Not really. It's just a french form of the name Cutler, although I'm not even french. A long time ago I was looking for a name for a character, and was browsing through a name encyclopedia when I came I across it. I decided I liked it and have kept it as my own internet name ever since.
As you may have noticed my avatar is a character from a very popular British sit com (To those who haven't been educated in such matters its red dwarf). My name along with my original avatar on these forums are from another.
In the famous word of the mastermind known as Edmund Blackadder "wubble" (I've never really been able to tell if it's wubble or wibble so I use both as sometimes one is taken)
Thank you wubbles these are excellent and clear up alot of the mysteries, it is hard to tell which one to revive but i will choose the meagloth one since it seems to be slightly less old.
So I made a thread for this not realizing there was already one up not long ago. I was curious about some of your names and most of that has been cleared up now
I guess I should play nice and reveal the meaning of my name.
It actually has nothing to do with the name Nathan.
It comes from the Albanian word "natën" which means "night".
My username is derived from a speech given by a Buddhist thinker named Dharmapala (defender of the dharma), who said that the evils of Western civilization were caused by a jealous, cruel, and selfish "Semitic god" as seen in the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament. The idea is that Western society is screwed up because their god is a jerk, whereas Buddhism is peaceful and gentle.
I find Dharmapala's ideas profoundly ignorant and xenophobic... as if there was no gentle aspect of the Abrahamic god (particularly obvious in the New Testament, and I understand also in the Koran)... and as if Buddhism was free of violence and cruelty. Buddhism has violent sutras. Buddhism has some very gruesome hells, too.
But, since I read about Dharmapala's ideas around the time I was also setting up my Youtube account (which has a few Link's Awakening videos on it, but which I can no longer access, unfortunately), I decided to make "semiticgod" my password, since it was something I knew I would remember. Except I made a mistake and "semiticgod" ended up as my username.
When a friend of mine pointed out that it would be a great name to use to troll on Youtube videos about the Arab-Israeli conflict, I decided the name was funny and outrageous enough to make it my username on here and on I'll probably use it for some other sites in the future, but for now, it's only on these three sites.
So I'm semiticgod because a xenophobic Buddhist said Yahweh was the cause of all our problems.
EDIT: My memory is terrible. I just looked back at my notes and realized Dharmapala was Buddhist, not Hindu. The point still stands, so I just replaced some words.
"Jarrakul" (pronounced jair-uh-cool, in case anyone's wondering) was the name of the first villain I ever made in D&D that my players were actually afraid of. He was a kobold vampire lord, and he was hideously overpowered. His dungeon was filled with traps and ambushes that, to this day, I can't help but feel were a little less fair than a DM should be. Lord Jarrakul himself was a monk/rogue multiclass with an AC so high no one in the party could actually hit him except on a 20 and some vicious level-draining sneak attacks. He eventually fell to some lucky rolls and several well-placed Magic Missiles, but, being a vampire, the destruction of his corporeal form was only a momentary setback. He returned to haunt the players on a couple other occasions, including hosting another very different, but similarly unfair, dungeon. These days, there's a lot I'd criticize about Lord Jarrakul as a villain, both thematically and mechanically, but he remains the first villain players really took seriously. And that's worth something.
Earth and sea cower from my screams As I climb into the skies Atop sins towered heaven high for me From whence I see no reason why I should not smite with vengeance And hurl thieves down from paradise For storms before were as nothing more Than a breeze next to this night
I am Methuselah of the Tribulation The Moonchild come to harm A riot of stars shaken from their station
The choking smoke of Jerusalem burning Six vices become wrath
And though half-blind with ravening Like Phineus now I see The end declared from the beginning Love won through my defeat But now I fear I will never peer On Her radiance again I shall glimpse instead, the slurried red Of faces pressed to bloodstained panes
Betrayed and played by God Who alone but He Scapegraced and goated me? Now I wish to piss on His parade
Angels, clawed with burnished wings Still loyal, kiss the seal Bent on knees and harrowing Promise overkill
Know that you shall die like whores And the cries of your writhings shall rise To please their Lord... So before the sword Side with me in slaughter
I am Methuselah of the Tribulation The Moonchild come to harm The spoken horns of desolation
Drink the pouring of my fury Those darkened waters spur The brink of war as my judge and jury And rapist executioner Our time is short, the horsemen ride A foul-breathed chora howls, besides Damnation and a day has passed This divine right to genocide
Weld the gates to heaven shut The abyss leers in hissing ruts Unhilt the black grimoire of death Inscribe all names that God has left
I lived the dream of nymph and men But now the nightmares come again
Did you know that the first letter of @lroumen is l from L, not i as I?... I've always read it wrong. So, mister L, come and tell us a story about your forum name, so that we could know what does it mean and read it right
Did you know that the first letter of @lroumen is l from L, not i as I?... I've always read it wrong. So, mister L, come and tell us a story about your forum name, so that we could know what does it mean and read it right
l is the letter of my first name. The rest is my last name. lroumen is also a typographic artpiece that spells ironman slightly differently, and you can all guess who does all the ironing at our house.
