It's raining here in San Antonio, and very heavily, too. I just went for a long walk all the way around the neighborhood late at night and got soaked to the bone. There's just something very relaxing and refreshing about a long walk in a place you like, and I love the rain.
Autumn-like weather in the summer is so refreshing. There's nothing like not needing AC or heat. It's 65F here and I love it! If everyday was like this my carbon footprint would be next to nothing...
The sad thing is, it's not as "crazy" as it may sound. In recent years the autumns have been awfully warm. It takes longer and longer for the summer-like weather to vanish and for autumn-like weather to kick in.
Superstitious people would say it may be the climate change. But we know better of course
The sad thing is, it's not as "crazy" as it may sound. In recent years the autumns have been awfully warm. It takes longer and longer for the summer-like weather to vanish and for autumn-like weather to kick in.
Superstitious people would say it may be the climate change. But we know better of course
You're right. I blame aliens...
Hey! You are perfectly able to destroy yourselves. We are just watching... It's entertaining.
Listening to the rain on the roof. Just that steady drumming noise. Holding a cat, petting it and listening to it purr. Watching baby animals play (especially kittens).
Oh dear God... I saw an Adventure Time episode called Chips and Ice Cream. I have so many things to say and not say about the episode as a whole because it's more than just the skit at the beginning (the clip below), but the important thing is that I just love the voices of Chips and Ice Cream so much. It just makes me so happy that I ball up my fists and smile and it feels so pure and sweet and good.
Watching musical with my wife at the theatre. (It is either Valjean or Javert!)
Playing outdoor games with my daughters.
Making silly gifs from that.
It is so nice to have your sensitive soul among us once more, @Shandyr
Could be "pantless dwarves".
You're a keeper too
by Bob Acri
These pieces of music:
And this:
Especially the part where Chips and Ice Cream kiss the little bird. I just want to squeal when it happens. It's so perfect.
Discovering a book capable of capturing my imagination so completely that I loose myself, for a time, in the author’s tale is soul soothing bliss.
I yearn for tales that can me nod my head in understanding, laugh, cry and cheer out loud. Books with such power are few and far between.
I would recommend this book to anyone else who loves to read tales such as Baldur’s Gate or Tolkien’s works.
Battle Mage by Peter Flannery
Na Laetha Geal M'oige from Watermark
Boadicea from "The Celts" all by Enya
Not sure about the soothing part, but there was a reaction in my soul right there.
So I think it's a natural outgrowth of the thread.