i hope the canon party won't be "imposed" on you at some point place the non-canon members and minsc, jaheira et al. won't spring out of nowhere to join you
They will. And then Irenicus and Co is going to spring out and kill everyone starting with Dyna, which will make Minsc go berserk, killing any non recurring NPCs (sorry Alora lovers), while the evil NPCs (Edwin, Vic) slink away from the battle.
People like Xzar, Monty, Xan and Ajantis will excuse themselves having to report back to thier respective orders to announce the iron crisis is over before this happens leaving a nice gaping hole in your party for new NPCs (or old ones) though.
Done right it can be very fluid in the delivery of having the BG2 starting party crammed down your throat.
If Minsc did that I would straight up murder him every time he asked us to save Dynaheir. I'd feel bad for the poor witch woman but Val'myr is the definitely the type to have an obsessive personality and would do ANYTHING for his beloved. Even murder! /Chaotic Neutral
Spoilers for Bravely Default below on how Val would act in a certain situation in that game.
So there's this tiny, adorable Faerie chick named Airy. She's basically the Navi of the party up until the end where she reveals she's working for the big bad. Had this been a situation where I was my character as opposed to playing a set party Val'myr would've happily helped her bring about the end of the world because he'd be infatuated with Airy.
The evil alternative canon party idea sounds fun. Maybe Dorn and Viconia instead of Minsc and Jaheira. Imoen doesn't seem like she's replacable without breaking the BG2 plot, though.
Hi! If I've understood it correctly, the upcoming Adventure Y is a bridge between BGI and BGII. How will this work out with XP? When playing a normal game with six characters I finish with around 200 k XP and Adventure Y will probably add another 50 k XP. How will this affect BGII? Will the first dungeon be made more difficult? There is quite a difference between starting with 89 k XP and 250 k XP. /J
but having dorn instead of minsc seems like a no-brainer
Except that Dorn's been busy following Ur-Gothoz's increasingly dangerous commands - that's the trigger for his SoA quest. He couldn't have been doing all that if he's been stuck with you the whole time.
Details are probably soon to come, but I think it's reasonably safe to assume that there will be some system in place to make the XP progression meaningful within the context.
We should see some details on AdY trickle in soon, so stay tuned! Me personally, I think Beamdog has earned enough confidence from me that I expect it to work out fine; but of course I will reserve my judgment for when I see the actual product.
How about Minsc becoming evil... Let me think about this...
Minsc is killed, somehow mummified and turns up undead!
All undead are inherently evil! Voila!
Boo could be replaced with a scarab beetle that... err... squeaks. I need to think more on this.
"All undead are inherently evil," WHY I NEVER!
Where I'm from we don't judge people by whether their heart is beating or not. I'm sure all my (non-existant) Baelnorn friends would like to have a word with you!
Also, speaking of which, we have evil Liches, good Baelnorn, why don't we have neutral undead?
Agreed. Seems like the whole point( or at least a good part of the point) of Adventure Y is to tell the story of how they got captured by Irenicus. That'd be pretty hard to do if the starting party of BGII became fluid.
How about Minsc becoming evil... Let me think about this...
Minsc is killed, somehow mummified and turns up undead!
All undead are inherently evil! Voila!
Boo could be replaced with a scarab beetle that... err... squeaks. I need to think more on this.
"All undead are inherently evil," WHY I NEVER!
Where I'm from we don't judge people by whether their heart is beating or not. I'm sure all my (non-existant) Baelnorn friends would like to have a word with you!
Also, speaking of which, we have evil Liches, good Baelnorn, why don't we have neutral undead?
Mindless undead (e.g., skeletons, zombies) are considered neutral alignment.
You can also notice this in IWD, where my undead hunter couldn't use her smite evil ability on most enemies. didn't know about the fact that their having a mind or not affects alignment, which is really neat and makes a lot of sense, too.
Agreed. Seems like the whole point( or at least a good part of the point) of Adventure Y is to tell the story of how they got captured by Irenicus. That'd be pretty hard to do if the starting party of BGII became fluid.
Beamdog would have to have a lot of creative license to alter BG2:EE. Now, I think that would be super cool (and why is everyone so excited about Dorn? Why not port in Shar-Teel to Chateau Irenicus if we're changing the story that much?), but not very likely to happen. There would be all of this altered dialogue, contractual issues, etc. to put in place, different people you care about would, presumably, die instead of Khalid and Dynaheir... frankly, it would be a hot mess. Again, it would be super cool if Beamdog got the rights and were able to change history to coincide with gameplay choices... but I don't think it's likely.
I remember people making predictions about the final word count;) I think nobody guessed it right, though;) But, for the sake of the contest, could the exact figure be revealed? 500 001 is already more than 500k. Or maybe 500 500?;)
I remember people making predictions about the final word count;) I think nobody guessed it right, though;) But, for the sake of the contest, could the exact figure be revealed?
That really will be impossible until the game is released. At this stage, text additions, deletions, tweaks, and revisions are being minimized as much as humanly possible but they are still going to happen as part of the QA process--quite possibly up to the day the game is released, if previous experience is anything to judge by.
