that offers a 'fresh breath of fresh air' in a thoroughly beaten-dead-in-a-pile-of-dead-horses and frankly, in a heavily abused caricature field. I want the old boring stereotypical Dwarven Character to be engagingly succeeded by as worthy character to make the most of this opportunity so as to where all can see a 'mind expanding' Dwarf named Ferthgil Trollslayer. A Dwarf who is more graceful than than he is resilient. A Dwarf who is only as strong so as to meet the requirements of his people's traditional heavy armours. A Dwarf with a sturdy brain, common sense and a spirit to lead and to be followed. I do not want another Drunken skull dragger who swings a stout weapon to solve its problems and cusses and berates so much as to look like when it was birthed its head got permanently pinched when it crawled out from the arse of its dead donkey of a mother. Hell maybe Ferthgil Trollslayer does not drink alcohol? I would change his sex (because there are no female Dwarves) but I think that introducing a completely new female Dwarf would be a much better and creatively stimulating idea. Also 16 is now the average of his Prime Ability Scores; as akin to that of Khalid, Minsc, Montaron and Kagain.



Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Trueclass Ranger
Ability Scores:
Strength: 18/12
Dexterity: 17
Constitution: 14
Intellect: 10
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 8
[Ability Roll: 81, High]

Gender: Male
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good
Class: Trueclass Ranger
Ability Scores:
Strength: 18/93
Dexterity: 15
Constitution: 15
Intellect: 8
Wisdom: 6
Charisma: 9
[Ability Roll: 71, Very Low]
-Special Innate Ability: Berserker Rage once per day.

Valygar Corthala
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good
Class: Stalker
Ability Scores:
Strength: 15 (-2)
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 16
Intellect: 10
Wisdom: 13 (-1) ('Illegal' yes.. Although I can see Valygar becoming wiser after his experience along the Sword Coast; also look at Minsc.)
Charisma: 10
[Ability Roll: 82, High]
-Personal Plan:


Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Ability Scores:
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 17
Intellect: 7
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 10
[Ability Roll: 77, Average]
-Special Innate Ability: Dispel Magic once per day.

Gender: Male
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: Cleric
Ability Scores:
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 13
Intellect: 12
Wisdom: 18
Charisma: 14
[Ability Roll: 86, Very High]
-Special Innate Ability: Lay on Hands once per day.

Gender: Female
Race: Human
Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Cleric
Ability Scores:
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 17
Intellect: 10
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 15
[Ability Roll: 85, Very High]
-Special Innate Ability: Spiritual Hammer once per day.

Gender: Male
Race: Gnome
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Class: Cleric / Illusionist
Ability Scores:
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 11
Intellect: 11
Wisdom: 17
Charisma: 6
[Ability Roll: 85, Very High]
-Special Innate Ability: Invisibility once per day.

Gender: Female
Race: Drow
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Class: Cleric
Ability Scores:
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 19
Constitution: 8
Intellect: 16
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 14
[Ability Roll: 82, High]
-Special Drow Trait: +50% Magic Resistance.

Gender: Male
Race: Gnome
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Class: Cleric / Thief
Ability Scores:
Strength: 9
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 16
Intellect: 10
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 9
[Ability Roll: 73, Low]
-Special Innate Ability: Summon Ghast once per day.
('Enhanced Edition' Character Ability Scores: Reference)
Character Name: CúChoinneach
Class / Kit: Trueclass Ranger
Ability Scores:
- Strength: 17
- Dexterity: 19
- Constitution: 16
- Intellect: 11
- Wisdom: 16
- Charisma: 8
[Ability Roll: 87, Very High]
- Scimitar +3, Mairial (Weapon Slot 1)
- Small Shield +4 (Equipped)
- 'Shadow Armour' +4 (Enchanted Leather Armour)
- CúChoinneach's Holy Amulet (Equipped)
- Holy Water x4 (Quick Item Slot 1)
- Protection from Undead x2 (Quick Item Slot 2)
- Wolf Summon Gem (Inventory Slot 1)

