Worst thing I've done to an npc huh? It would definitely have to be kicking them from my caring embrace and leaving somewhere where YOU psychotic fiends would find them. :P
In some corner of Shandalar's basement Skie the Ghast is still wandering around.
Beating Aec'Letec was such an ordeal that I couldn't bring myself to reload and try again for no casualties, but I couldn't bring myself to strike down my undead-ified companion either...In retrospect it might have been rather cruel to let her live (unlive?) after that.
Okay, remember that "Lord Binky the Buffoon" in the first game who makes fun of your accent? I may have...sicced some wolves on him. Problem is, there was some mom with her kid wandering close by, and one of the wolves got a little excited, and...things escalated.
Long story short, it ended when I had my cleric CHARNAME Animate Dead. Specifically, the dead bodies of the people we'd already killed. So by the time we left, everyone in the carnival was being slaughtered by the corpses of their friends like it was some zombie apocalypse.
My instance of NPC cruelty isn't particularly funny but made me feel really bad when I went through with it in hindsight... in the 'ankheg' farm my Lawful Evil blackguard refused Farmer Brun's request but when I found the body I decided to take it back, not knowing that refusing the quest initially means you can't give him the body later on, so I just dropped it in front of the man and left... I can only imagine the way that scene would've played out.
I really hate how Aerie has somehow managed to confuse "mild rebuke" with "cruelty." You'd think that someone who's spent most of her life as a slave would have learned to tell the difference by now, but apparently her former owners at the circus were a bunch of bleeding heart softies. Well, they did take the effort to get someone to amputate her wings and save her - if it were my circus, we'd have a grand new spectacle and gambling opportunity that involved pushing a certain avariel off of a very high platform and taking bets on whether her gangrenous, rotting wings still worked well enough to stop her from splattering herself all over the hard, solid ground or even, possibly, fly away. But since she hasn't learned the difference, in subsequent playthroughs I've taken it upon myself to help her develop a sense of perspective and show her what cruelty truly is.
I don't usually kill her while she's an ogre. But if I do, it's only after I've spoken to her. I usually pick the dialogue choice that leads to her saying "Ooh, then I'll never be free" *sob* so I can enjoy her tears. Then I equip the sword and turn back. I let her get her hopes up that I've changed my mind, that maybe she can regain her true form. I slowly draw the sword, making sure she knows exactly what it is I'm holding in my hand. I make sure she knows that the instrument of her death is the same thing that could have freed her, so that the pain of the blade cutting in to her weak flesh is joined by the pain of crushed hopes and futility.
If she joins I make her kill Quayle. This is an underrated bit of cruelty, I feel, because (at least in my playthroughs) I've found it impossible to actually kill Quayle off unless you either attack him or you're just spamming skulltraps and fireballs and other AoEs indiscriminately. And because he recognizes her, he actually says "Little Aerie, you're okay!" Killing off the only person in the world who cares about her? And forcing her to do it? Yeah, I think that's something that's REALLY worth crying about (unlike, say, adventurers who don't smile enough or whatever).
There are variations on this. I've also CTRL-Q'd Quayle in to my party after I've saved the circus and then ordered him to kill Aerie. I feel like this really drives home to her the point of just how useless and unloved she really is if "the kindest, wisest man in the world" and her only family will so happily slaughter her. I've also attacked Quayle, then cast charm person on her after she turned hostile to force her to finish him off, and then CTRL-Q'd her back in to the party.
Dump her when she's pregnant? Done that. Except that when I do, I always make sure that the lovetalk occurs in the pocket plane. Why? Because after she gives her angry "You're a monster! I hope you burn in the abyss!" speech and walks off, she has nowhere to really go. I can then imagine Charname smiling and saying "Maybe I will, but not before you. Where the hell - excuse me, me and my jokes - do you think you are 'my love'? And I control the only exit."
I have to admit, I've never made her baby sellable. Props to whoever came up with that one. But I have gone to NearInfinity and made it droppable. I kind of like the selling bit better though. There's a certain poetic quality in having Little Quayle become something of a slave, just like Mommy. Dropping him in various hellholes (including a literal hell-hole once the pocket plane disappears) just doesn't match up.
