14. When things in real life remind you of forum members, for example: When you see a mushroom you think of @lolien , when you see a magpie you think of @Skatan or @MagpieRandoms , when you see cauliflower you think of @Anduin or when you see a hot Italian guy, you think of an even hotter Italian guy on this forum... *cough*
When you are in Wroclaw and see the Życzliwek Gnome (also known as the Życzliwek Dwarf) and think of @Anduin
That is in fact one of my clones under the influence of a flesh to stone spell...
Pretty sure they are made of bronze. So since that is an alloy they really aren't "stone" per se.
He's just trying to lull you into a false sense of security. That's really one of his bronze golems pretending to be a statue and just waiting for the order to carry out it's mission.
That explains what this axe-wielding dwarf was up to...maybe it thought this was my hostels door?
19. When you get off topic on a thread because you are talking about bronze dwarves.
22. "I've got a few minutes before I need to leave for work, I'll just check the forum... Oh, look a couple of updates to the Maybe this time thread... ... Wow that was a kick-ass fight... ... ... ...Oh shit, I'm late!"
27. When you don't know you're spending too much time on this forum. 28. When you know you're spending too much time on this forum but don't *know*. 29a. When you *know*. 29b. When you become stronger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YERZImLh5JM 30. Updated my journal.
32. When you install a small moon wholly consisting of fossilized broccoli on the orbit of ¡Δ!κεθραζαν-Sajjad (sometimes known as KELT-1b, Andromeda) as an easter egg.
34. When you get back playing BG when the EE came out, found this place, thinking : "Wow, it's a nice place for reference. I should look it up when I want to mod the game for a nice challenge".
Then, finding among other things threads about no-reload playthrough and reading them. Then realizing that you know about party of Spiders, solo Bounty hunter, solo Totemic druid, ... and still following them daily.
Them realizing that you pretty much always check what's new on the forum practically everyday and, after almost two years, saying to yourself : "Well, maybe I could just make myself an account".
35. You find that there aren't enough hours in the day to focus on both the forum and playing the game, so you keep alternating between being active on the forum for a few weeks, and then being off the forum for a few weeks while playing a run.
36. You find that if you try to participate in the forum and play a run at the same time, you turn into a full-time BG hermit, who does nothing else all day (... er, all week ... er, all month ... er, what is this "RL" thing people keep talking about?)
34. When you get back playing BG when the EE came out, found this place, thinking : "Wow, it's a nice place for reference. I should look it up when I want to mod the game for a nice challenge".
Then, finding among other things threads about no-reload playthrough and reading them. Then realizing that you know about party of Spiders, solo Bounty hunter, solo Totemic druid, ... and still following them daily.
Them realizing that you pretty much always check what's new on the forum practically everyday and, after almost two years, saying to yourself : "Well, maybe I could just make myself an account".
@ThacoBell: It's a reference to my old Party of Spiders run. It was my first no-reload run, with SCS and Ascension, before EE, with a special gimmick: I would play a party of spellcasters as if they were fighters. That is, I would avoid relying on spell damage and summons, and instead have my characters fight with weapons.
Much of this involved a Cleric of Lathander(11)->Mage dual-class and the spider gnome trick, which was eliminated in an EE update (I think it was after version 1.4):
1. Create a Minor Sequencer with Shocking Grasp 2. Cast Polymorph Self 3. Switch to spider form 4. Activate Minor Sequencer, replacing the spider form's weapon with the Shocking Grasp weapon. 5. Expend the Shocking Grasp weapon by attacking something. 6. You now have a character in spider form with 4 attacks per round, but you can equip any weapon without losing that 4 APR.
Jan's flashers especially benefited from this trick, as he could stun-lock virtually anything when using spider form. However, recent updates removed the trick by making all shapeshifting effects dependent on the "Create Weapon" opcode, which means Shocking Grasp would instantly return you to humanoid form.
Can't be better expained but by the man himself. This was actually the run that got me into following the BG no-reload threads regularly. Such eccentricities and mastery with the magic system were unknown to me before...
Also partly a reference to your run with a solo phase spider custom kit, which involves the wierdest and funniest Irenicus in hell battle I've ever read !! (Not quite PG-13, though... )
Also partly a reference to your run with a solo phase spider custom kit, which involves the wierdest and funniest Irenicus in hell battle I've ever read !! (Not quite PG-13, though... )
I just tracked down the account of that fight... Virtually every sentence is either wildly inappropriate or makes absolutely no sense.
40. When you have a folder containing memes you created for the forum. 41. When you have several unfinished comment in the draft section. 42. when you have more than 10 pages in the participated discussions.
46. When, because of the silly drama surrounding the release of PST:EE, you feel like preordering the game is a political action, instead of it being the simple joy of playing a remastered classic on modern hardware...
47. When the silly drama animates you into drawing youself a new forum avatar and consequentially trolling any and every involved crybaby you come across :3c
That explains what this axe-wielding dwarf was up to...maybe it thought this was my hostels door?
19. When you get off topic on a thread because you are talking about bronze dwarves.
Oh, look a couple of updates to the Maybe this time thread...
Wow that was a kick-ass fight...
...Oh shit, I'm late!"
28. When you know you're spending too much time on this forum but don't *know*.
29a. When you *know*.
29b. When you become stronger
30. Updated my journal.
31. When you are able to tell a new user is a spambot as soon as it joins and before it even does anything.
Then, finding among other things threads about no-reload playthrough and reading them. Then realizing that you know about party of Spiders, solo Bounty hunter, solo Totemic druid, ... and still following them daily.
Them realizing that you pretty much always check what's new on the forum practically everyday and, after almost two years, saying to yourself : "Well, maybe I could just make myself an account".
36. You find that if you try to participate in the forum and play a run at the same time, you turn into a full-time BG hermit, who does nothing else all day (... er, all week ... er, all month ... er, what is this "RL" thing people keep talking about?)
37. You find yourself on the leader board of the forum Activity page!
Much of this involved a Cleric of Lathander(11)->Mage dual-class and the spider gnome trick, which was eliminated in an EE update (I think it was after version 1.4):
1. Create a Minor Sequencer with Shocking Grasp
2. Cast Polymorph Self
3. Switch to spider form
4. Activate Minor Sequencer, replacing the spider form's weapon with the Shocking Grasp weapon.
5. Expend the Shocking Grasp weapon by attacking something.
6. You now have a character in spider form with 4 attacks per round, but you can equip any weapon without losing that 4 APR.
Jan's flashers especially benefited from this trick, as he could stun-lock virtually anything when using spider form. However, recent updates removed the trick by making all shapeshifting effects dependent on the "Create Weapon" opcode, which means Shocking Grasp would instantly return you to humanoid form.
Also partly a reference to your run with a solo phase spider custom kit, which involves the wierdest and funniest Irenicus in hell battle I've ever read !! (Not quite PG-13, though...
Find it here: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/comment/644991/#Comment_644991
41. When you have several unfinished comment in the draft section.
42. when you have more than 10 pages in the participated discussions.