Special Innate Ability(s):
- Default Ranger: Charm Animal once per day (x3)
Weapon Specializations:
-Level 5: ** Long Sword, ** Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō, ** Two-Weapon Style, * Longbow.
(Suggested Ability Scores)
Character Name: CúChoinneach
Class / Kit: Cleric / Ranger (I think that this is a very unique class and plus it was his older configuration)
Ability Scores:
- Strength: 11 (-6) ('Illegal' yes, but well just ask me if you want to know why, it is a bit 'long winded'.)
- Dexterity: 18 (-1) (More Balance and more 'Old School')
- Constitution: 15 (-1)
- Intellect: 11 (+/- 0)
- Wisdom: 15 (-1)
- Charisma: 9 (+1) (He is not annoying in-game, although he may not be very sociable nor a good leader; he is not like Quayle)
[Ability Roll: 79, Above Average]
- [Please Be Patient] Scimitar +3, Mairial (Weapon Slot 1) (I took at look at its 'secret abilities'; *palm face* just let me fix it..)
- Small Shield +1 (-3 Enchantment, I may change my heart on the entire shield concept though..)
- [Please Be Patient] 'Shadow Armour' +4 (Enchanted Leather Armour)
- CúChoinneach's Holy Amulet (Equipped) (Remove The Secret +3 Level One Priest Spell Bonus, +1 Saving Throws remains)
- Holy Water x3 (-x1) (Quick Item Slot 1)
- Protection from Undead x1 (Quick Item Slot 2)
- Wolf Summon Gem (Quick Item Slot 3) (This Item look a bit 'ugly', Something might need to be done about the "50 50" gold letters, also please move it into his third quick item slot and make it unmovable; e.g. Osprey's Candle)
Special Innate Ability(s):
- None ('Maybe')
Weapon Specializations:
-Level 2: ** Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō, ** Sword And Shield Style, ** Two-Weapon Style (Initial Ranger Bonus)
-Level 4: ** Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō, ** Sword And Shield Style, ** Two-Weapon Style, *Flail / Morning Star
-Level 6: ** Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjatō, ** Sword And Shield Style, ** Two-Weapon Style, **Flail / Morning Star

-I know that this is the whole 'eye of the beholder' thing and it is a bit 'outside of my field' (I currently cannot create digital art that good), but I would love Isandir to redo CúChoinneach's Old Portrait:
I don't really find CúChoinneach's 'new' portrait very er, well I like his old one better, I don't agree with the bottom portrait over his older one (Although I love the extra polish and detail, but.. Well I still I do not like the design very much :confused:. Although I favour the new background lighting, shadows and his newly 'unfiltered sword'. Also I would love the lighting and 'mood' of the starlit nights sky of his second background but I want the mystery and foreboding the 'lurk' of deep haunted woods. The mist haunted forest below of first back drop with a starlit sky above (of the second back ground or better image) to form a super spooky, haunted, 'undead forest', dangerous, scary, horrifying, mysterious, and with the stars and 'moon' themed back drop would really put a golden polish onto the improved character portrait of CúChoinneach.):
(I suppose that I am going to have to talk to Isandir some time eh?:smile: I took some art classes :smirk:)
I favour his older body position and sword angle, I think that the 'slanted eyes' are unsuiting to the original portriats (Jaheira) and thus immersion breaking. Also, honestly I am bias against the 'modern' Dungeon and Dragon Elf.
Good Elf Depiction:
Bad Elf Depiction: (Bad 'Everything' Depiction)
Good Dungeons and Dragons 'Modern Elf':

Well this post took 6 hours of research and 2 and a half hours of writing / editing / revising. I hope that you enjoy it! :)

Non-Player Characters:


SUPER AMAZING ART!?!?!?!?!?!!101011!:


Godly 3D Modeling:


Other SUPER Content:


Original Item Discovered:


I Am Thinking Of Calling the First Project: Modifest Odyssey Destiny (M.O.D.)

Also Join Us, We Have Cookies.