I've turned her in to a domestic abuse victim. After every lovetalk, I always pick the most deliberately cruel option. Then I beat her after she's finished her response. How? I unequip a weapon so I have an open quickweapon slot with just my bare hands. Then I select that slot and attack her. When I'm done, I use the CLUA console to make the romance active again and to set the timer for the next lovetalk.
I'm not much of a modder. However, I have played around with dialogues, triggers and variable flags a bit. I've managed to add a new dialogue option when Aerie's in the underdark. When she gives her "This place is death for my people!" I've given charname the option to reply "they aren't really your people, are they? Avariel have wings. Besides, you should be used to tight spaces after all that time in a cage." At that point she leaves the party, turns hostile, and instantly goes berserk. This also happens any time you try and drop her while in the underdark. I've modified the flirt pack slightly so that (Beat Aerie) is one of the dialogue options when you flirt. She says "Eek!" in response and loses 5 HP. I have a partially finished minimod that, in the upper floor of the Ust Natha tavern where you can pay to push the button to send a slave plummeting to their doom, lets you tell the drow in charge that Aerie was planning to betray you, send her back in to slavery (for a very brief moment) before sending her plummeting to her doom. You then get a dialogue option to say "It's a good thing she's not an avariel, she could have used her wings to save herself. For a little while, at least." Slavery, wings, and death - it's the holy trinity of Aerie torture in one small package. The unfinished part is that Aerie would shout out your real name (i.e. not Veldrin) and something about how you could be so evil and like the drow, which would arouse the suspicion of the attendant. You'd then have to pass a charisma check to say something about how of course the lying betrayer would say that and prevent the entire city from turning hostile. I'd also really like to make a mod that would let me sell Aerie into slavery again in the Copper Coronet or to Lady Galvena (in exchange for the opportunity to interrogate Clare myself in order to try and find a way in to Spellhold).
@Sayen I must admit I was a bit hesitant to read that novel of a post, but it was certainly eye opening, not sure if that is good or bad though, but it has given me some ideas of what I can do in evil playthroughs though....
Another Aerie-torturing idea that I had but am too lazy to follow through on. It's another dialogue option that I've wanted to add.
Hexxat: I believe I make Aerie uncomfortable, Charname 1. I believe you're right. 2. Few things don't. Ignore her...she needs to toughen up. 3. (New choice) How would you like to feed on her tonight? Hexxat: Or turn her, perhaps? 1. Please do. It might make her presence tolerable. 2. And have her hanging around for an eternity, crying about her lost soul along with her lost wings and anything and everything else? I couldn't inflict that on Faerun. Hexxat: It was just a passing thought, Charname.
(Because I briefly tried to make an evil Vamp-Aerie NPC but quickly got tired of it. Maybe one day I'll return to it, or just have the dialogue tree end with Hexxat feeding on and perma-killing Aerie).
Also - believe it or not, I don't actually HATE Aerie, or at least not nearly as much as it might seem. There are actually a few parts of her character arc/development that I like. But as is, and in whole, she's really more like a love-to-hate character for me, almost like a good villain. That, and I just think it's a lot of fun making that chirpy little child-voice go "Eek!"
I spoke to Noober, then lured him back with me to the entrance to Nashkel Inn. Not evil to Noober I know, but he should be able to annoy a lot more people standing here than when standing in the middle of a field.
Sometimes when I get bored I like to spawn a bunch of Sarevoks, ctrl + q them into my party, and have them try and kill Gorion before he insta-kills them all. Then I set about a whole army of Drizzts on the unsuspecting residents of Candlekeep and show them why I am the true successor to Bhaal's throne. Everyone just watches in terror as Tethtoril gets swamped by the Drizzt army and they can't do anything about it.
dumped Branwen, for Shar-Teel, then dumped Shar-Teel for Dynaheir.
dumped Brawen for Dynaheir.
totally used plastic surgery magic "changed her portrait" on Branwen as soon as I saw romance was an option.
