I actually had a long list of forum name possibilities, but in the end, for the sake of typing when logging in or if someone needed to @ me, I used this one. Pronounced "Ad-zo", it is a Latin name that I saw when I came across the entry for Adso of Montier-en-Der (Adso Dervensis) who was an abbot of said monastery (died 992 ce). Also the name of the pupil to Sean Connery's monk char in "The Name of the Rose" movie.
I then used the name for a 2nd ed Monk build in anticipation of playing the BG series when I had the time.
The other handles (some character names) are a lot longer and/or obscure. Some also contained characters people might struggle to type, ie the name "Þjálfi" which is one character of a few I have planned out for an all Viking, RP-heavy IWDEE run (historically based party in structure, weapons used, names taken etc).
@Adso Can you please make a thread about that play-through? Like, pleeeeeease? *smiles sweetly* I don't even need a role-played thread or a super fleshed out one, just pictures and some basic details? I just really want to see that amazing sounding party.
Ah, you are correct. A friend filled me in that they are Finnish, but are written in the Swedish language (author is Swedish speaking Finn?). That sound right?
So I should have asked "Moomintroll (or Muumipeikko), oletko suomalainen?"
@Adso Can you please make a thread about that play-through? Like, pleeeeeease? *smiles sweetly* I don't even need a role-played thread or a super fleshed out one, just pictures and some basic details? I just really want to see that amazing sounding party.
I was planning on it. I have the classes/kits firm, but final name assignments not yet (just a pool). Weapon assignments, pretty firm. And two alternate backgrounds on how/why they are there in IWD.
Would such be posted in the "Fan Creations" forum vs the RP forum?
Would such be posted in the "Fan Creations" forum vs the RP forum?
@Adso For at least a little while, post it in the IWD forum, as it'll gain more notoriety there. After it's garnered some attention, it's PREFERRED (not enforced) to put it in the Challenges and Playthroughs forum.
Cam has been an IRL nickname for a while (first three letters of my last name), but Cam was already taken at the first forum I tried registering at (Ironworks, maybe?). A work buddy of mine at the time kept calling me 'dawg', so I just appended that and off I went.
If I had to do it over today, I'd likely go with something Futurama-related (big surprise there). '7 billion ton robot monster' would be a good nick.
mine is from Sarevok being one of my favourite villians, back in '98 sarevok was one of the most badass villians ever, kevin Richardson did very good voice acting for him and it fit sarevok quite well, then 57 is my favourite number and usually when I make sarevok as a display name it has already been taken sort of thing, so I always just went with 57, because I doubt anyone tried making the name sarevok 57 times
@sarevok57 I'm disappointed that it's not your birthdate. Mind you there is a sarevok115 and even a sarevok1910. Gods and goddesses only know how they came up with those numbers! My personal favourite number is 42, but thats because I am a longstanding Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy fan.
C_c_c_combo_breaker was a response to me dropping into the 'guess the next poster' thread with a one-off joke. As it's actually an alt it should technically be banned. My 'DefinitelyNotCamDawg' alt got spotted and deleted long before I could have any fun with it.
The story behind my name? I thought I told this story here recently....hmm but it isn't in this thread.
Well when I was a teenager I went by many names that included "Ice" (Icy, Icylands, IceGod, IceBeast, you get the idea I was 12 or 13).
Then when I got to high school, my friends started calling me Newb because my last name is Newberry. I accepted my name because it is awesome, and now I go as CoryNewb or Cory Newb in most circles. Sometimes I am Croy, but that is a story that comes from IRC and losing my password.
Most of my first IWD party has the name Croy or Cory in their names in very untasteful ways (on purpose) like Magcroy (my mage) and Sir Croy (my undead hunter) or Croy Tankius (fighter)...you get the idea.
Well, this very game actually made my name. The 1st time I made a character in BG2 in 2001, my 1st character was Yannir. He was an Undead Hunter, and I finished the game with him as well. It was just something I made up. BG2 was the first RPG I ever played at a mature age of 11..^^
Ever since, Yannir has been my screen name in every game I played. It's quite unique, and if you remember a Yannir from another game or forum, it was probably me.
