@Arvia The way I see it, if they were meant to be unlimited, they would be. They are rare and come with so few charges specficially because they are meant to be temporary boosts or emergency buttons. You can sell and buy the godbow as well (it sells for a million gold iirc), that doesn't mean it was intended for normal runs.
Oh, and where, may I ask, you can find the godbow in the game, other than when you use the console?
There's a note in chateu Irenicus where Irenicus wonders on the kind of sacrifice it took to obtain such a weapon. The game recognizes it on import, so it clearly is intended by the devs to be consoled in during BG1 at some point.
First of all, that's great and I love Beamdog for that. Little things go a long way.
Second, yer tellin' me that Irenicus found the Godbow, recognized how powerful it was, and simply left it in his dungeon to be found as random lewt for an escaping Charname or no-name adventurer? Rather than, say, crafting a small golem or animating a skeleton to one-shot whoever he wanted? What is his intelligence score, 6?
@Arvia The way I see it, if they were meant to be unlimited, they would be. They are rare and come with so few charges specficially because they are meant to be temporary boosts or emergency buttons. You can sell and buy the godbow as well (it sells for a million gold iirc), that doesn't mean it was intended for normal runs.
Oh, and where, may I ask, you can find the godbow in the game, other than when you use the console?
There's a note in chateu Irenicus where Irenicus wonders on the kind of sacrifice it took to obtain such a weapon. The game recognizes it on import, so it clearly is intended by the devs to be consoled in during BG1 at some point.
First of all, that's great and I love Beamdog for that. Little things go a long way.
Second, yer tellin' me that Irenicus found the Godbow, recognized how powerful it was, and simply left it in his dungeon to be found as random lewt for an escaping Charname or no-name adventurer? Rather than, say, crafting a small golem or animating a skeleton to one-shot whoever he wanted? What is his intelligence score, 6?
Ironicus technically isn't an elf anymore, because of his whole backstory right?
Would probably be worth dual classing just to use the Godbow if he can do that now.
There's a note in chateu Irenicus where Irenicus wonders on the kind of sacrifice it took to obtain such a weapon. The game recognizes it on import, so it clearly is intended by the devs to be consoled in during BG1 at some point.
I can find no evidence of the existence of such a note in the game data... This must be from a mod or something...
@Arvia The way I see it, if they were meant to be unlimited, they would be. They are rare and come with so few charges specficially because they are meant to be temporary boosts or emergency buttons. You can sell and buy the godbow as well (it sells for a million gold iirc), that doesn't mean it was intended for normal runs.
Oh, and where, may I ask, you can find the godbow in the game, other than when you use the console?
Besides, Arvia's point above was that since wands have a price attached when recharged, they must be intended. I simply applied the same logic to another exploit.
Godbow is not an exploit. It is a tool, made by Beamdog, for testing purposes. It was never intended to be used in an actual, non-test run, playthrough.
@Arvia The way I see it, if they were meant to be unlimited, they would be. They are rare and come with so few charges specficially because they are meant to be temporary boosts or emergency buttons. You can sell and buy the godbow as well (it sells for a million gold iirc), that doesn't mean it was intended for normal runs.
Oh, and where, may I ask, you can find the godbow in the game, other than when you use the console?
There's a note in chateu Irenicus where Irenicus wonders on the kind of sacrifice it took to obtain such a weapon. The game recognizes it on import, so it clearly is intended by the devs to be consoled in during BG1 at some point.
First of all, that's great and I love Beamdog for that. Little things go a long way.
Second, yer tellin' me that Irenicus found the Godbow, recognized how powerful it was, and simply left it in his dungeon to be found as random lewt for an escaping Charname or no-name adventurer? Rather than, say, crafting a small golem or animating a skeleton to one-shot whoever he wanted? What is his intelligence score, 6?
Nah, just a note. The bow is gone.
@Tresset "I can find no evidence of the existence of such a note in the game data... This must be from a mod or something..."
Interesting. If its a mod, its not in any of the readmes for them.
In Planescape: Torment, the Dustmen on the third floor will confront the Nameless One if they spot him. They will also call out to Morte if they spot him but they won't talk to him. So you can keep TNO hidden at the stairs while Morte explores the area and loots all containers.
