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The Adventurer's Lounge: Guidance and Support for No Reload Challengers- Newbie or Veteran



  • alice_ashpoolalice_ashpool Member Posts: 261
    Perhaps someone can help me. I am thinking about Deathblow and Greater Deathblow - I was wondering if there was a list of enemies that were susceptible to either - both for vanilla and for SCS.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    Beholders are another potentially troublesome enemy that it's nice to be able to take down with a single attack.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    Indeed. Standard beholders and gauths are all level 9. More advanced variants - Elder Orbs and Death Tyrants - are higher-level and thus immune.

    So, in short - if you take deathblows into the Underdark sequence, you won't be disappointed.
  • alice_ashpoolalice_ashpool Member Posts: 261
    Grond0 wrote: »
    Beholders are another potentially troublesome enemy that it's nice to be able to take down with a single attack.

    yeah, I just found this out as I went through the Unseeing Eye - pretty wow.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited March 2021
    I am running M'Khiim as a PC and am considering giving her a male goblin consort and thought that a true neutral berserker or barbarian would be suitable.

    However I have no idea what restrictions there should be on his attributes. Would it be possible for any of them to be higher than 18? Which of them should be lower than 18?

    Also what resistances should they have? Similar to a dwarf or gnome?

    Suggestions very welcome.


    I have just been examining the stats of the goblins in the game and have discovered this:

    Maximum Strength: 17
    Maximum Dexterity: 17
    Maximum Constitution: 17
    Maximum Intelligence: 14
    Maximum Wisdom: 17
    Maximum Charisma: 15

    So creating a goblin with those stats is certainly legal if I come up with a roll of 97.
    Such a roll is extremely rare!
    It looks to me as if high intelligence and charisma would be inappropriate, but I am wondering if 18 in Strength, Dexterity and Constitution would be OK. I don't know of any information in this regard other than that which I have discovered for myself using Keeper.

    The roll in the game that I am currently playing was 92!

    When I looked at their resistances. It gave me a clue as to which race they were created from.
    I would suspect human because there are goblin shamans and wizards and that appears to be the case. Their resistances are not high like dwarves. So when I roll a goblin, I will just use a human roll and avoid high intelligence and charisma.

    Here is my goblin charname:

    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    You don't think of Baldur's Gate as a game that requires precise hand movements, but one of the things I'm learning these days is that a disability can have an impact even on the simplest tasks. It's not just that I can't do heavy lifting; the disability influences almost everything in my day to day life.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    This is probably too broad a question to give a simple answer, but I want to finally install SCS to have a working installation with it before 2.6, in case of compatibility issues (I did a full SCS install a while ago but couldn't play yet, then lost files due to messed up registry for other reasons).
    So, I want to try it for no-reload, and there's such an overwhelming number of tweaks and changes, but from reading I've got the impression that full SCS is too hard for no-reload, especially if tried for the first time. I know there's the changed difficulty slider which I plan to set to Tactician, and I also know that there are many many options that are totally up to personal taste and I'll have to figure out by trial and error if I like the settings.

    Now what I'm asking is just this: Are there some features that I should absolutely, definitely under all circumstances skip if I try no-reload with SCS for the first time, or should I just do a full install with all tweaks and improvements, although I'll probably get my ass handed to me repeatedly, and just accept it as part of the learning curve?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    You don't think of Baldur's Gate as a game that requires precise hand movements, but one of the things I'm learning these days is that a disability can have an impact even on the simplest tasks. It's not just that I can't do heavy lifting; the disability influences almost everything in my day to day life.

  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    My personal opinion is that BG with SCS is a very different game if you never played with this mod. And I usually don't try no-reloading games I play for the first time. It's just a recipe for failure - might be someone's choice, but I would prefer not to do it.

    Imagine playing Pillar of Eternity for the first time on the PotD difficulty or Divinity: Original Sin 1&2 games for the first time on the Tactician difficulty with a no-reload approach.

