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Exploits, Tricks, and Nonstandard Tactics



  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @histamiini: Death Fog might only be able to fit into a Spell Trigger, but Spell Sequencer and Minor Sequencer should also be able to throw out Stinking Clouds and such. I don't see why it wouldn't work with the other triggers, since they're all coded the same as far as I can tell in Near Infinity.

    If a new patch comes out that removes the trick, I'll just move it to the list of tricks that only work in previous patches.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @histamiini: All right, I updated the entry.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    @Skatan's trick can probably be useful also for mages using a sling and switching to a dart to get the good damage of the first and 2 more dart attacks.
    a mage with enchanted sling and bullets and good STR from spell or items can easily reach 20 dmg for each sling attack, add a couple of stunning or poisoning darts on top and he becomes really effective even if he is not casting.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    don't know if it is a trick but is the way to infinite experience as soon as you have a mage able to cast pi.
    go to wk and get the 2 wish scrolls from there, then equip them, a limited wish scroll and the cursed scroll that drops wisdom to 3. then begin to spam pi, sending the pi and a cleric in some room and close the door. then the pi casts the wishes hoping for the rest option and then uses the cursed scroll and the limited wish, choosing to be protected from undeads. some vampires pop out, the pi vanishes and the cleric makes the vampires explode. more than 60k free experience for the party. cast an other pi and repeat. with 3 or 4 lev 7 castings and a good starting wis you have a good chance to find the rest option. you can also pack the wish scrolls and other lev 7 ones that recharge via spell trap and use the sotm, so you have 7pi, or 14 wishes, to find the rest option, this way you have to sleep very seldom. the more you use the trick the more you gain levels so pi memorized, at high levels the wish becomes redundant as is more reliable to use the spell trap to replenish the pi casting.

    i know that is possible and easier to cluaconsole the xp, but in the trick you use only legal spells, without abusing of some engine exploits, like it happens with blocking the tanner and talking to him many times.

    when i want more experience for my parties i usually do it without the cleric part, i have to fight with the vampires to "earn" the experience. more fun, more rp sense, as is logic that the more you fight the more you gain experience.
    for the same reason i often turn to stone and back to flash multiple times the dragons, and is really easy if you have them under the feeblemind spell, the fun is without it....
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    the killing the clone trick by @squiros not only works very well with darts from the cloak and bullets from erinne sling, it works very well with the wands and potions you get as you are spamming wishes to get the rest option and also with the money the party loose if the clone has to chose that option instead of others more annoying. kill the clone and you will loot darts, bullets+4, some useful potions and best of all plenty of wands, including the WK types, as side effects of having a free rest. and you will loot back also the money you were supposed to loose as result of the wish choice. perfect for sorcerers that want to abuse the wish rest.
    is important that you kill the clone or that he suicides himself with damaging spells, if DM is used to get rid of him all the loot vanishes with him.
    in the original he can also use the scribe scroll and alchemy hla and you can also loot the summoned scrolls and potions, in EE those hla are removed for mage so only a MT can do it, if he is so fool to waste hla on that stuff.
  • LoldrupLoldrup Member Posts: 291
    Grond0 said:

    The vampire's revenge long sword is from the original BG game - something of an easter egg, but cursed. In BGEE it heals an opponent 7 HPs per successful hit and inflicts 7 HPs per hit on the user (killing you if there are fewer HPs than that left). It can't heal above maximum HPs though, so it doesn't give a great advantage. Potentially it could be used to help keep a tank going in a long fight, but I think such tactics are unlikely to be optimal use of a party. Other than having fun I think the described use of speeding up healing prior to resting / travelling to trigger constitution regeneration is the only real benefit in the unmodded game. If you introduced the sword into BG2 or introduced regeneration spells or items into BG1 the equation could well be different, however.