I just hope that Baldur's Gate: Adventure Y does not suck.. I don't want to see another 7/10 review at launch and massive bugs. That would really Bug me.. Eh Get it bug? Eh.. "Life is so hollow.."
I remember people making predictions about the final word count;) I think nobody guessed it right, though;) But, for the sake of the contest, could the exact figure be revealed? 500 001 is already more than 500k. Or maybe 500 500?;)
Well it looks like my guess of 422,424 was too low... At least I was within an order of magnitude :P
Hi! If I've understood it correctly, the upcoming Adventure Y is a bridge between BGI and BGII. How will this work out with XP? When playing a normal game with six characters I finish with around 200 k XP and Adventure Y will probably add another 50 k XP. How will this affect BGII? Will the first dungeon be made more difficult? There is quite a difference between starting with 89 k XP and 250 k XP. /J
@MrSexton First, I've merged your thread with this one. We have one general thread to discuss everything related to the Adventure Y.
Second, according to Phillip Daigle, they had a lot of talks about how they would make it work if you can gain a couple more levels than SoA expects. They've put in some work on that front and they're predicting it won't be an issue.
Now I have a difficult question to all forum necromancers... is it possible to mummify Boo? Would he become evil?
Well, I went and got my "The Complete Handbook of Necromancers" 2e book and checked the necromantic spell listings so I assume Boo is a 2e character and all. Stumbled upon this 1st-level spell.
"Animate Dead Animals (Necromancy)
This Spell creates undead skeletons and zombies from the bones and bodies of dead animals, specifically vertebrates. The animated remains obey simple verbal commands given by the caster, regardless of the langauge employed. Only naturally occuring animals of no higher than semi-intelligence can be animated with this particular spell, including minimals and non-magical, giant-sized animals. These undead remain animated until they are destroyed in combat or turned; the animating magic cannot be dispelled."
It then goes on to explain the actual gameplay rules such as statistics. I suppose the question then is if Boo is non-magical or magical?
If he's non-magical we can use the 2nd-level spell "Embalm" to preserve Boo's little body and mummify him. He'd gain bonuses to health for the embalming, too n_n.
to call the infinite wisdom of boo "no higher than semi-intelligence", shame on you! he knows so much about the universe, aside from, obviously, being magical. A nearly divine entity like him simply can not fit into the scheme of a standard spell. Much less at 1st level.
P. S. (now, don't take this comment too seriously. just because your heart is not beating, doesn't mean it can't be hurt)
Spoilers for Bravely Default below on how Val would act in a certain situation in that game.
If I've understood it correctly, the upcoming Adventure Y is a bridge between BGI and BGII. How will this work out with XP? When playing a normal game with six characters I finish with around 200 k XP and Adventure Y will probably add another 50 k XP. How will this affect BGII? Will the first dungeon be made more difficult? There is quite a difference between starting with 89 k XP and 250 k XP. /J
but having dorn instead of minsc seems like a no-brainer
you're right. no dorn in chateau irenicus then.
We should see some details on AdY trickle in soon, so stay tuned! Me personally, I think Beamdog has earned enough confidence from me that I expect it to work out fine; but of course I will reserve my judgment for when I see the actual product.
Minsc is killed, somehow mummified and turns up undead!
All undead are inherently evil! Voila!
Boo could be replaced with a scarab beetle that... err... squeaks. I need to think more on this.
Where I'm from we don't judge people by whether their heart is beating or not. I'm sure all my (non-existant) Baelnorn friends would like to have a word with you!
Also, speaking of which, we have evil Liches, good Baelnorn, why don't we have neutral undead?
But I mummified Minsc for a reason... And let the reason be looooove (Did I just quote Boyzone!?!)
No... Wait... The real reason I mummified Minsc was to make him Lawful Evil... Because all Mummies are Lawful Evil... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mummy_(Dungeons_&_Dragons)
And most undead are evil...
Although, I like to think of myself as morally challenged...
Although if you plan to mummify Boo too you will need another, much smaller Helm of Opposite Alignment.
I remember people making predictions about the final word count;) I think nobody guessed it right, though;) But, for the sake of the contest, could the exact figure be revealed? 500 001 is already more than 500k. Or maybe 500 500?;)
Second, according to Phillip Daigle, they had a lot of talks about how they would make it work if you can gain a couple more levels than SoA expects. They've put in some work on that front and they're predicting it won't be an issue.
There was an idea by the community that the extra XP could be drained by the vampires that work on Bodhi from the story point of view.
"Animate Dead Animals (Necromancy)
This Spell creates undead skeletons and zombies from the bones and bodies of dead animals, specifically vertebrates. The animated remains obey simple verbal commands given by the caster, regardless of the langauge employed. Only naturally occuring animals of no higher than semi-intelligence can be animated with this particular spell, including minimals and non-magical, giant-sized animals. These undead remain animated until they are destroyed in combat or turned; the animating magic cannot be dispelled."
It then goes on to explain the actual gameplay rules such as statistics. I suppose the question then is if Boo is non-magical or magical?
If he's non-magical we can use the 2nd-level spell "Embalm" to preserve Boo's little body and mummify him. He'd gain bonuses to health for the embalming, too n_n.
P. S. (now, don't take this comment too seriously. just because your heart is not beating, doesn't mean it can't be hurt)