I picked my name about 25 years ago. I had been somewhat active on usenet and some local BBS's, but then I started checking out these newfangled "Web boards" as we called them then. Now, at the time, I was going through a lot of changes in my life, most of them good. I had just gotten out of the Army and gone back to college, and I was married with two young children. One of the things that had happened, was that I'd had my rose colored glasses forcibly removed. I'm white, my wife is black, and until I came back, I'd had no idea of the seething cesspit of racial animosity that existed around my hometown. I developed a bit of an "angry young man" streak because of it. To blow off steam, I'd seek out the more contentious portions of the Internet and engage in flamewars with various people from Southern apologists to five-percenters. Billy Yank was the generic nickname for Union soldiers during the American civil war. I chose it because I felt it was confrontational but subtle about it, because it honors a part of history that I've been interested in since childhood, and because my name is Bill. Since then, I've mellowed from an angry young man to mildly crotchety old coot, but I've kept it because I like it and because two of my three original reasons still hold true.
I've been playing Atlus's "Shin Megami Tensei" and marveling at the cool and crazy depictions of ancient and current mythological beings and gods. But I was kinda bummed that there were virtually no African or African-American ones. I mean, why should I be surprised, I still can't think of many black characters in videogames: why should a game that includes (of all random things) an ancient toilet god (I think it was Mayan or Aztec) be any different?
So I stumbled on an article online that articulated my thoughts better than I could (it was titled something like "Race and Superheroes", was posted to reddit and hosted on a black nerd website, but for whatever reason I can't find it!!), and while thinking of how awesome it would be to have a game where you could play as or meet up with Anansi the spider (, or, recalling a trip to Disney, the real version of Brer Rabbit I read as a little girl from "The People Could Fly" (
Much as I thought Anansi as the spider-spirit of wisdom was pretty awesome, I thought a cool re-owning of Brer Rabbit would be even cooler. It's not too obscure and a bit subversive, something that makes people think or look something up. Or that was my idealistic intention.
TL;DR: Smartass hipster wanted a subversive name that reflected an underserved minority group. Mission accomplished.
I picked my name about 25 years ago. [...] Since then, I've mellowed from an angry young man to mildly crotchety old coot, but I've kept it because I like it and because two of my three original reasons still hold true.
The two reasons being you (white) and your wife (black)? May I conclude you've been happily married for a quarter of century now and congratualate you with that happy state of affairs? (somehow I feel unsure if my words sound sarcastic, but it's heartfelt. Long marriages are joyous, in this age of divorces).
@Son_of_Imoen: Actually the two reasons are my name is Bill and I'm still interested in ACW history.
I can't blame you-- war history is pretty awesome! I swear I could live on the History Channel if they'd just rescind that restraining order against me...
@Son_of_Imoen: Actually the two reasons are my name is Bill and I'm still interested in ACW history.
I can't blame you-- war history is pretty awesome! I swear I could live on the History Channel if they'd just rescind that restraining order against me...
Still one of my favorite channels, even if they are getting a little too sensationalist these days. Sons of Liberty was such a disappointment.
I wanted to start a thread about this, but luckily I did a forum search first. I'm always interrested to read about others name choices since there are so many great nick/screennames out there on teh interwebz.
