Modding and the Infinity Engine games (a survey)

Significant people out here discuss mods, their quality, the content many projects add... we really like that kind of discussions and they are important in the context of Baldur's Gate and other IE mods.
Would you like to share your thoughts on the topic? Do you like mods? Do you write mods yourself? Or maybe there are some aspects of modding you do not really like?
If you want to share your opinion and have some time, please, fill this survey: link.
Would you like to share your thoughts on the topic? Do you like mods? Do you write mods yourself? Or maybe there are some aspects of modding you do not really like?
If you want to share your opinion and have some time, please, fill this survey: link.
Modding tutorials are good to continue. I think the basic stuff is okay to find but the advanced things may be more hidden. Just a matter of selecting when to share what.
just to give you an idea of how big this mod is so far: I have added 1990 items to my override folder for completing the IWD section, and there will no doubt be 100s more with HOW, so its gonna be big
I should make an NWN-style tweak pack since I've already got Ice Storm and the Cure Wounds spell line working like they do in NWN...
Admittedly, I have not had much coffee yet this morning, but I am not seeing a link to it.
You can find archive issues here -, the modding tutorial starts in the 2nd issue and continues in the 3rd issue.
There're forum threads for each issue:
You can learn some basic skills from teachers but the creative task is something different, otherwise you do paint-by-numbers and how-to-write-a-novel-in-five-easy-lessons.
And: I am thankful for all the IE editing tools (including weidu) developped by much smarter persons than me. I am thankful they are still updated and developped. Without the tools I wouldn't be successful in making working mods.
And also, without tools like weidu the IE engine modding scene wouldn't be able to make compatible mods. I don't know much other games' modding scenes but I think the compatibility of so many mods in one game is the key element what makes the IE modding scene so special. So many mods created and they add up to a whole new world of game content. Not like some other games where every mod stands on its own and mods have to be packaged together to enable players to enjoy them in one game.
The thing is that it is easier to use a tutorial if you want specific (bit general) things explained because you would need to guess which mod actually has the thing you are looking for.
So I hope the tutorials get a bit more advanced at some point.
Or to put it another way, the best and worst written content mods will have very similar code running them.
As a constant player of mods I have seen the problem of many mods just getting stuck there, repeating patterns and often even copying bugs over and over again. What I see a lot are mods that get stuck with what was found and understood there. I think a mod should stem from some unique ideas which the author tries to bring to the game instead of this-is-what I learned-see-what-I-can-do-with-it. You first have an idea, a vision or whatever you call it and then you try to explore how it could be done. Too often you see it the other way round.