Let Xzar and Monty join, only so I could take their stuff, dye their clothes bright pink and leave them on the side of the road.
I kill Anomen on most playthroughs, though that's not being mean, that's more of a public service than anything else.
Killed Valygar on a neutral playthrough, because I was too lazy to have him join me and kit him out.
Dragon Age:
I play extremely racist elves in these games so.
I kill any human I get I the chance to and take douche bag option if there is one in any human related quest.
Made Alister a drunk one time for some reason.
Killed Shale because I wanted Golem slaves.
Killed Wynne because I totally needed the ravager class on elven rogue playthrough.
Sometimes I kill children, sometimes even tell the little orphan kids i'll be their new parent, send them to mansion in the woods "which is filled with scantily clad slave girls, which I raid from bandit camps, wizard forts, witch covens and various towns" and then kill them for giggles, the kids not the slave girls. Well most of the time, sometimes you need to make an example, especially if one decides to do a runner.
Had Lydia, Aela and Karliah as followers, decide to marry Lydia. So when to Riften did the ceremony got hitched. Decided it would be fun to have more wives.So I ended marrying Aela and Karliah too. Funny thing is followers attend your weddings.
Blades wanted me to kill Paarthurnax, so I wiped their order from existence.
Souls Games:
Everything I did as the chosen undead in dark souls.
Everything I did as the bearer of the curse in dark souls 2.
Aerie accidentally hit edwin with a cone of cold and shattered him during my last playthrough and also had dorn get confused and chunked haerdilis...that one was funny
Well I may or may not have recruited Valygar, sent him alone to die against some mob of enemies and than carried his body around till I got into Planar Sphere and left it there forever because I decided I wanted someone else in the party but still wanted to get into the Sphere.
Then there was the time ages ago I couldn't decide between Viconia or Jaheria and during I think one of Viconia's lovetalks the two got into a argument that ended the romance of one of them so I reloaded had Minsc temporarily take out Jaheria, did the lovetalk and then had Viconia raise Jaheria again giving me more time to make up my mind who my character would end up with (and I can't even remember who he ended up with, just that event). That was pretty low.
And more generally I often forget about Renfield of the Harpers after my party rescues him in the bandits and carry his body around for ages until I finally drop him off at the Harper base when I happen to be the Dock District and remember I'm still carrying him around (and when I first played I always used to rush back the docks incase he died on me ).
I think the worst that I have done to the Baldur's Gate N.P.C.s was to create a 'Candlekeep Battle Royale' and I 'spawned in' and charmed hordes of every level one N.P.C. be the 'victims' to do battle with waves and waves of monster armies.. Who says you can't have 20 Party members eh?.. Needless to say the game crashed from so many N.P.C. gibblets after 30 minutes of constant corpse explosions and literal mountains of gear and slain enemies and mostly chunked 'friends'.
Poor Minsc he must have been chunked over 100 times! HAHAHAHA.Worst thing that I have done to an NPC? Oh the words cannot be long enough.. I have killed every Non Player Character I came across, vendors, quest people and even bad guys.
One finds many an eater egg from the corpses of 'innocent'.. As in such as secret location of the Cursed Spear +3, Back Biter within Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast. ^ image: for 'starters' I recently raided the Nashel barracks, opened all of the chests and summoned a lot of guards and slaughtered them all for their armour. Then I put it all in one chest in the room for I was doing a play through where I was not going to buy most any items. I then Slaughtered most everyone including women, children, men, and Noober (after his quest experience) in Nashkel. I Killed every guard and the bounty hunter in town. I then went to Beregost and started chunking everyone that I did not like on a whim. I chunked that mage who wants the fateful coin. I have basically killed more good people than monsters in that play through. I talked to Marl, got the 900 experience and then chucked everyone in the tavern except the in keeper and the shell shocked commoner upstairs for the experience and the gold.
That is only on my most recent play though as an Evil Dwarf Priest of Talos. I usual play good character but I still kill Drizzt for his gear. I save and Kill Xzar for time to time when he starts screaming that he needs rest; the I reload. Also I 9/10 give the belt of masculinity/femininity to Shar'Teel for her blatant Sexism. Or I just kill her and reload if I feel like it.