My own comes from not having a unique screen name before and being forced to change a couple of times due to other having them already registered in different forums and emails etc. I used "Mortar" for quite a long time in the earliest days of internet. It just sounded cool to the teenager me, nothing more intricate than that. It was too common though so I had to give it up. I then moved on to "Baneman", which is old swedish meaning something like "slayer" or "killer" in english (it was also a slight hint to a netweork cafe I used to visit called "Janemans" while playing CS). I used it for a couple of years in different games and communities, often shortened down to "bane". Bane though was super common and even Baneman proved to be difficult to be the first one to register, so I gave it up as well. I'm a history nerd and have read my fair share of military history. In the armies, the military police if its time had a rank called "Profoss". I also played alot of starcraft back then, and it ofc has an obvious hint to the race Protoss. But alas, once again it proved difficult to register it on forums etc so once more I had to create something new to aboid having to add a number to the name to make it unique.
So one day I created a new char for game, don't remember which, it may have been D3. I was just juggling around different name ideas and even though I am very far from being a katana fanboi, I like the sounding of that word. So I just added an S and named a female charname (I think it may have been a DH) Skatana. It was then shortened to Skatan when creating a male char and it has stuck since then. Skatan also means "the Magpie" which I think is kinda funny, since they are very interresting birds. They are among the most intelligent of birds, they find one partner with whom they create life long relationships with and they love teh lootz and stealing shiny things, hehe.. It's very similar to my, nowadays, in-game persona of a rogue like character (bards mostly).
So now I hope this name holds for a longer time then the rest. Skatan was taken in gmail, there I took the name "skaldskatan" due to my love of bards, but so far so good, the name has proven to be quite unique. most other communities I've been a regular member of has died out so I don't really use any of the older names anymore. A few online accounts still has profoss, but I've stopped playing those games so it doesn't matter much. The community I was a member of the longest, the nerdslounge (an unholy offspring of a group of friends from the community) dies just last year after more than 10 years online, so that was the end of Baneman.
As you may have noticed my avatar is a character from a very popular British sit com (To those who haven't been educated in such matters its red dwarf). My name along with my original avatar on these forums are from another.
In the famous word of the mastermind known as Edmund Blackadder "wubble" (I've never really been able to tell if it's wubble or wibble so I use both as sometimes one is taken)
I guess I should play nice and reveal the meaning of my name.
It actually has nothing to do with the name Nathan.
It comes from the Albanian word "natën" which means "night".
I am not Albanian. I am Canadian..
..Also my name might actually be Nathan...
I find Dharmapala's ideas profoundly ignorant and xenophobic... as if there was no gentle aspect of the Abrahamic god (particularly obvious in the New Testament, and I understand also in the Koran)... and as if Buddhism was free of violence and cruelty. Buddhism has violent sutras. Buddhism has some very gruesome hells, too.
But, since I read about Dharmapala's ideas around the time I was also setting up my Youtube account (which has a few Link's Awakening videos on it, but which I can no longer access, unfortunately), I decided to make "semiticgod" my password, since it was something I knew I would remember. Except I made a mistake and "semiticgod" ended up as my username.
When a friend of mine pointed out that it would be a great name to use to troll on Youtube videos about the Arab-Israeli conflict, I decided the name was funny and outrageous enough to make it my username on here and on I'll probably use it for some other sites in the future, but for now, it's only on these three sites.
So I'm semiticgod because a xenophobic Buddhist said Yahweh was the cause of all our problems.
EDIT: My memory is terrible. I just looked back at my notes and realized Dharmapala was Buddhist, not Hindu. The point still stands, so I just replaced some words.
*~* The Smoke Of Her Burning *~*
Earth and sea cower from my screams
As I climb into the skies
Atop sins towered heaven high for me
From whence I see no reason why
I should not smite with vengeance
And hurl thieves down from paradise
For storms before were as nothing more
Than a breeze next to this night
I am Methuselah of the Tribulation
The Moonchild come to harm
A riot of stars shaken from their station
The choking smoke of Jerusalem burning
Six vices become wrath
And though half-blind with ravening
Like Phineus now I see
The end declared from the beginning
Love won through my defeat
But now I fear I will never peer
On Her radiance again
I shall glimpse instead, the slurried red
Of faces pressed to bloodstained panes
Betrayed and played by God
Who alone but He
Scapegraced and goated me?
Now I wish to piss on His parade
Angels, clawed with burnished wings
Still loyal, kiss the seal
Bent on knees and harrowing
Promise overkill
Know that you shall die like whores
And the cries of your writhings shall rise
To please their Lord...