    I can think of one usage:
    A party member gets held by a Ghast, and his HP are draining rapidly from attacks. You're out of 'remove paralylis', 'invisibility' and healing spells. What do you do? Equip the Vampire's revenge and start whacking the helpless person. Meanwhile, your spell casters can deal damage spells upon the enemy.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @gorgonzola: The trick has been known for a while, but since you've confirmed it still works, I've added you as co-author to Anonymous.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    thanks :)
  • profanitywarningprofanitywarning Member Posts: 294
    Not sure if this trick was reported before, but in BG2EE 1.3 it's still possible to get 2 rings of the ram from Tolgerias. I doubt this was fixed in later versions because it takes rather specific circumstances to do so, but correct me if I'm wrong. If you go into the government house with Valygar in the party, and you haven't accepted Tolgerias' quest to catch the guy, T gets all angry and scared and teleports away. If you pickpocket him before he disappears, you'll have the ring, and he'll drop it again when you kill him in the planar sphere.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    the Spell Trap (power version) endless spell strategy is still possible in EE, but only using a PI and a simulacrum.
    you can find the complete description here
    and obviously i am not the author of this little masterpiece, i only post to tell that using a simulacrum it works in EE, while in original it works with 2 PI, so is more powerful.

    short description:
    a mage or sorcerer casts a spell trap and then, with the game paused, a CC with a PI and a simulacrum inside, in EE he has to waste also a low level spell, condition enemy sight.
    then the PI and a blink after the simulacrum cast time stop (you have to equip 2 TS scrolls in a quick slot as the sim probably does not have the level to do it from spellbook).
    as soon as the TS is active the clone cast a lev9 and a lev7 or 8 spell to the mage and then cast the 2nd TS.
    almost immediately after the TS expires the one of the 2nd clone start, he does the same. at this point the spells of the mage are replenished, only the 3rd spell of the cc is lost.
    as soon as the ts expires the 2nd one of the 1rst clone starts and then he cast IA and have 2 rounds to unleash his spellbook (wearing RoV and AoP).
    as soon as the ts expires the 2nd one of the simulacrum start, then he have 3 rounds to use a shapechange scroll and go mlee in mind flyer or werewolf form. as the simmy can not cast IA an alternative can be using it only to replenish the mage spell book and use a 3rd TS with the PI. or maybe use the simmy to cast 3 high damaging spells, or cast mmm and attack.

    this was a masterpiece of timing as it does not need a preparation before you meet the enemy, costs only 1 low level spell and as long as the mage is not disrupted while he cast the trap and the clones are not dispelled before they cast the 1rst TS there is nothing that an enemy not immune to TS can do to counter it.
    so potentially the combo can be used for free all day long.

    the only credits i can have are on the checking that in EE is still possible and in the possible uses of the simmi, the original recipe with 2 PI is no more possible in EE.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @histamiini: Your Shadow Altar Trick has been added to the first post. Very clever use of Improved Haste!
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Skatan said:

    Loldrup said:

    Grond0 said:

    The vampire's revenge long sword is from the original BG game - something of an easter egg, but cursed. In BGEE it heals an opponent 7 HPs per successful hit and inflicts 7 HPs per hit on the user (killing you if there are fewer HPs than that left). It can't heal above maximum HPs though, so it doesn't give a great advantage. Potentially it could be used to help keep a tank going in a long fight, but I think such tactics are unlikely to be optimal use of a party. Other than having fun I think the described use of speeding up healing prior to resting / travelling to trigger constitution regeneration is the only real benefit in the unmodded game. If you introduced the sword into BG2 or introduced regeneration spells or items into BG1 the equation could well be different, however.

    I can think of one usage:
    A party member gets held by a Ghast, and his HP are draining rapidly from attacks. You're out of 'remove paralylis', 'invisibility' and healing spells. What do you do? Equip the Vampire's revenge and start whacking the helpless person. Meanwhile, your spell casters can deal damage spells upon the enemy.
    Too bad you can't reverse pickpocket the vampire's revenge into enemies weapon slots. Would be hilarious to be able to do that and then let them whack themselves to death while healing CHARNAME.
    I wonder if that tactic would work with Seducer kit :) Seduce-recruit an enemy, give him the sword, release from a group and enjoy (there is always Ctrl-Q there too, of course).
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    The Seducer's Recruit Follower ability could indeed do that, but it's already an instant kill if you want it to be. Once a critter is in your party, you can attack it and kill it without it turning hostile, just like any other party member. There are some limitations, though. Recruit Follower only works on critters who are half the Seducer's level or lower.

    At any rate, we're reserving this thread for non-mod-related exploits, because mod exploits tend to get removed in updates especially quickly and are not applicable for most people's installs, since most people play the unmodded game.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Well, Ctrl-Q all the way then :) And no level limitations. I just liked the idea of using that sword - if not for efficiency then for pure fun of it.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Regularly actually, to body guard my squishies.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Abi_Dalzim: You have been added as the original author of the Quick Save Trick!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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