Sometimes in Planescape Torment I like to torture the Nameless One by forcing him to pull his eye out and put a new eye in, only to pull THAT one out and put the other one back in again. And then I make him repeat this process 137 more times.
I like to 'chunk' 'innocent' people for their ~37 gold and drop my reputation to zero and then kill EVERYTHING.
I then Kill approximately 1242353458923695 and 1 (with a +/- 72452626262 margin for error of course) Flaming Fist Mercenaries and then pay around 2000-4000 gold to buy back my reputation. Then I sell all of the all of the Platemail for much much more than 2000-4000 gold. I swear, what was BioWare thinking by putting Platemail on the bounty hunters?
You've gotta be cruel to kind.. (" ͡° ' ͜ʖ ͡° ') [Spoiler]♩♪♫♩♪♫♩♪♫♩♪♫ *Chunk!* *Scream!* You gotta be *Chunk!* Cruel to be kind in the right measure *Scream!* *Chunk!* *Scream!* *Chunk!* Cruel to be kind it's a very good sign *Chunk!* *Chunk!* Cruel to be kind means that I love you *Scream!* *Chunk!* *Scream* Baby, *Chunk!* you gotta be cruel to be kind *Chunk!* -Electric Guitar Solo- *Blood runs down face - Hums Tune and walks down the street* *Chunk!* *Chunk!* *Chunk! ♩♪♫♩♪♫♩♪♫♩♪♫[/Spoiler]Open the Spoiler.. I Dare You..
Beating Aec'Letec was such an ordeal that I couldn't bring myself to reload and try again for no casualties, but I couldn't bring myself to strike down my undead-ified companion either...In retrospect it might have been rather cruel to let her live (unlive?) after that.
Long story short, it ended when I had my cleric CHARNAME Animate Dead. Specifically, the dead bodies of the people we'd already killed. So by the time we left, everyone in the carnival was being slaughtered by the corpses of their friends like it was some zombie apocalypse.
I don't usually kill her while she's an ogre. But if I do, it's only after I've spoken to her. I usually pick the dialogue choice that leads to her saying "Ooh, then I'll never be free" *sob* so I can enjoy her tears. Then I equip the sword and turn back. I let her get her hopes up that I've changed my mind, that maybe she can regain her true form. I slowly draw the sword, making sure she knows exactly what it is I'm holding in my hand. I make sure she knows that the instrument of her death is the same thing that could have freed her, so that the pain of the blade cutting in to her weak flesh is joined by the pain of crushed hopes and futility.
If she joins I make her kill Quayle. This is an underrated bit of cruelty, I feel, because (at least in my playthroughs) I've found it impossible to actually kill Quayle off unless you either attack him or you're just spamming skulltraps and fireballs and other AoEs indiscriminately. And because he recognizes her, he actually says "Little Aerie, you're okay!" Killing off the only person in the world who cares about her? And forcing her to do it? Yeah, I think that's something that's REALLY worth crying about (unlike, say, adventurers who don't smile enough or whatever).
There are variations on this. I've also CTRL-Q'd Quayle in to my party after I've saved the circus and then ordered him to kill Aerie. I feel like this really drives home to her the point of just how useless and unloved she really is if "the kindest, wisest man in the world" and her only family will so happily slaughter her. I've also attacked Quayle, then cast charm person on her after she turned hostile to force her to finish him off, and then CTRL-Q'd her back in to the party.
Dump her when she's pregnant? Done that. Except that when I do, I always make sure that the lovetalk occurs in the pocket plane. Why? Because after she gives her angry "You're a monster! I hope you burn in the abyss!" speech and walks off, she has nowhere to really go. I can then imagine Charname smiling and saying "Maybe I will, but not before you. Where the hell - excuse me, me and my jokes - do you think you are 'my love'? And I control the only exit."
I have to admit, I've never made her baby sellable. Props to whoever came up with that one. But I have gone to NearInfinity and made it droppable. I kind of like the selling bit better though. There's a certain poetic quality in having Little Quayle become something of a slave, just like Mommy. Dropping him in various hellholes (including a literal hell-hole once the pocket plane disappears) just doesn't match up.
