Scanning through the titles of recent threads I saw this one and got quite the wrong impression. I assumed it would be related to the game - for instance listing clever ways in which the PC had contrived to cast an incendiary cloud on Noober!
I'm glad to see that others are clearly better balanced than I am
Sounds of rain in the dark. Makes me feel like I'm eight years old, resting in a wilderness hut, with no worries in the world.
What a lovely thought.
This reminded me of some nights that I spent as a child in a little cabin located deep in the wilds of Alaska. It was owned by a family friend who had a little gold mine out there.
Gold mining as a kid. Sounds cool, fun and backbrakingly tiring all at once
My memories are a bit more humble - a shepherd's hut, the only hints of light coming from the firewood in the stove. Also, the house in town, where we'd switch off all electricity if there was a thunderstorm. Sounds funny writing it now. But was so cool if it was in the evening, the only thing you could do was to relax and listen to the rain and the rumbling thunder in the distance.
Dogs and guinea pigs are two of my favorite kinds of critters. Our home is blessed with several of both. So finding this video this morning gave me the soul soothing moment I needed to start my day off right.
This one I had to look up. Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing.
This quote from Wikipedia gave me a chuckle.
This distinctive taste is reflected in the British company's marketing slogan: "Love it or hate it." The product's name has entered British English as a metaphor for something that is an acquired taste or tends to polarize opinions.
This one I had to look up. Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing.
This quote from Wikipedia gave me a chuckle.
This distinctive taste is reflected in the British company's marketing slogan: "Love it or hate it." The product's name has entered British English as a metaphor for something that is an acquired taste or tends to polarize opinions.
This one I had to look up. Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing.
This quote from Wikipedia gave me a chuckle.
This distinctive taste is reflected in the British company's marketing slogan: "Love it or hate it." The product's name has entered British English as a metaphor for something that is an acquired taste or tends to polarize opinions.
This one I had to look up. Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing.
This quote from Wikipedia gave me a chuckle.
This distinctive taste is reflected in the British company's marketing slogan: "Love it or hate it." The product's name has entered British English as a metaphor for something that is an acquired taste or tends to polarize opinions.
Yes... I have seen grown men fall on their knees, gagging in agony from the taste...
I have seen children fighting to scoop handfuls in an addictive frenzy, to eat it like treacle from the jar...
Personally, I like to add it to my cheese on toast. This is also blasphemous as I live in Worcestershire... And you know what sauce I should be using on my cheese on toast...
But it is mellow, tangy, soft, sharp, smooth, jagged and sublime and if you manage to cram enough in your mouth... It can burn...
You can twist your taste buds further by eating it from the fridge so it can also be cold... It is a most duplicitous food...
Also good for hair growth. My balding dad was told to eat more. The high amount of vitamin d made not only his hair grow again... It also made it grow back black. Although this made his bonce look a little wierd...
Buy some! I suggest putting it on buttered toast first before splashing it on your pasta bake.
I guess certain musical themes sometimes.
Happy 4th of July!
Fishing - which is basically just taking a stick to a river and sitting there pretending you're getting something done.
I'm glad to see that others are clearly better balanced than I am
This reminded me of some nights that I spent as a child in a little cabin located deep in the wilds of Alaska. It was owned by a family friend who had a little gold mine out there.
My memories are a bit more humble - a shepherd's hut, the only hints of light coming from the firewood in the stove. Also, the house in town, where we'd switch off all electricity if there was a thunderstorm. Sounds funny writing it now. But was so cool if it was in the evening, the only thing you could do was to relax and listen to the rain and the rumbling thunder in the distance.
Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing.
This quote from Wikipedia gave me a chuckle.
This distinctive taste is reflected in the British company's marketing slogan: "Love it or hate it." The product's name has entered British English as a metaphor for something that is an acquired taste or tends to polarize opinions.
I have seen children fighting to scoop handfuls in an addictive frenzy, to eat it like treacle from the jar...
Personally, I like to add it to my cheese on toast. This is also blasphemous as I live in Worcestershire... And you know what sauce I should be using on my cheese on toast...
But it is mellow, tangy, soft, sharp, smooth, jagged and sublime and if you manage to cram enough in your mouth... It can burn...
You can twist your taste buds further by eating it from the fridge so it can also be cold... It is a most duplicitous food...
Also good for hair growth. My balding dad was told to eat more. The high amount of vitamin d made not only his hair grow again... It also made it grow back black. Although this made his bonce look a little wierd...
Buy some! I suggest putting it on buttered toast first before splashing it on your pasta bake.
Still in the lead.
How interesting... Nothing to see here...