There's some pretty funny stories about it, this one guy was convinced I was israeli and wouldn't stop talking hebrew to me.
The characters I make in BG2 these days are not named Yannir. I dont wanna play myself. Also, it's a name I can't use when I write. I did design a side-character for myself for a particular story but ultimately left him out of it. It's funny really, I don't want to write myself into stories. If I made some character into the story with my real name, that wouldn't be me, that would just have the same name I do.
A long time ago (think four years), I decided to play DDO. I made my first character, but didn't like him. Eventually, a friend of mine (A Drizzt fan) recommended I play drow ranger. Not knowing the Drizzt clone buisness, I did make a drow ranger. But I couldn't come up with a name. So I thought to myself... what's a memorable name that not many people would use? Odin, king of the Norse gods. Elves have Old Norse roots, right? It was taken. So I changed it a bit. Odyn? Still taken. How about Oudyn? Went through without a hitch.
Once I found out about Drizzt cloning, I promptly changed the character (The game has reincarnation) into an elf rogue. Later, a different friend recommended that I change the name to something more elf-y. I chose the name of a minor Tolkien elf, Amras, known mostly for having orange hair. Which my elf did. But everyone was used to calling me Oudyn. The name stuck - as my username, not my character.
Right, then. So one day, an incredibly awesome Tarrasque was very bored. So he logged into the BG forums, of course! He saw that there was a post by CamDawg of all people. Well, the Tarrasque's 3 int mind came up with a plan. He'd make a new account, as a joke mostly. CamDawg hadn't asked for anyone, after all. But he ended up getting C_c_c_combo_Breaker! Which has never been used since.
Pssshaw, that tarrasque is not @Oudyn! He's just trying to bandwagon on my fame! MY FAME! Oudyn's the 4e Tarrasque, and we all know he's a big softie. I'm the good, old fashioned wishable Tarrasque! Wee didn't NEED Invulnerability to eat kingdoms back in MY day! Wait! What? Is that an wand of Wish? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
mine is from Sarevok being one of my favourite villians, back in '98 sarevok was one of the most badass villians ever, kevin Richardson did very good voice acting for him and it fit sarevok quite well, then 57 is my favourite number and usually when I make sarevok as a display name it has already been taken sort of thing, so I always just went with 57, because I doubt anyone tried making the name sarevok 57 times
Oh my! I always thought, that you are a Sarah Bennett fun, or as i secretly hoped, you are Sarah Bennett personally (who played one of the ewoks from the Jedi Returns).
I'm not quite sure how I got my name. All I remember is waking up, drenched in blood and surrounded by dead bodies. From then on, I was simply known as demented.
My name comes from a shade of yellow, aureolin (yellow is my favorite color).
The reason I first started using this name is because of Pokémon Red and Blue (replaying it as a teenager), I wanted a name the fit, and protagonists had colors for names (Red, Blue, Green, etc.). Since Yellow was already taken, I chose a shade of yellow instead, modifying it to sound more like a name, hence Aureol.
Prior to that, my username anywhere and everywhere for the LONGEST time was Ghebast, a name with no real basis; it was a name that I made up for the best series ever (can you guess? ). It looked cool when I was younger, and I still have a nostalgic love for it, but others had difficulty pronouncing it, so I stopped using it.
I'm not quite sure how I got my name. All I remember is waking up, drenched in blood and surrounded by dead bodies. From then on, I was simply known as demented.
At least you weren't cemented and surrounded by pavement
My father used to read a lot of Wilbur Smith books when I was a kid. Wilbur is also the English counterpart of the nick name Vilpuri I had as a child so I started using it in computer games. It's usually just Wilbur unless a last name is also required.