@Arvia The way I see it, if they were meant to be unlimited, they would be. They are rare and come with so few charges specficially because they are meant to be temporary boosts or emergency buttons. You can sell and buy the godbow as well (it sells for a million gold iirc), that doesn't mean it was intended for normal runs.
Oh, and where, may I ask, you can find the godbow in the game, other than when you use the console?
There's a note in chateu Irenicus where Irenicus wonders on the kind of sacrifice it took to obtain such a weapon. The game recognizes it on import, so it clearly is intended by the devs to be consoled in during BG1 at some point.
First of all, that's great and I love Beamdog for that. Little things go a long way.
Second, yer tellin' me that Irenicus found the Godbow, recognized how powerful it was, and simply left it in his dungeon to be found as random lewt for an escaping Charname or no-name adventurer? Rather than, say, crafting a small golem or animating a skeleton to one-shot whoever he wanted? What is his intelligence score, 6?
Nah, just a note. The bow is gone.
@Tresset "I can find no evidence of the existence of such a note in the game data... This must be from a mod or something..."
Interesting. If its a mod, its not in any of the readmes for them.
Despite a certain lack of fondness on my part for this internet saying, I am going to have to say it anyway due to my failure to turn up any supporting evidence whatsoever after an extensive search through game data:
Woah!!! I just found out that Bentan, the proselytizing priest of Ilmater at the Firewine Bridge carries a rare and valuable Scroll of Protection from Magic! You can get it by pickpocketing him (or killing him, I guess). I had no idea all these years... I just now randomly decided to try pickpocketing him...
Woah!!! I just found out that Bentan, the proselytizing priest of Ilmater at the Firewine Bridge carries a rare and valuable Scroll of Protection from Magic! You can get it by pickpocketing him (or killing him, I guess). I had no idea all these years... I just now randomly decided to try pickpocketing him...
We were probably pickpocketting him simultaneously. I did it about 5 hours ago.
Woah!!! I just found out that Bentan, the proselytizing priest of Ilmater at the Firewine Bridge carries a rare and valuable Scroll of Protection from Magic! You can get it by pickpocketing him (or killing him, I guess). I had no idea all these years... I just now randomly decided to try pickpocketing him...
We were probably pickpocketting him simultaneously. I did it about 5 hours ago.
So does this mean he has a scroll in either pocket?
Woah!!! I just found out that Bentan, the proselytizing priest of Ilmater at the Firewine Bridge carries a rare and valuable Scroll of Protection from Magic! You can get it by pickpocketing him (or killing him, I guess). I had no idea all these years... I just now randomly decided to try pickpocketing him...
We were probably pickpocketting him simultaneously. I did it about 5 hours ago.
So does this mean he has a scroll in either pocket?
What I tend to do is wait until I have a fair amount of experience before recruiting Montaron, put all the thieving points in pickpocketting, secure Algernon's Cloak before heading of to Ulgoth's Beard. Pickpocket three characters there and then off to Firewine for the scroll. He then gets dumped in favour of somebody to disarm traps/open locks, not really needed until the bandit camp . Safana is fine for that.
In my current game I didn't have a thief until after the Nashkel Mines.
I had a "whoah" moment when I learned that my priestess could heal others without breaking Sanctuary. In this case the recipient was a skeleton warrior that was suffering against a (LoB) ghoul:
I was always under the impression that all aimed AoE spells and all single-target spells cast on others broke Sanctuary, and I wasn't alone. The wiki for example states that casting spells that target a point (Fireball, Bless) and casting single-target spells on others (Cure Light Wounds, Aid) cannot be safely done under Sanctuary.
When I tried out several (low level) buffs cast on others or at a point on the ground, none of them broke Sanctuary. Exceptions are those buffs that also affect enemies such as Chant or Prayer (the latter being an IWD spell added by SCS), even if no enemies were in sight. Interestingly, Chant is specifically mentioned on the wiki page as safe to cast under Sanctuary. Also, I couldn't cast True Sight without breaking Sanctuary, which makes sense as that spell too affects enemies. Still, the spell is more useful and powerful than I thought, and opens up options I hand't previously considered.
