What's the story behind your screen name?
We had one of these threads a whole back but it was a long time ago and I couldn't find it, and I just saw an activity post and figured "why not?"
So yea, pretty self explanatory.
My name, Meagloth, is a misspelling of a Sindarin(common elvish in middle-earth) word for rose, maegloth. "Maeg" means sharp or piercing(though generally in the context of sound or metaphor, not physically sharp) and the "loth" suffix means tree of flower.
So I take that to be rose. Whatever.
I put it together for a bg CHARNAME from the appendix of the Silmarilion, and I took a liking to it(obviously)
I didn't realize I had spelt it wrong until I had like 3 internet accounts called meagloth.
But honestly I think it's better that way. It makes the story more interesting, more personal. And besides, there are loads of maegloths out there, and there is only one meagloth. See?
Or maybe there is just one Maegloth. It's hard to tell from here. Maybe I should send her a message on her deiviantArt account congratulating her on her superior spelling skills:)
Or maybe not. I might look into it though.
@Elrandir @Ravenslight (here's hoping one of you didn't already make one of these) and @CrevsDaak, because I still don't know how to pronounce your name. Do tell.
So yea, pretty self explanatory.
My name, Meagloth, is a misspelling of a Sindarin(common elvish in middle-earth) word for rose, maegloth. "Maeg" means sharp or piercing(though generally in the context of sound or metaphor, not physically sharp) and the "loth" suffix means tree of flower.
So I take that to be rose. Whatever.
I put it together for a bg CHARNAME from the appendix of the Silmarilion, and I took a liking to it(obviously)
I didn't realize I had spelt it wrong until I had like 3 internet accounts called meagloth.
But honestly I think it's better that way. It makes the story more interesting, more personal. And besides, there are loads of maegloths out there, and there is only one meagloth. See?
Or maybe there is just one Maegloth. It's hard to tell from here. Maybe I should send her a message on her deiviantArt account congratulating her on her superior spelling skills:)
Or maybe not. I might look into it though.
@Elrandir @Ravenslight (here's hoping one of you didn't already make one of these) and @CrevsDaak, because I still don't know how to pronounce your name. Do tell.
the gaming part... as I said with my username here I don't really need to explain myself
599... 99 is my general sports number, but some places I need a longer username and add the 5. I then started just using it in general for consistancy.
edit: when I think about it, I don't use the 599 on many of my usernames with xBLEVx. i use it in a lot of other usernames, but not that one. guess the the rest of it just long enough as is that I don't bother with it
So you were listening in on our conversation huh? (grins)
As I was just telling Elrandir. It is pronounced Raven’s Light, and it goes back to a character I role played many years ago. Raven of the Light. All my friends call me Raven in real life.
As for me, when I was a kid I really loved Boo (and Minsc too). The two of them were the most memorable experience from my first playthrough, and are truly iconic. The *squeak* that he made was awesome. Trying to explain his magnificence to my friends was hilarious. And who doesn't love the famous battle cry?
"Go for the eyes" didn't really sound like a good screen name, but BooInYourEyes kinda had a ring to it. It was also kind of a teasing "in yo face" sorta thing, since Boo is in YOUR eyes and therefore you must recognize how cool the hamster is
When I was young I would always name my characters with my real name, so, one day, I realized how boring it was, I typed in random letters (without slamming the keyboard), so then Cre'Darvc was created. Later on I misspelled it when I started my second run in KotOR2, and it ended up being Crev Dark, which was fitting since I decided to play a Sith that time. later, I adopted it as my screen name on webpages and as my character's names in cRPGs, but I decided to change Dark for Daak, and later the Crev got an ending s, and that's how Crevs Daak was formed
Also, one day I was bored, and made some background for it: Crevs Daak is the short for Crev'Sindir Daak'Huinar, Crev' means "the", Sindir means "one" and Daak means "titled" and 'Huinar means "death" so CrevsDaak means "the titled" and Crev'Sindir Daak'Huinar means "the one titled death" (makes reference to something funny that happened to me in RL).
Combined from Arch and Chaos. Both Greek words in origin.
Arch: (Ar-HE) =beginning or ruling and Chaos: Haos (HAH-os)=Orderless.
But also sounding almost identical to "Arhaeos" (Ar-HAE-os) which means Ancient, in Greek.
So it's like "Ancient Ruling Chaos" if you want a definition.