Here Are Some Cool Guys: @swit @Tuth @bengoshi @GemHound @Dee @elminster @booinyoureyes @Troodon80 @Skatan @BelgarathMTH @Fiendish_Warrior @typo_tilly @Vallmyr @semiticgod @BillyYank @lordkim @AstroBryGuy @Ravenslight @Blackraven @PhillipDaigle @SethDavis @Avenger_teambg @Sam_ @mikkle @Cuv @Almateria @subtledoctor @Rabain @Yovaneth @msass @TrentOster @Sylvus_Moonbow @fearless

HMMN, Who Else Is Cool Guys?
Post edited by WithinAmnesia on


  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited October 2015
    *Saving For Later*
    Post edited by WithinAmnesia on
  • AlmateriaAlmateria Member Posts: 257
    Something weird happened with tables but it's not your fault!!!! I mean, who uses tables in 2015th century :|
    Also yeah I'm the coolest
    Don't know what the thread is actually about because the trailer is
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited October 2015
    Almateria said:

    Something weird happened with tables but it's not your fault!!!! I mean, who uses tables in 2015th century :|
    Also yeah I'm the coolest
    Don't know what the thread is actually about because the trailer is

    Yeah The Thread Trailer Needs A Better Version.

    Older 'Unposted' Thread Related Videos That Kinda Sucked Lots[Spoiler]
    Post edited by WithinAmnesia on
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2015
    @WithinAmnesia By the looks of it yes. Though its not your fault. :P
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    @GemHound @mikkle @swit
    We should team up and do some funky stuff.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,771
    @WithinAmnesia You've broken the page because there's a mistake (or several, I don't know) in formatting in the OP. Probably you've forgotten < or > or any other symbol somewhere. Recheck the post.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    Oh my. I thought my computer was breaking but nope. XD
    Anyway, my modding experience is very very limited. I messed around with trying to make an Alora mod for BG2 but couldn't devote a lot of time to it because I never had the time. It's one of those thing I've always been interested in but haven't really delved into yet @_@.
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    @WithinAmnesia, I've fixed the broken HTML tags.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Umm... What was the question?

    My modding experience consists of using NI to create an item and place it in a drawer in the Jovial Juggler.

    I'm up for testing, though. I've done software testing professionally, so I'm pretty good at it.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    Troodon80 said:

    @WithinAmnesia, I've fixed the broken HTML tags.

    Thank You Once Again My Friend:D!
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352

    Unfortunately I have little time to do much of anything right now. In the middle of completely renovating my apartment so the computer isn't even up and running these days. Even if I had time, I don't know what I could possibly contribute with since I haven't ever done any modding before. I have a buttload of ideas of course (I spend way too much time thinking about this game, much is posted in the "annoying things"-thread) but no idea how to implement them or if it's even possible.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited October 2015
    Skatan said:


    Unfortunately I have little time to do much of anything right now. In the middle of completely renovating my apartment so the computer isn't even up and running these days. Even if I had time, I don't know what I could possibly contribute with since I haven't ever done any modding before. I have a buttload of ideas of course (I spend way too much time thinking about this game, much is posted in the "annoying things"-thread) but no idea how to implement them or if it's even possible.

    Shoot! What are your ideas? For every 1000 people that have great ideas, one person translates thought into life; be it from luck, time or resources. So with that said I am down for getting inspired to do something; the lord knows I have the time to dedicate myself to some crazy content; so lay on my friend what do you got in your head?
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited October 2015
    Post edited by WithinAmnesia on
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    OK, here's some ideas, just randomely thrown out here.

    I would like to revamp the prof system; categories and the effects.
    Change prof. names, like long sword to arming sword or onehanded sword, remove bastard swords as a category, etc. Make flail a category of its own and make mace and club in the same instead. Change the effects from two weapon fighting to add AC (making it more defensive rather than offensive), add APR to single weapon fighting and up the AC boost from shield to make it more attractive to actually use.
    Shields should add more AC (not only vs missile) or always have DR. I think shields are underused and would also like to see something crazy things like a magical buckler which adds an attack with blunt damage 1-4 which only swashbucklers can use. Perhaps regular armor should have its AC reduced to make shields more viable so the trade between offense/damage output vs defense/damage mitigation is increased.

    I would like to add (like other mods has I think?) non-magical items which add THAC0 or damage. Like "heavy sword" adds +1 dmg but +1 THAC0 (worse) or "nimble sword" which adds -2 THAC0 but reduces dmg with -2 as well, etc. It would let you tailor your characters weapons to better suit them. If you are a class with low THAC0, you can 'trade' damage for more potential hits. Items like this should not count as magical nor be able to hit enemies immune to normal weapons. It would be cool to be able to sharpen your normal blade at Cromwell's for a couple of hundred gold, still risking it breaks.

    Sorry for the ramblings, just wrote without editing anything.

    Gotta work. I'll be back!