So before the sword
Side with me in slaughter
I am Methuselah of the Tribulation
The Moonchild come to harm
The spoken horns of desolation
Drink the pouring of my fury
Those darkened waters spur
The brink of war as my judge and jury
And rapist executioner
Our time is short, the horsemen ride
A foul-breathed chora howls, besides
Damnation and a day has passed
This divine right to genocide
Weld the gates to heaven shut
The abyss leers in hissing ruts
Unhilt the black grimoire of death
Inscribe all names that God has left
I lived the dream of nymph and men
But now the nightmares come again
Now the nightmares come again...
I don't think I ever put where I got this name from in the other threads. I figured most people would know. :P
One of the things that had happened, was that I'd had my rose colored glasses forcibly removed. I'm white, my wife is black, and until I came back, I'd had no idea of the seething cesspit of racial animosity that existed around my hometown. I developed a bit of an "angry young man" streak because of it. To blow off steam, I'd seek out the more contentious portions of the Internet and engage in flamewars with various people from Southern apologists to five-percenters.
Billy Yank was the generic nickname for Union soldiers during the American civil war. I chose it because I felt it was confrontational but subtle about it, because it honors a part of history that I've been interested in since childhood, and because my name is Bill.
Since then, I've mellowed from an angry young man to mildly crotchety old coot, but I've kept it because I like it and because two of my three original reasons still hold true.
I've been playing Atlus's "Shin Megami Tensei" and marveling at the cool and crazy depictions of ancient and current mythological beings and gods. But I was kinda bummed that there were virtually no African or African-American ones. I mean, why should I be surprised, I still can't think of many black characters in videogames: why should a game that includes (of all random things) an ancient toilet god (I think it was Mayan or Aztec) be any different?
So I stumbled on an article online that articulated my thoughts better than I could (it was titled something like "Race and Superheroes", was posted to reddit and hosted on a black nerd website, but for whatever reason I can't find it!!), and while thinking of how awesome it would be to have a game where you could play as or meet up with Anansi the spider (, or, recalling a trip to Disney, the real version of Brer Rabbit I read as a little girl from "The People Could Fly" (
Much as I thought Anansi as the spider-spirit of wisdom was pretty awesome, I thought a cool re-owning of Brer Rabbit would be even cooler. It's not too obscure and a bit subversive, something that makes people think or look something up. Or that was my idealistic intention.
TL;DR: Smartass hipster wanted a subversive name that reflected an underserved minority group. Mission accomplished.
Short for Grumbaki.
Khazalid for a dwarf who whines or complains.
My own comes from not having a unique screen name before and being forced to change a couple of times due to other having them already registered in different forums and emails etc.
I used "Mortar" for quite a long time in the earliest days of internet. It just sounded cool to the teenager me, nothing more intricate than that. It was too common though so I had to give it up.
I then moved on to "Baneman", which is old swedish meaning something like "slayer" or "killer" in english (it was also a slight hint to a netweork cafe I used to visit called "Janemans" while playing CS). I used it for a couple of years in different games and communities, often shortened down to "bane". Bane though was super common and even Baneman proved to be difficult to be the first one to register, so I gave it up as well.
I'm a history nerd and have read my fair share of military history. In the armies, the military police if its time had a rank called "Profoss". I also played alot of starcraft back then, and it ofc has an obvious hint to the race Protoss. But alas, once again it proved difficult to register it on forums etc so once more I had to create something new to aboid having to add a number to the name to make it unique.
So one day I created a new char for game, don't remember which, it may have been D3. I was just juggling around different name ideas and even though I am very far from being a katana fanboi, I like the sounding of that word. So I just added an S and named a female charname (I think it may have been a DH) Skatana. It was then shortened to Skatan when creating a male char and it has stuck since then. Skatan also means "the Magpie" which I think is kinda funny, since they are very interresting birds. They are among the most intelligent of birds, they find one partner with whom they create life long relationships with and they love teh lootz and stealing shiny things, hehe.. It's very similar to my, nowadays, in-game persona of a rogue like character (bards mostly).
So now I hope this name holds for a longer time then the rest. Skatan was taken in gmail, there I took the name "skaldskatan" due to my love of bards, but so far so good, the name has proven to be quite unique. most other communities I've been a regular member of has died out so I don't really use any of the older names anymore. A few online accounts still has profoss, but I've stopped playing those games so it doesn't matter much. The community I was a member of the longest, the nerdslounge (an unholy offspring of a group of friends from the community) dies just last year after more than 10 years online, so that was the end of Baneman.
That was my story. Thanks for sharing yours!