Ok mine comes from a power gaming GM. My first d&d char human priest his real name was Roland rolandson but owing to a Max height min weight role he was always known as skinny. Anyway skip a few years ooc and a few decades ic and the dm decides he needs new powerful character to be part PC part npc (most the characters were strong enough anyway d we were all sort of semi-retired nation ruling etc). Anyway the dm decides that an ancient dracolich would use its own heart in a ritual that resulted in massive muscle growth amongst other things for my char. After a few centuries I managed in char to accept most of the changes and adjust to being in my chars eyes to completely different creatures sharing one body albeit one with two forms. Playing the char had always been fun even when I was coping with his adjustment period and from the two personalities he developed skinny dragon was born
I am curious about names it would appear, very curious... Deadly Curious! (Actually I am curious about many things and it tends to get me in all kinds of trouble, but that is a story for a different time). So if your forum name has some kind of meaning or a story to go with it I would be interested to hear it. It might be possible to arrange some cookies for your time by the Ferret-Master @Nimran of the Thieves Guild if you do. Although he is a fickle and unpredictable sort.. so they say.
I then used the name for a 2nd ed Monk build in anticipation of playing the BG series when I had the time.
The other handles (some character names) are a lot longer and/or obscure. Some also contained characters people might struggle to type, ie the name "Þjálfi" which is one character of a few I have planned out for an all Viking, RP-heavy IWDEE run (historically based party in structure, weapons used, names taken etc).
So I should have asked "Moomintroll (or Muumipeikko), oletko suomalainen?"
Would such be posted in the "Fan Creations" forum vs the RP forum?
@CamDawg ...you never responded here... (© Anduin)
Cam has been an IRL nickname for a while (first three letters of my last name), but Cam was already taken at the first forum I tried registering at (Ironworks, maybe?). A work buddy of mine at the time kept calling me 'dawg', so I just appended that and off I went.
If I had to do it over today, I'd likely go with something Futurama-related (big surprise there). '7 billion ton robot monster' would be a good nick.
@supposedly I suppose you did!
@sarevok57 I'm disappointed that it's not your birthdate. Mind you there is a sarevok115 and even a sarevok1910. Gods and goddesses only know how they came up with those numbers! My personal favourite number is 42, but thats because I am a longstanding Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy fan.
hexxactly we don't have @No around us so far
Well when I was a teenager I went by many names that included "Ice" (Icy, Icylands, IceGod, IceBeast, you get the idea I was 12 or 13).
Then when I got to high school, my friends started calling me Newb because my last name is Newberry. I accepted my name because it is awesome, and now I go as CoryNewb or Cory Newb in most circles. Sometimes I am Croy, but that is a story that comes from IRC and losing my password.
Most of my first IWD party has the name Croy or Cory in their names in very untasteful ways (on purpose) like Magcroy (my mage) and Sir Croy (my undead hunter) or Croy Tankius (fighter)...you get the idea.
Ever since, Yannir has been my screen name in every game I played. It's quite unique, and if you remember a Yannir from another game or forum, it was probably me.
There's some pretty funny stories about it, this one guy was convinced I was israeli and wouldn't stop talking hebrew to me.
The characters I make in BG2 these days are not named Yannir. I dont wanna play myself. Also, it's a name I can't use when I write. I did design a side-character for myself for a particular story but ultimately left him out of it. It's funny really, I don't want to write myself into stories. If I made some character into the story with my real name, that wouldn't be me, that would just have the same name I do.
Once I found out about Drizzt cloning, I promptly changed the character (The game has reincarnation) into an elf rogue. Later, a different friend recommended that I change the name to something more elf-y. I chose the name of a minor Tolkien elf, Amras, known mostly for having orange hair. Which my elf did. But everyone was used to calling me Oudyn. The name stuck - as my username, not my character.
The reason I first started using this name is because of Pokémon Red and Blue (replaying it as a teenager), I wanted a name the fit, and protagonists had colors for names (Red, Blue, Green, etc.). Since Yellow was already taken, I chose a shade of yellow instead, modifying it to sound more like a name, hence Aureol.
Prior to that, my username anywhere and everywhere for the LONGEST time was Ghebast, a name with no real basis; it was a name that I made up for the best series ever (can you guess?