Normally I don't cast a lot with my clerics in the middle of combat, because many divine spells have long casting times. Often enough have I seen my cleric interrupted or aggroed so they had to move away and abort their casting. But with Sanctuary ensuring undisturbed casting of heals and buffs, it's possible in drawn out battles to safely replenish short duration enemy-friendly buffs amidst dangerous foes. Think spells like Aid, Bless, Negative Plane Protection. Also, in LoB, Sanctuary can allow the cleric to keep a tank character going with healing spells, most of which are touch spells, without drawing any aggro. Even a physically fragile cleric like Viconia with her low CON can be of use on the frontline this way.
I'm not sure if this behavior is the result of one of my mods, but either way I'm quite pleased with it. The spell functions exactly the way it should according to the spell description: "When the priest casts a Sanctuary spell, it causes all of [their] opponents to ignore [their] existence as if [they] were invisible. While protected by this spell, the subject cannot take direct offensive action without breaking the spell, but may use non-attack spells or otherwise act in any way that does not violate the prohibition against offensive action. This allows a warded priest to heal wounds, for example, or to Bless [themselves]. The priest may not cast spells on other creatures without ending the spell."
In the EE, breaking sanctuary is a specific flag that spells can have. Generally, spells that harm enemies get it.
Some of the less intuitive bits:
- While the initial True Seeing spell breaks sanctuary, the secondary spells that are cast for the remainder of the duration don't. You can cast True Seeing and then cast Sanctuary if you want.
- Free Action breaks sanctuary.
- Cause Wounds spells, Slay Living, and Harm don't break sanctuary.
- Mass Raise Dead breaks sanctuary.
Many might know they can copy/paste the main BG I&II, IWD and PST EE folder and run the game from .exe directly thus preventing the loss of old mod setups, especially when a new patch is released.
But did you know that if you run the game from that .exe and have Steam opened at the same time, Steam will still register what you're doing there and even give achievements? In the past, I didn't know that and assumed that when in such situation the player runs BG I&II, IWD and PST EE from a separate folder (not the one located in /steamapps/common ) it won't register and thus you wouldn't be able to get achievements.
In my current run, I chose to track kills closely, and I noticed that Kryll's victims (in Dorn's BGEE quest) have names. Even after they're skeletonized.
The names? Hagar, who Taris talked about. Also Daryl, Glenn, Lori, Rick, and Shane.
If those names look familiar - they're from The Walking Dead. Maybe Kryll should have turned them into zombies instead.
Have you ever noticed that one of the attack animations of zombies shows them taking off one of their arms and hitting you with it? That has to be the funniest attack animation in the game IMO...
Have you ever noticed that one of the attack animations of zombies shows them taking off one of their arms and hitting you with it? That has to be the funniest attack animation in the game IMO...
Sounds like something out of Planescape Torment...
I just found one of the many messengers that show up in various places throughout the game. This particular guy I had never noticed before, and he was in the city of Baldur's Gate near the Elfsong Tavern.
I mention this here, because his name of Mick Feelie is a reference to a character from a children's show that was on when I was a child. Though I barely remember it, the show was called Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, and there was a delivery man who would constantly be making deliveries to Mr. Roger's house named Mr. McFeely. He would say "Speedy Delivery" every time he showed up.
And the other half of this - ever wonder why Haer'Dalis gets specialization in short sword and long sword (the latter after you put in a proficiency point)? He's flavored as being part of Planescape's Doomguard faction. They get +2 to hit and damage with short swords and long swords. Combine the +1/+2 from specialization with the +1 racial bonus, and that's right on.
The bonus to bows... no good flavor explanation for that.
And the other half of this - ever wonder why Haer'Dalis gets specialization in short sword and long sword (the latter after you put in a proficiency point)? He's flavored as being part of Planescape's Doomguard faction. They get +2 to hit and damage with short swords and long swords. Combine the +1/+2 from specialization with the +1 racial bonus, and that's right on.
The bonus to bows... no good flavor explanation for that.
Interesting, I've never tried giving him another pip in longsword, I thought only short swords were his specialty. I'm planning on another chaotic ne'er do well run through soon so I'll try it.
I just checked his script - there's a second condition as well. If he has at least 1.2 million XP and one proficiency point in longsword, he gets the second for free.
First of all, that's great and I love Beamdog for that. Little things go a long way.
Second, yer tellin' me that Irenicus found the Godbow, recognized how powerful it was, and simply left it in his dungeon to be found as random lewt for an escaping Charname or no-name adventurer? Rather than, say, crafting a small golem or animating a skeleton to one-shot whoever he wanted? What is his intelligence score, 6?