I've turned her in to a domestic abuse victim. After every lovetalk, I always pick the most deliberately cruel option. Then I beat her after she's finished her response. How? I unequip a weapon so I have an open quickweapon slot with just my bare hands. Then I select that slot and attack her. When I'm done, I use the CLUA console to make the romance active again and to set the timer for the next lovetalk.
I'm not much of a modder. However, I have played around with dialogues, triggers and variable flags a bit. I've managed to add a new dialogue option when Aerie's in the underdark. When she gives her "This place is death for my people!" I've given charname the option to reply "they aren't really your people, are they? Avariel have wings. Besides, you should be used to tight spaces after all that time in a cage." At that point she leaves the party, turns hostile, and instantly goes berserk. This also happens any time you try and drop her while in the underdark. I've modified the flirt pack slightly so that (Beat Aerie) is one of the dialogue options when you flirt. She says "Eek!" in response and loses 5 HP. I have a partially finished minimod that, in the upper floor of the Ust Natha tavern where you can pay to push the button to send a slave plummeting to their doom, lets you tell the drow in charge that Aerie was planning to betray you, send her back in to slavery (for a very brief moment) before sending her plummeting to her doom. You then get a dialogue option to say "It's a good thing she's not an avariel, she could have used her wings to save herself. For a little while, at least." Slavery, wings, and death - it's the holy trinity of Aerie torture in one small package. The unfinished part is that Aerie would shout out your real name (i.e. not Veldrin) and something about how you could be so evil and like the drow, which would arouse the suspicion of the attendant. You'd then have to pass a charisma check to say something about how of course the lying betrayer would say that and prevent the entire city from turning hostile. I'd also really like to make a mod that would let me sell Aerie into slavery again in the Copper Coronet or to Lady Galvena (in exchange for the opportunity to interrogate Clare myself in order to try and find a way in to Spellhold).
Wow. Seek help.
Hexxat: I believe I make Aerie uncomfortable, Charname
1. I believe you're right.
2. Few things don't. Ignore her...she needs to toughen up.
3. (New choice) How would you like to feed on her tonight?
Hexxat: Or turn her, perhaps?
1. Please do. It might make her presence tolerable.
2. And have her hanging around for an eternity, crying about her lost soul along with her lost wings and anything and everything else? I couldn't inflict that on Faerun.
Hexxat: It was just a passing thought, Charname.
(Because I briefly tried to make an evil Vamp-Aerie NPC but quickly got tired of it. Maybe one day I'll return to it, or just have the dialogue tree end with Hexxat feeding on and perma-killing Aerie).
Also - believe it or not, I don't actually HATE Aerie, or at least not nearly as much as it might seem. There are actually a few parts of her character arc/development that I like. But as is, and in whole, she's really more like a love-to-hate character for me, almost like a good villain. That, and I just think it's a lot of fun making that chirpy little child-voice go "Eek!"
Left Imoen on the side of the road.
Left Imeon in spellhold twice.
Made Khalid go naked kobold hunting.
dumped Branwen, for Shar-Teel, then dumped Shar-Teel for Dynaheir.
dumped Brawen for Dynaheir.
totally used plastic surgery magic "changed her portrait" on Branwen as soon as I saw romance was an option.
Let Xzar and Monty join, only so I could take their stuff, dye their clothes bright pink and leave them on the side of the road.
I kill Anomen on most playthroughs, though that's not being mean, that's more of a public service than anything else.
Killed Valygar on a neutral playthrough, because I was too lazy to have him join me and kit him out.
Dragon Age:
I play extremely racist elves in these games so.
I kill any human I get I the chance to and take douche bag option if there is one in any human related quest.
Made Alister a drunk one time for some reason.
Killed Shale because I wanted Golem slaves.
Killed Wynne because I totally needed the ravager class on elven rogue playthrough.
