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Come share your odd gaming habits! What do you refuse to do in BG? What wierd ideas do you love?



  • JimstromJimstrom Member Posts: 99
    I won't interfere with other classes quests. For an example if im not playing a paladin, i won't kill Firkraag since the Carsomyr is linked to a paladin stronghold quest.
  • JimstromJimstrom Member Posts: 99
    Out of curiosity how do you handle the encounter with Jardak in Baldur's gate? Since it's one of the houses which my character has no reason to actually visit, i sometimes skip the Helm of Glory.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Jimstrom said:

    Out of curiosity how do you handle the encounter with Jardak in Baldur's gate? Since it's one of the houses which my character has no reason to actually visit, i sometimes skip the Helm of Glory.

    I had a post here about exactly this a couple of pages ago. I always miss out on this helm because of how the homeowner reacts to the party breaking into his house and killing his butler for no justifiable reason. If one is playing a non-evil alignment I just don't see how one could rationalize killing this guy and his butler purely for the purpose of stealing his stuff.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    I had an idea where the party needed to hide in a house to escape the Flaming Fist chasing them and were unfortunate enough to choose that one. Since I don't think you can avoid the fight once you're inside the party has no choice but to defend themselves.
  • ChadChad Member Posts: 90
    I never level up my party unless in a town. Left over from the P&P playing days and the old gold box games I guess... In 1st and 2nd edition AD&D, as well as the gold box games you had to pay for training once you gained enough XP in order to gain your next level. For the same reason I generally rest for at least several days, as well as spending time at the inns and pubs with various party members drinking together. This is also generally when I do side quests... For instance I don't go around Beregost picking up the quests, travel south and then come back to complete them... Instead I only stop briefly in Beregost on my way to the Nashkel Mines and then I do most of the side quests once I come back to speak with Taerom and take care of the mage staying in Feldpost's inn.

    Not leveling up mid quest can add to the challenge, especially when going all the way through Cloakwood area's and the Cloakwood Mines... I generally end up with all 6 characters ready to level by the time I reach the mines, but the party can't afford to leave and go train since then the slavers will have more time to prepare for my assault.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Haha AC of 14. I love it!
  • mashedtatersmashedtaters Member Posts: 2,266
    Here's another one I just realized, wow I'm weird.
    I can only play Rangers, or must have one or more rangers in my party, or I get bored, no matter how powerful ofher characters are. Wtf??
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028

    Here's another one I just realized, wow I'm weird.
    I can only play Rangers, or must have one or more rangers in my party, or I get bored, no matter how powerful ofher characters are. Wtf??

    Everyone just has that one class that absolutely clicks for them. Nothin' weird about that at all. For me, Clerics and (oddly enough) Warlocks are classes that just click for me.

    - Druids are the only divine spell casters I tolerate in my parties. I detest religous zealots. I won't play them as a Charname either. Yes, this means I have never used Carsomyr!

    I dunno man, Druids can be just as zealous, if not more so, than Clerics sometimes. Maybe not about gods, but about nature and their way of life.
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    edited June 2016
    Yes, agree on idea that there is a class (or type of class?) that absolutely clicks for many players. For me it is thieves and their variations in recent years, but also I like sneaky rangers and stealthy monks, and went through phases playing both.

    I like the idea of clerics, but have never been able to talk myself into playing one as a CHARNAME. Same for paladins. In PnP I always like to play magic-users, but in the BG series have only played them a few times and quickly lost interest early in the game (my blade run was an exception, but not really a mage per se of course).

    I think what I like most of all is sneaking/scouting/backstabbing using skills (note the classes at the top) and interacting with the game, i.e. traps, locks. By writing this I have realized that my most enjoyable class choices reflect this play-style.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    I only play Bards and Necromancers in PnP D&D/Pathfinder. Fortunately multiclassing, kits, and archetypes exist so I can play different flavors of these two character types.

    In BG my perfect class is a Half-Elf Blade Bard that learns mostly Necromancy spells.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @mashedtaters: You must really like mashedtaters.
  • NihilusNihilus Member Posts: 192
    Charname has to do all the talking. If there is some special dialog like Nalia has with TorGal, then sure, the companion with the special dialog can step in. Scratch that, he/she MUST step in or I reload. Otherwise Charname has to do all the talking. If some NPC initiates dialog with one of the companions, I reload. If some NPC initiates dialog with one of the companions AND refer to him/her as 'Charname', I die a little inside and reload.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    I've recently been recruiting every party member of BG2 at some point. I then leave them at some safe area so I don't have to go all the way to the Umar Hills to pick up Valygar again, or Trademeet for Mazzy. In my last playthrough, I wiped out the Guarded Compound and used it for headquarters.
  • IhatememesIhatememes Member Posts: 29
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who have these embarrassing quirks, I recognize myself doing some of these. Mine are:

    # Always 6 party members. I like the banter, and their input. It gets even more interesting if you have a completely different group every playthrough.

    # Always pick the most luxurious rooms available at inns and a nightcap or two before resting. Because life on the road is hard and they deserve nice breaks, also we're rich.

    # I find all the Beamdog NPCs 100% unbearable. I can't stand them and they can never join my group. I kill them so their fanfic crap doesn't involve me.

    # I have to do every single quest and kill every hostile creature in all of Amn (except the Graveyard district catacombs) before I pay the Shadow Thieves (Sorry Imoen). I also leave Imoen's substitute in Brynnlaw or Amn, leaving them alone in a magical maze of madness is unthinkable.

  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    edited July 2016
    I always travel with a six person party, and in BG2 I rotate through every npc and do all personal quests.
    *edit* I also don't like repeat weapon types in my party. I try to make sure everyone uses diffrent weapon types.
    Post edited by ThacoBell on
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