What soothes your soul?

in Off-Topic
There are so many stresses, obstacles, challenges, heartbreaks, and even a few brick walls that each and everyone of us must face on a daily basis. We all must find a way to relax and recuperate so that we can do it all again tomorrow. Each finds their own way to soothe their soul and replenish their spirit.
For some it may be music, others a lovely piece of chocolate or a stiff drink. Still others find a trip to the gym or a quiet moment of contemplation to be the way back to sanity.
For me, music is a big one, along with having those most loved near. Be they on two legs or four.
Of course a bite of chocolate never goes amiss, or allowing myself a “forbidden food”. Getting lost in a good book can do wonders. Sometimes, coming to this forum and reading a post made by someone who is having a blast as they discover yet one more thing that they love about this game, just works like magic on my mood.
I would love to hear how others soothe and replenish their souls.
For some it may be music, others a lovely piece of chocolate or a stiff drink. Still others find a trip to the gym or a quiet moment of contemplation to be the way back to sanity.
For me, music is a big one, along with having those most loved near. Be they on two legs or four.

I would love to hear how others soothe and replenish their souls.
You get all squeezed up inside
Like the days were carved in stone
You get all wired up inside
And it's bad to be alone
You can go out, you can take a ride
And when you get out on your own
You get all smoothed out inside
And it's good to be alone
Doing the Dishes
Some video games
Showers and a fresh change of clothes
Swimming, when I can
Smoking if things are really bad
To cleanse the soul, a circle pit for a live punk/ska band.
When I want to up my mood, I watch live concerts of my favourite rock musicians.
In less than a month a major football tournament (Euro 2016) will start, so it will be time of major soothing for me. I still remember how fun it was in 2014 when there was the World Cup and for a month half of me breathed football.
Kids are first (most of the time
Playing Baldur's Gate is also in there.
Against All Authority - All Ages Show Tonight
This bit's my favorite
He's holding her so tight.
In the darkest corner of the club,
They're watching the band.
Holding hands tangled leather 'n studs
Boots braces sucking on each others faces.
Tonight you know it just feels right.
Just another punk alone in the city
With a skinhead girl
A box of wine.
Yeah they're pretty fucked up
And feeling shitty,
But at least,
They got each other tonight.
Damn now I've feeling old, think I need to stop being a hermit and go out and get trashed with friends this weekend.
The last couple of days I’ve been needing the kind of lift that only my favorite Bards can provide. Damh the Bard and the Brobdingnagian Bards. One of my favorites that Damh the Bard does is Raggle Taggle Gypsy. I recently found a rendition of this done by Derek Ryan that I like very much and will be buying his album so that I may add it to my “Bard Mood” collection.
Thank you for the link, unlce @Flashburn
Being home alone. With my GF out on town or something so I still get to sleep next to her afterwards but get the blissful experience of having a full evening on my own wihtout any obligations.
I start with making myself a nice dinner. Something fairly easy but still very tasty. I drink wine or beer to the dinner, both while making it and eating it. I listen to great music that gives me a bit up a uptempo experience, so usually either some kind of trance/psytrance or obscure ambient black metal/more common death metal. I watch something great/funny while eating, like Z nation, brooklyn nine-nine or some old classic like star wars, LOTR etc.
Then I pour myself a whisky after dinner and drink it together with a huge bowl of coffee. I boot up BG and either roll for a new char or continue on one of the few I haven't yet discarded. A mute the game and put on some great epic music like 2 steps from hell, Audiomachine or similar whilst getting more and more drunk. I eat candy like a child on christmas eve (you know the way a lion tears into a downed prey).
Then my GF comes home, tipsy and longing for me, so we go to bed and make sweet, sweet love. Or do dirty, dirty things. Both works.
Soul rejuvinated.
The Dutch band De Kift mostly (fanfare punk),
English band Joy Division and English musician Anne Clark.