Issue 1 of a Community Made Magazine

This is the first issue of a new community run magazine for the IE games. This issue includes IE mod highlights, custom 5e rules, an Interview with Beamdog's very own @Elminster, a lengthy review of the game Tyranny, as well as, art, creative writing and ramblings of other community members.
All submissions and work for the publication was done on a volunteer basis, as we attempted to get the first issue out before Christmas (we failed miserably). It is our gift to you, for making this place an amazing collection of talented individuals and personalities.
I would like to thank @O_Bruce, @God, @Lord_Rumfish, @Vallmyr, @semiticgod, @Anduin, @typo_tilly, @Nonnahswriter, @JuliusBorisov and @Trent_Oster for making this project possible.
This is also just the beginning. We are currently working on our second issue for the community as I type this. We would love to hear your feedback, thoughts and suggestions for this project as we move forward. This includes a name for the publication. We are open to and encouraging suggestions and will have a poll to choose the name out of the best suggestions. There will also be a prize for the winning submission, but it might just only be one of @Nimran's .
If you have a question, idea, or would like to help us out for upcoming issues, please just message @JuliusBorisov or I through the forums.
We hope you enjoy this magazine as much as we enjoyed making it for you.
And wow, I'm honored by your review of Revisions mods @semiticgod
I'd like to thanks @Ardanis and Mike for helping me out all these years (I'm a useless coder compared to them), as well as @Aasim and any other player who contributed to constantly refine them directly or indirectly.
How about a play on the word "infinity"? Like Ad Infinitum.
I donno if he should answer it as the magazine needs to stay pg 13.
Actually... The nuances of gnome illusionists dating is quite complicated... The fact that your date sitting opposite you, could in reality, be an illusion, a mental construct of your own making or the chair your sitting on makes things... interesting...
I will start writing this... I believe I will need to write at least 206 hefty volumes covering such issues as "Was she/he real? And how to check." and "Social etiquette, the invisibility spell and voyeurism, a list of do's and don'ts."
It will be ready in approximately three centuries.
The name paying homage to the infinity engine games, as well a D&D culture with the d6, d8 reference. d∞ can also mean the endless possibilities one has using mods to change a game they love.
Anduin offered Infinity + (among other's like The Gnome Sapper), but I personally find that too close to Dragon+ Magazine. Sadly, we will need to stay away from anything that is another's IP. So Amnish, and Volo are out.
I do like Pause as well, however, it is already taken by another type of publication
edit: I also wanted to say thank you for all the positive feedback we have received. Keep the suggestions coming. This magazine is for you and we want to cover things you will be interested in reading.
My tender heart has been played with by some Britains I don't even know. *sniff*
Oh wait, that can be easily fixed with another letter or two: PAUSED, or PAUSEMANIACS, or PAUSOMANTS, or PAUSED ROLL, or even P-A-U-S-E-D I-N A-C-T-I-O-N to keep things fancy.
My naming sense is unmatched under the sky! MUAHAHAHA~