Nothing too original, but it's simple and I like the points I made above.
Mine is elvish for Lone Wanderer. (Lord of the Ring's elvish, if I remember correctly. Probably Sindarin as well, though I'm not sure.) It used to be my much older brother's screen name for something else, but I adopted it because I liked it.
These forums are actually one of the few places where I go by Elrandir, however. I only used the screen name Elrandir for... *thinks*... three or four years. I was young when I started using it, and I quickly created my more common screen name; Caron Driel. Caron Driel isn't from anything, it's just a fictional name I came up with back when I was... 10? (While creating a character in TES: 3: Morrowind, if you must know.) It's been my screen name ever since.
I don't know why I used Elrandir when making my profile here, but it's not like I could (or would) change it now. But if you ever see a Caron Driel on something, it is almost guaranteed to be me. I've seen other Elrandirs, but never another Caron Driel.
One or both of my parents didn't want to call me Tim, but it would have been disrespectful for my name to be something other than Tim. So they made my first name Tim and proceeded to always call me by my middle name, Andrew. It caused me some problems early on, when I realized what I thought of as my name wasn't officially my name. However, after college, it became very handy. To this day, anyone who calls the house asking for Tim gets told he's in South America and will be there for at least the next six months.
As it happens, "AndrewFoley" is also a svirfneblin term that roughly translates to "pudgy bullcrap peddler", so it fits.
Trouble is, it's an awkward one to use, since it's not at all unique, and I often find on forums that it's already been taken! So if you meet a Squire on another forum, it probably isn't me.
Now we wait for l-M-N-O-P and so on in the English alphabet to explain the name of @mlnevese , whether @Buttercheese has something to do with a constant using of cheese tactics in her playthroughs, why @Quartz doesn't like when anybody talks about quarts to cups conversion factors, if @Anduin symbolizes the river gnomes living on its shore and, most importantly, should we laugh out loud after eating some fungi @lolien has brought.
Butterkäse is a German cheese that looks and taste like a mild gouda. I used to eat it a lot as a teenager. Buttercheese is simply the literal translation for it.
I got the name in December 2011, around the time I dug my head into My little Pony.
I designed myself a so called ponysona (A pony persona. Yay for puns.) and used a name generator I found online to find a fitting name for my unholy creation.
The result was Butterscotch Cheesecake but I thought it was lame and didn't fit well enough, so I shortened it to Buttercheese, to underline my deep love for cheese and all other sorts of dairyproducts.
Like seriously, I could live on a diet consisting on nothing but milk, yogurt and cheese and wouldn't miss anything. I got strong bones.
I ended up liking the name so much, that it became more or less my universal web-nickname aside from my artist alias, TariToons.
PS: I do cheese *a lot* in games. Like, a lot a lot.
But I didn't know this this term until recently, so I doubt it has anything to do with it.
Unless ... DESTINY.
In Japan, you can't become a bengoshi easily. A person can even graduate from law school, but if a person has not passed the national bar exam, this person is not a “real” lawyer (i.e., a bengoshi) who can represent clients in court.
Although the license of bengoshi is almighty in legal services, their actual works frequently focus on the litigation, corporate and financial services. If you have a big case, bengoshi will be the best choice. But if the legal service you need is not so big or mainly on license, registration, accounting or social insurance, other lawyers may be able to meet your requests better and at a low fee.
Now, maybe this thread hide more secrets from me:)
The old disc., if anyone cares:
Sometime I have to find myself new one.
Probably has something to do with the fact that my old daycare teacher went by "Dee." So that freaks me out a bit. Hahaha
Well, that's true. But you do say "the" instead of "de" and "happy" or "habit" of "appy" and "abit", so both the "th" and "h" sound is there.
But as a Greek, I always shake my head and smirk a bit when I see clearly original Greek words pronounced completely wrong.
For example Zeus is ZEUS (ΖΕΥΣ, ζευς) in Greek and it's pronounced "ZEH-effs". (Y after a Greek vowel gets turned into a F).
Instead of "ZOO-ss"
Or Chaos (XAOΣ, χαος) is HAH-os instead of "KAY-os".
But I guess the reason for that is that one mispronounciation and mistranslation led to another and led to the current ones.
(I'll stop lecturing on Greek words and pronounciation now, unless you want me to make a thread for that. Heh.)