It took me so long to learn to use the crimson dart. I get a single +3 dart?! I'm going to wait until just the right moment to use my special one-shot then... (cue years of saving up and never actually throwing the dart to discover its miraculous return)
Spears are also welcome!
You mean you want the bag of holding as a weapon and damage dealt would depend on the amount of items in it?
At a push a portable hole.
Wait... we know already that Neera will be available...
2handed weapon that does the same damage as a short sword? Not acceptable !
Either make them one handed, buff the reach and/or damage!
I would recommend ading +1 dmg to the two handed second slot fighting style
Two handed sword also got revised to 2d6 - see NWN.
What this beloved game really could use is more crafting weapons!
Something like applying more STR damage on 2h weapons would be nice though