  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited October 2015
    Skatan said:

    OK, here's some ideas, just randomely thrown out here.

    I would like to revamp the prof system; categories and the effects.
    Change prof. names, like long sword to arming sword or onehanded sword, remove bastard swords as a category, etc. Make flail a category of its own and make mace and club in the same instead. Change the effects from two weapon fighting to add AC (making it more defensive rather than offensive), add APR to single weapon fighting and up the AC boost from shield to make it more attractive to actually use.
    Shields should add more AC (not only vs missile) or always have DR. I think shields are underused and would also like to see something crazy things like a magical buckler which adds an attack with blunt damage 1-4 which only swashbucklers can use. Perhaps regular armor should have its AC reduced to make shields more viable so the trade between offense/damage output vs defense/damage mitigation is increased.

    I would like to add (like other mods has I think?) non-magical items which add THAC0 or damage. Like "heavy sword" adds +1 dmg but +1 THAC0 (worse) or "nimble sword" which adds -2 THAC0 but reduces dmg with -2 as well, etc. It would let you tailor your characters weapons to better suit them. If you are a class with low THAC0, you can 'trade' damage for more potential hits. Items like this should not count as magical nor be able to hit enemies immune to normal weapons. It would be cool to be able to sharpen your normal blade at Cromwell's for a couple of hundred gold, still risking it breaks.

    Sorry for the ramblings, just wrote without editing anything.

    Gotta work. I'll be back!


    I like your idea of qualities of weapons although, when I think of a 'nimble sword' I see a rapier, when you say 'heavy sword' I see a broadsword. When you say trade damage to hit chance, I see a dagger. I think the concept is a bit too 'hokey'.

    Although I do agree with the varied non-magical equipment idea and the revamped weapon proficiency system.

    Item Diversity / Quality System That I Personally Favour:[Spoiler]image

    The historical trained ability to use shields as a weapon is something that I do fully agree upon.
    It should be celebrated within our Baldur's Gate to give more depth to its medieval combat aspects.

    Also Full Platemail Armour is basically like wearing a shield. Shields in general kinda got a somewhat reduced role as a top end piece of equipment once Full Platemail Armour widely hit the old battlefield scene.

    To Hit Armour Class 0 (T.H.A.C.0) should be a skill based attribute, or a..... mysterious and Magical one.
    I do not agree with bestowing a 'skill based attribute' onto a -mundane- inanimate object.

    Although I agree with a great deal of your ideas. Please keep it up my friend:D!

  • TuthTuth Member Posts: 233
    Personally, I'm not very experienced with modding, I did some beta testing for Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (huge Polish mod by Aurelinus that expanded the DSotSC for the original Baldur's Gate) 3rd version that unfortunately was never released. It's a shame since in that version Aurelinus introduced many things that were cut from the final release of the game and were not in the UB mod, as well as tried to rebalance the non-magical items. I still have the beta on my hard drive, though.

    Other than that I played around with DLTCEP trying to change some mechanics of the game (characters, items, stats etc.) inspired by the NTotSC after it was cancelled. I wanted to change some of the technical stuff, without changing the story. Some things that I wanted to introduce:
    - All characters (apart from several monsters) having around 20 hit points, both party members and enemies. Fights would be really deadly, since even one critical hit can kill someone (and it should).
    - Spells more rare but very powerful (low hp).
    - All weapon types available to all classes, proficiencies a bit rebalanced (fighters 5 points max, paladins/rangers 3, thieves/bards/clrerics/druids 2, mages 1).
    - Scrolls usable by all classes, with Int requirement (don't remember if that was possible in BG1).
    - All armor types available to all classes with penalties to some (mages and thieves in heavy armor, etc.)
    - Armor having damage reduction rather than armor class bonus.
    - Changing stats' bonuses, especially the range 7-14, to have some actual differences.
    - Changes to weapons (different range for ranged weapons), penalties/bonuses to thac0/armor class, speed etc. mixed damage types (flails and morning stars having a chance to deal additional piercing damage) for non-magical weapons.
    - Changes to the experience tables, so that a bit more levels could be obtained.

    The above is meant to blend the classes a bit more together, so there was no need for mutliclass/dualclass. You could made e.g. a "battle mage" by choosing a strong mage, or an intelligent fighter, depending on the stats and equipment, both having their differences and usefulness.