    A no-reload run, or even a minimal reload run are extreme challenges for those who know the games inside out. At your place, @Arvia , I would just try to play the game normally, not save-scumming and reloading for 100 times, but still normally. Only this way you will be able to understand how certain encounters work, how magic combat works, etc. And in this case, I would install all components to the maximum.

    You're probably right. Perhaps I'll do the full install and just take a casual approach towards character death. No save-scumming of course, but maybe reloading if I barely survived a difficulty encounter or lost several NPCs, so that I can try out a different tactic.

    Thanks for the input and the different perspectives, really appreciated!
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I'm just wondering if having too high a reputation has an effect on a Blackguard in the same way that a low reputation affects a paladin.
  • BroninBronin Member Posts: 29
    edited March 2021
    A hypothetical situation: a player is skilled enough to have an 80% chance, per attempt, of no-reloading an unmodded BG2: SOA and TOB.

    What might his percentage chance be if he plays SCS with "AI enhancements" on "Tactical" difficulty but NO other changes (e.g. no "Tactical Challenges for BG2" etc)?

    What about his chance playing SCS with "AI enhancements" on "Insane" WITH all Tactical Challenges for BG2 installed? Please assume full knowledge of SCS spoilers.

    Have you decided on a protagonist (class, kit, race etc)? Also, you might consider installing "Smarter Beholders" because the antimagic ray they use is FAR less dangerous (and closer to the official rules) with this component installed (see the readme). However, the Shield of Balduran won't keep you as safe anymore...
    Post edited by Bronin on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @Arvia For no reloads Neera is out as a mage. In my current game a wild surge killed her AND my other mage. As the battle was against ankhegs it was no big deal, but imagine that in a battle against Khaark for example.

    Xan is fine particularly if you have Xan's New Groove installed.
  • BroninBronin Member Posts: 29
    I suppose it is difficult to list a good number as an estimate regarding my hypothetical situation from earlier... Without having played SCS I'd say 70% and 5-10% respectively.

    I thought I'd ask as I am very much thinking of a different protagonist for an SCS Insane AI enhancements run. Some of these protagonists might otherwise be considered OP. Originally I went with a Dwarf fighter. They are good at surviving due to good HP and good saves.

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Anybody know which percentages for HP result in the Barely Injured, Injured, Badly Injured, and Near Death markers?
  • alice_ashpoolalice_ashpool Member Posts: 261
    Looking for some info on AC-tanking and hit chance for various enemies in ToB. Wondering if its worth stacking more on my monk since she has a pleasantly low -16AC base with current gear with some possibilities for taking it lower with different gear.

    For instance -18AC with Yamato offhand and ring of earth control. -17 with another -2 vs evil with some rejigging without compromising MR%. Theoretical max that I can think of off the top of my head that a monk could get to would be -21AC with another -2 vs Evil, or -22AC base, with the addition of DMM blur (dispels though) and lavender loun stone (there are some serious penalties for doing this, (swap 10% HP for a flat +5, and lose 1 thac0 and 1 to every save, ouch). So my question is, is there anywhere where I can find out what hit chance for enemies are with various AC scores to see if there is any sort of trade off for marginal advantage.
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    Has anyone tried @OlvynChuru’s rework of the Icewind Dale Heart of Fury mode? It sounds very interesting... but also a bit on the tricky side for no-reloading given the amount of changes it makes to the base game. I also suspect its design goals may not be quite in accord with my own taste, which is more toward low-level simplification rather than high-level complexity.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited April 2021
    Mantis37 wrote: »
    Has anyone tried @OlvynChuru’s rework of the Icewind Dale Heart of Fury mode? It sounds very interesting... but also a bit on the tricky side for no-reloading given the amount of changes it makes to the base game. I also suspect its design goals may not be quite in accord with my own taste, which is more toward low-level simplification rather than high-level complexity.

    It's probably best not to try Improved Heart of Fury Mode as a no-reload. You'd have to really know what you were doing. I've never come close to no-reloading it myself.
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