Ironicus technically isn't an elf anymore, because of his whole backstory right?
Would probably be worth dual classing just to use the Godbow if he can do that now.
I can find no evidence of the existence of such a note in the game data... This must be from a mod or something...
No, he's an elf. Just look at any of the creature files for him - race Elf, class Mage.
But then, the godbow doesn't care about puny things like class usability rules.
If a player uses it in their game, its an exploit
Nah, just a note. The bow is gone.
@Tresset "I can find no evidence of the existence of such a note in the game data... This must be from a mod or something..."
Interesting. If its a mod, its not in any of the readmes for them.
Despite a certain lack of fondness on my part for this internet saying, I am going to have to say it anyway due to my failure to turn up any supporting evidence whatsoever after an extensive search through game data:
Pictures, or it didn't happen.
We were probably pickpocketting him simultaneously.
So does this mean he has a scroll in either pocket?
Couldn't help myself
Of course not. @Tresset and @Wise_Grimwald took all his scrolls.
Seriously now, maybe your pick pocket skill isn't high enough. You need at least 50 in the pick pockets skill to get the scroll from him.
In my current game I didn't have a thief until after the Nashkel Mines.
When I tried out several (low level) buffs cast on others or at a point on the ground, none of them broke Sanctuary. Exceptions are those buffs that also affect enemies such as Chant or Prayer (the latter being an IWD spell added by SCS), even if no enemies were in sight. Interestingly, Chant is specifically mentioned on the wiki page as safe to cast under Sanctuary. Also, I couldn't cast True Sight without breaking Sanctuary, which makes sense as that spell too affects enemies. Still, the spell is more useful and powerful than I thought, and opens up options I hand't previously considered.
Normally I don't cast a lot with my clerics in the middle of combat, because many divine spells have long casting times. Often enough have I seen my cleric interrupted or aggroed so they had to move away and abort their casting. But with Sanctuary ensuring undisturbed casting of heals and buffs, it's possible in drawn out battles to safely replenish short duration enemy-friendly buffs amidst dangerous foes. Think spells like Aid, Bless, Negative Plane Protection. Also, in LoB, Sanctuary can allow the cleric to keep a tank character going with healing spells, most of which are touch spells, without drawing any aggro. Even a physically fragile cleric like Viconia with her low CON can be of use on the frontline this way.
I'm not sure if this behavior is the result of one of my mods, but either way I'm quite pleased with it. The spell functions exactly the way it should according to the spell description: "When the priest casts a Sanctuary spell, it causes all of [their] opponents to ignore [their] existence as if [they] were invisible. While protected by this spell, the subject cannot take direct offensive action without breaking the spell, but may use non-attack spells or otherwise act in any way that does not violate the prohibition against offensive action. This allows a warded priest to heal wounds, for example, or to Bless [themselves]. The priest may not cast spells on other creatures without ending the spell."
Some of the less intuitive bits:
- While the initial True Seeing spell breaks sanctuary, the secondary spells that are cast for the remainder of the duration don't. You can cast True Seeing and then cast Sanctuary if you want.
- Free Action breaks sanctuary.
- Cause Wounds spells, Slay Living, and Harm don't break sanctuary.
- Mass Raise Dead breaks sanctuary.
(All as of BG2EE version 2.5)
But did you know that if you run the game from that .exe and have Steam opened at the same time, Steam will still register what you're doing there and even give achievements? In the past, I didn't know that and assumed that when in such situation the player runs BG I&II, IWD and PST EE from a separate folder (not the one located in /steamapps/common ) it won't register and thus you wouldn't be able to get achievements.
The names? Hagar, who Taris talked about. Also Daryl, Glenn, Lori, Rick, and Shane.
If those names look familiar - they're from The Walking Dead. Maybe Kryll should have turned them into zombies instead.
Sounds like something out of Planescape Torment...
I mention this here, because his name of Mick Feelie is a reference to a character from a children's show that was on when I was a child. Though I barely remember it, the show was called Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, and there was a delivery man who would constantly be making deliveries to Mr. Roger's house named Mr. McFeely. He would say "Speedy Delivery" every time he showed up.
The bonus to bows... no good flavor explanation for that.
Interesting, I've never tried giving him another pip in longsword, I thought only short swords were his specialty. I'm planning on another chaotic ne'er do well run through soon so I'll try it.