    Since these would change the balance of the game drastically, I constantly had to test bunch of things and I managed to do only some of the listed stuff, I had some problems with items and after several months I put the project aside. Unfortunately, that was on my old PC, which later gave up on me (broken hard drive) and all the files got lost.

    I'm not really good a this stuff, I can test some things and give some ideas about a new content (characters, items and quests). Though you'd have to specify whether you're doing a mod for the original Baldur's Gate, EE, or TuTu.
  • AlmateriaAlmateria Member Posts: 257
    All I want from this world is Baldur's Gate redone on the Dark Souls engine
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    @Tuth Aurelinus.. Where Is He / She / It? I Have So So So Many Questions To Ask... :smiley:
  • TuthTuth Member Posts: 233
    That's the only English forum that I managed to find him. Some time ago I found that he's in the credits section "Special Thanks to:" in the first release of Polish version of Baldur's Gate (April 1999). It was an honour to at least help him a bit with the mod that sadly wasn't released. I might try to contact him, but I doubt that he'd be interested in modding BG1 again.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Aurelinus was in bad terms with some people of the Polish modding community and it seems he was largely discouraged with constant fighting and quit modding long time ago. He is completely inactive now.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    Cahir said:

    Aurelinus was in bad terms with some people of the Polish modding community and it seems he was largely discouraged with constant fighting and quit modding long time ago. He is completely inactive now.

    Tuth said:
    That's the only English forum that I managed to find him. Some time ago I found that he's in the credits section "Special Thanks to:" in the first release of Polish version of Baldur's Gate (April 1999). It was an honour to at least help him a bit with the mod that sadly wasn't released. I might try to contact him, but I doubt that he'd be interested in modding BG1 again.


    Well.. hey @swit @mikkle what do you guys think of this?

    I want to see if we can get him back, although life is a crazy crazy insane beast.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    Hey! @Tuth I liked your comment so much that I made a big nerd video of it!
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    @subtledoctor We got to talk more often my friend; you seem like a really cool guy. A proficiency revamp is something that I have always wanted to do with Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition ever since I looked into the early beta builds of the game.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    edited October 2015

    This actually might be possible, but the problem is, weapons in the shield slot automatically give you the extra off-hand attack. There's no "off-hand APR modifier" effect so you cannot eliminate this. :(

    Though none are ideal, I know of 3 ways to equip an off-hand weapon without attacking with it:
    - Offhand weapon's ability type is "Launcher", stops the attack action when it reaches an off-hand attack.
    - "SET APR = 0" (no attacks main-hand or off-hand)
    - "SET APR = 1/2" + Normal Haste + (no warrior APR) = 2 APR with main-hand only

    These are interesting ideas and it could actually maybe be done. You would have to turn every shield into a weapon, give it d4 blunt damage or something like that. Now when you equip it in your shield slot the game would see it as an off-hand weapon, and you could attack with it. You would eliminate "sword & shield style" (since the game would never a shield in your shield slot). So this way, wielding a sword and shield would give you an extra (weak) shield bash attack plus AC bonus; and wielding 2 weapons would give you an extra (strong) weapon attack but no AC bonus... you would have to improve single-weapon style and two-handed style to compensate, maybe add thac0/damage bonuses and extra crit chance.

    I tried this before, only issue I remember was animations don't exist, character doll gets weird at times.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2015
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited October 2015
    kjeron said:

    This actually might be possible, but the problem is, weapons in the shield slot automatically give you the extra off-hand attack. There's no "off-hand APR modifier" effect so you cannot eliminate this. :(

    Though none are ideal, I know of 3 ways to equip an off-hand weapon without attacking with it:
    - Offhand weapon's ability type is "Launcher", stops the attack action when it reaches an off-hand attack.
    - "SET APR = 0" (no attacks main-hand or off-hand)
    - "SET APR = 1/2" + Normal Haste + (no warrior APR) = 2 APR with main-hand only

    These are interesting ideas and it could actually maybe be done. You would have to turn every shield into a weapon, give it d4 blunt damage or something like that. Now when you equip it in your shield slot the game would see it as an off-hand weapon, and you could attack with it. You would eliminate "sword & shield style" (since the game would never a shield in your shield slot). So this way, wielding a sword and shield would give you an extra (weak) shield bash attack plus AC bonus; and wielding 2 weapons would give you an extra (strong) weapon attack but no AC bonus... you would have to improve single-weapon style and two-handed style to compensate, maybe add thac0/damage bonuses and extra crit chance.

