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The Don't Ask Me Anything Thread



  • NatenNaten Member Posts: 138
    @AndrewFoley Thank you for the response! That is an excellent list I will for sure be checking out the ones I am not familiar with but from the ones I am familiar with you clearly have good taste!!
  • Brer_RabbitBrer_Rabbit Member Posts: 159
    Thank you for the insight, @AndrewFoley. If you don't mind me asking, I have a few more questions for you...

    1: How do you avoid "burn-out" in the high-stakes and often crunch-time focused game industry, especially since your job relies on your creativity?

    2: You mentioned that coming in with strong writing skills may not be enough for the industry. What other skills would you suggest to anyone looking to enter the field?

    3: You've done both screenwriting and comics-- which helped you more with plotting videogames? Did anything surprise you in being the same in videogames as your previous fields of writing?
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Have you ever read
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Unfortunately, as a teacher. I end up being patronising. I apologise now.

    Scotch eggs should also be considered as a playable race.

    Anduin said:

    See. Easy.

    A good-aligned paladin would be justified in slaughtering goblin babies. On a personal level, I find that problematic.
    When you poor salt on slugs, do you ever stop yourself and go "How old is this slug? Am I killing a baby slug? If it is a baby slug... I better not kill it. It has a choice not to eat my lettuce and should be given a chance to do the right thing and eat troublesome weeds!"

    Now a goblin is more troublesome than a slug I grant you, but I wager the human mind will never be able to comprehend the mind of a goblin in the same way as it cannot comprehend the mind of a slug.

    Likewise the slug will always eat the lettuce because it is a slug and the goblin will always eat the kitten because it is a goblin.

    It reminds me of the Chinese tale of the scorpion.

    I believe in the fantasy world goblins are thought of as knife wielding slugs...


    Only on this forum. This kind of conversation only happens here...

    *Anduin runs outside with his fork and knife to battle once again the evil hordes of slugs*

    You can take my sunflowers! But you'll never take my radishes! Raaargh!
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    I love you @AndrewFoley as you just created a new character to start a story. A paladin who killed goblins finally meets a goblin who begs for mercy in common (unluckily for the other goblins previously dispatched they only spoke goblin). This changes his perspective... On a great many things.

    As for killing slugs with salt. I have done this in the past to save my vegetables. However, to get rid of them properly, encourage toads and frogs into your garden. They will actively hunt them out... Slug pellets.. Basically poison is also an easy alternative... However the poison can hurt other animals and children so salt seems kinder to the garden.

    I don't hate slugs. I just love cauliflower.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Now my last comment has made me think again!

    I don't hate goblins. I just love kittens / children.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Anduin said:

    I don't hate slugs. I just love cauliflower.

    But what about broccoflower?
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    The children of the union will one day rule the vegetable patch kingdoms. But until then the pan spinach-beat alliance will enforce the peas.
  • AndrewFoleyAndrewFoley Member Posts: 744
    I'm really not allowed to talk about that right now. Sorry.
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    About what?
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Can you at least do a mime impression of it?
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