Sometimes I kill children, sometimes even tell the little orphan kids i'll be their new parent, send them to mansion in the woods "which is filled with scantily clad slave girls, which I raid from bandit camps, wizard forts, witch covens and various towns" and then kill them for giggles, the kids not the slave girls. Well most of the time, sometimes you need to make an example, especially if one decides to do a runner.
Had Lydia, Aela and Karliah as followers, decide to marry Lydia. So when to Riften did the ceremony got hitched. Decided it would be fun to have more wives.So I ended marrying Aela and Karliah too. Funny thing is followers attend your weddings.
Blades wanted me to kill Paarthurnax, so I wiped their order from existence.
Souls Games:
Everything I did as the chosen undead in dark souls.
Everything I did as the bearer of the curse in dark souls 2.
I was like ''ooops...''
I also made a gay dwarven defender romance Dorn and roll around in the hay with him...That felt wrong somehow..
Then there was the time ages ago I couldn't decide between Viconia or Jaheria and during I think one of Viconia's lovetalks the two got into a argument that ended the romance of one of them so I reloaded had Minsc temporarily take out Jaheria, did the lovetalk and then had Viconia raise Jaheria again giving me more time to make up my mind who my character would end up with (and I can't even remember who he ended up with, just that event). That was pretty low.
And more generally I often forget about Renfield of the Harpers after my party rescues him in the bandits and carry his body around for ages until I finally drop him off at the Harper base when I happen to be the Dock District and remember I'm still carrying him around (and when I first played I always used to rush back the docks incase he died on me
Poor Minsc he must have been chunked over 100 times! HAHAHAHA.Worst thing that I have done to an NPC? Oh the words cannot be long enough..
I have killed every Non Player Character I came across, vendors, quest people and even bad guys.
One finds many an eater egg from the corpses of 'innocent'.. As in such as secret location of the Cursed Spear +3, Back Biter within Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast.
^ image: for 'starters' I recently raided the Nashel barracks, opened all of the chests and summoned a lot of guards and slaughtered them all for their armour. Then I put it all in one chest in the room for I was doing a play through where I was not going to buy most any items.
I then Slaughtered most everyone including women, children, men, and Noober (after his quest experience) in Nashkel. I Killed every guard and the bounty hunter in town. I then went to Beregost and started chunking everyone that I did not like on a whim. I chunked that mage who wants the fateful coin. I have basically killed more good people than monsters in that play through. I talked to Marl, got the 900 experience and then chucked everyone in the tavern except the in keeper and the shell shocked commoner upstairs for the experience and the gold.
That is only on my most recent play though as an Evil Dwarf Priest of Talos. I usual play good character but I still kill Drizzt for his gear. I save and Kill Xzar for time to time when he starts screaming that he needs rest; the I reload. Also I 9/10 give the belt of masculinity/femininity to Shar'Teel for her blatant Sexism. Or I just kill her and reload if I feel like it.
(I'm not an "Imoen hater", i just didn't need her on those runs... soooooo might as well get some morbid entertainment out of it)
I then Kill approximately 1242353458923695 and 1 (with a +/- 72452626262 margin for error of course) Flaming Fist Mercenaries and then pay around 2000-4000 gold to buy back my reputation. Then I sell all of the all of the Platemail for much much more than 2000-4000 gold. I swear, what was BioWare thinking by putting Platemail on the bounty hunters?
You've gotta be cruel to kind.. (" ͡° ' ͜ʖ ͡° ')
[Spoiler]♩♪♫♩♪♫♩♪♫♩♪♫ *Chunk!* *Scream!* You gotta be
*Chunk!* Cruel to be kind in the right measure *Scream!* *Chunk!*
*Scream!* *Chunk!* Cruel to be kind it's a very good sign *Chunk!*
*Chunk!* Cruel to be kind means that I love you *Scream!* *Chunk!*
*Scream* Baby, *Chunk!* you gotta be cruel to be kind *Chunk!* -Electric Guitar Solo-
*Blood runs down face - Hums Tune and walks down the street* *Chunk!* *Chunk!* *Chunk! ♩♪♫♩♪♫♩♪♫♩♪♫[/Spoiler]Open the Spoiler.. I Dare You..