    I tried this before, only issue I remember was animations don't exist, character doll gets weird at times.
    kjeron said:

    I tried this before, only issue I remember was animations don't exist, character doll gets weird at times.

    Maybe I Could Create The Animation? I Am Pretty Good At Pixel Art.

    Also with the whole weapon proficiency revamp I have some ideas and I am waiting until I can make a proper video / table for you guys to mill over. Although please keep brainstorming about what should be changed; 'two+ heads are better than one' etc..
  • TuthTuth Member Posts: 233
    @WithinAmnesia That was quite the response and I'm thankful that you've put the effort to do so. You've cleared some of the things that were a bit vague about your goal. My intention was to list the things that I wanted to introduce in my mod, but now I know what kind of mod you want to make.

    I believe that there's a huge potential in Baldur's Gate and its engine for the gameplay improvements. I've played quite a number of mods and most that added something to the story (character, quests, etc.) felt forced and a bit silly. I lacked the knowledge and skill to make new material, so I focused on the gameplay first.

    As for the new content, I can help by giving ideas for new characters, items, or quests. I would probably have to learn to use some modding tools since it's the EE engine, but I can at least try. There's a potential in some of the locations that seem a bit empty. Though I wouldn't want to fill them with billions of quests, maybe just some random dialogue about the history of the place, or something similar.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    @subtledoctor: I've read about your mod(s) and I will use them as soon as my old comp is back online (it's been without internet access for a year or so now). Also, thanks for writing a good reply to my rambling suggestions.

    @kjeron: thanks for the informative response to subtledoctor's reply. I just write what I would like without knowing what can actually be done with the game. It's always great to read what knowledgeble people think is possible and what is not with modding.

    Continuing my (rambling) ideas of changing the game: the pip system. I'm not a fan of the way the 5-point system of pips work. I think there's too little gains from level 3-5 and I don't like the way different classes can specialize. I think I've seen other mods which change this, so this may already have been done:

    I'd like all fighting classes to be able to specialize, this includes thieves and all kits and clerics/druids ('cept perhaps certain kits like the Avenger who's more of a 'mage'/caster type). So bards ('ept perhaps blade and skald?), mages, sorcerers would be the only ones stuck at 1 APR base. The others should be able to get up to 2 APR max, but not sure how it could be implemented. In an ideal world I would like to remove all speed weapons and instead make it possible for non-warrior classes to reach 2 APR base, 3 with dual weild. It's the same as today with speed weapons but would let a rogue, for example, be able to reach this with a longsword and not just with scimis/short swords.

    I would like fighter classes like paladins and rangers to reach Mastery to get the ½ APR from specialization but also plus dmg and thac0 from Mastery. They train and fight all the time, it feels weird that they can never go beyond specialization. I would like level 4 to add another ½ APR and GM to add the last ½ APR. High mastery always feels like just a step towards GM rather than something actually worth celebrating when you reach it. Also, by giving high mastery something valuable, one could experiment with removing GM from certain kits, like with the dwarven defender. Ie a berzeker who focuses more on brute strenght rather than finess should not reach GM. So instead of being better than a vanilla fighter in pretty much all ways, you actually have to sacrifice something valuable to get the immunities from berzerking.
    Clerics are made for melee combat and thus should be able to strike harder and more often than a wizard. They should also be able to rather effeciently swing with a weapon.
    One way to balance out multiclasses, in favour of single classes, would be to stop them from going above 2 pips just like today. That would ie make the choice between a ranger and a F/C or whatever harder and more interresting since the ranger would actually end up the better fighter but the F/C would still have the versatility of the multiclass.

    My ideas need to be detailed alot more of course, I realize that. There may be an issue with creating OP thieves, or F/C etc with my ideas which is not my intentions at all. I just want to create a greater rift between offense and defense, forcing you, the player, to choose one and sacrifice the other to a greater degree than is currently possible. It's too easy to be best at everything, highest possible dmg, best AC, highest HP, highest DR etc.

    Alot of ramblings yet again. At work as usual, so don't have time to read through and refine this post before posting :smiley:
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