Hmmm... I vaguely recall explaining this before. Maybe I imagined it... Oh yes! I remember. *goes to Copy-Paste*
Heindrich is the first character I played in the first RPG game I played, which was Advanced Heroquest, a table-top game similar to D&D, based on the Warhammer Fantasy setting.
I was about 10 years old at the time, and apparently not creative to come up with anything of my own, so I just used the example party provided in the rulebook, which consisted of a Human warrior (Heinrich Lowen), an old Wizard, a Wood Elf and a Dwarf. Given the rest of the company, I identified the most with the archetypal European warrior clad in plate mail, and ended up using Heinrich as my name in all sorts of games and online as usernames. At some point I made a typo and added a 'd' to the name... a typo that has stuck.
So yea... I'm not German, or even European, (hint: I look like my forum avatar). I have been using "Heindrich" as my username in the Elder Scrolls Online, which has a huge German population, and people consequently keep writing German to me. lol
The Bubsy the Bobcat games appeared on consoles in the 90s and were largely derided for their poor gameplay, and obvious attempts to copy the success of Sonic the Hedgehog with a similar furry animal with 'tude. Basically, Bubsy was a Poochie figure, if you understand the Simpsons term.
I never actually played them, but around the time I joined this forum there was a free "Bubsy" browser game just released. This wasn't an official game, though it claimed to be, but more of a parody, mixing the awful graphics and controls of 1996's Bubsy 3D, with a bizarre story of Bubsy visiting a James Turrell retrospective and going on a surreal journey of discovery. I can't really explain it any better but it's a pretty funny send-up both of bad videogames and self-consciously "artistic" media.
I played it with my 8 year old sister and surprisingly she really enjoyed it, especially when we put in the code "dustbubsy" which turns the bobcat to miniscule proportions, much like a mote of dust. So it became an in-joke for us and that's where the name came from.
@dustbubsy I'm really curious how many people besides you and I on these forums have actually heard of bubsy. I've never played them, but I know of them and have seen amusing reviews of them online. When I first saw your name I was like "Is that?.. I think it is. Oh my gosh. XD"
Ah yes. I was going to make an NPC mod, before BG2 came out, for BG1. At the time it was Solaufein Xiltyn. And when BG2 came out, low and behold there was a character named Solaufein in it! So scratch that idea. But not all was lost, I put a minor representation of that character in my BG2 mod, The Undying.
My name comes from a really really really bad fanfic I did for the Shin Megami Tensai Persona series. Each chapter would focus on a different Persona user of the story with their Persona name in the chapter. My name comes from my favorite chapter Alexis is in need of...The chapter focus of the character name Leo who had an Unrequited love with a character named Santana who completely despises him. The chapter focus a lot on why Leo is so obsessed with Santana and it is revealed that he doesn't actually love her or like her in that matter. He instead is drawn to her because she is loner keeping to herself he thinks that he could get rid of his loneliness if he can be with her. Leo has a need for a lot of things like love, friends, and happiness. So Yup thats where Alexisisinneed comes from.
My name was the one I made up for my first character way back at the very beginning in Candlekeep. I wanted it to start with a J as my name starts with a J (and I didn't want to use my own name. It's an old lady name and didn't really fit with the strong, confident Paladin I was creating. 10 points if you can guess what it is :P). Then I thought of quite a feminine suffix I could put on the end and 'anna' seemed to fit. Then it was just a matter of playing about with letters to get the rest of the name. So, Jairyanna was born.
A note on pronunciation. Lots of people think the first two syllables rhyme with 'fairy'. NOPE. It's pronounced JAI (rhymes with 'pie') REE
Therefore: Jairyanna = JAI-ree-AH-nah
NOT jay-ray-ah-na... -_-
(Her close friends and comrades in arms call her Jai. Don't you go calling her that though, she won't like it. Not until you're a little better acquainted.)
Probably not completely phonetically correct, but that's how I pronounce it and I made it up so it must be right ^_^
Every paladin I made after that was called Jairyanna. I have other names for other classes, but this is my generic go-to fantasy name, and therefore my screen name.
but that's how I pronounce it and I made it up so it must be right ^_^
Damn straight.
I have a couple of other user names that are somewhat unusually written and people often have trouble determining how to pronounce them. When I make it clear the conversation usually goes:
"What? Are you sure? That can't be right." "Have you heard it elsewhere before, pronounced differently?" "Well no." "Then, seeing as I invented it, my pronounciation is correct!" "But you can't do that!" "Of course I can. I'm Batman!"
(and I didn't want to use my own name. It's an old lady name and didn't really fit with the strong, confident Paladin I was creating. 10 points if you can guess what it is :P).
I wanted it to start with a J as my name starts with a J (and I didn't want to use my own name. It's an old lady name and didn't really fit with the strong, confident Paladin I was creating. 10 points if you can guess what it is :P).
I'm not sure what you mean by old lady name. How can that be a thing?
I just meant that it's old fashioned. I'm not mad about it, I just didn't want to call my paladin it
No one has it yet :P (btw sorry it's kinda taken over the thread, I didn't think anyone would really pay attention to that line in my post! Will I just tell you so we can get back to hearing stories about other peoples' screen names?)
No one has it yet :P (btw sorry it's kinda taken over the thread, I didn't think anyone would really pay attention to that line in my post! Will I just tell you so we can get back to hearing stories about other peoples' screen names?)
Don't be sorry, it kinda fun trying, and it your choice if you wanna tell us your real name, it also ok not to tell us.
I'm not sure what you mean by old lady name. How can that be a thing?
I just meant that it's old fashioned. I'm not mad about it, I just didn't want to call my paladin it
No one has it yet :P (btw sorry it's kinda taken over the thread, I didn't think anyone would really pay attention to that line in my post! Will I just tell you so we can get back to hearing stories about other peoples' screen names?)
Pshh... I little topic wandering is good for a thread. Keeps it alive. Janet?:)
I have several aliases which I use. Tresset is but one. The majority of my aliases are names of characters I made up for my stories. Tresset is my favorite and I usually try to use that one but it has a tendency to be taken by someone else... I also use Xzarloxara, Tarari, Troxarax, and maybe a few others. The last three are all original characters from my stories. Tresset actually comes from Baldur's Gate and was the name of my first Charname to beat the game. He was a half-elven Fighter/Thief and used to be the only character I would use back then. The name was actually kind of a joke I made before I knew anything about Baldur's Gate or Forgotten Realms. I heard Erik (the archer guy that you have a practice fight with in Candlekeep) say "I could take Drizzt with both my arms tied behind my back!" but I misheard him and thought he said "Tresset" instead of "Drizzt". I thought it would be funny to name my character that and so I did. That is really about it.
Heindrich is the first character I played in the first RPG game I played, which was Advanced Heroquest, a table-top game similar to D&D, based on the Warhammer Fantasy setting.
I was about 10 years old at the time, and apparently not creative to come up with anything of my own, so I just used the example party provided in the rulebook, which consisted of a Human warrior (Heinrich Lowen), an old Wizard, a Wood Elf and a Dwarf. Given the rest of the company, I identified the most with the archetypal European warrior clad in plate mail, and ended up using Heinrich as my name in all sorts of games and online as usernames. At some point I made a typo and added a 'd' to the name... a typo that has stuck.
So yea... I'm not German, or even European, (hint: I look like my forum avatar). I have been using "Heindrich" as my username in the Elder Scrolls Online, which has a huge German population, and people consequently keep writing German to me. lol
谢谢 (that is "Thank you")
I never actually played them, but around the time I joined this forum there was a free "Bubsy" browser game just released. This wasn't an official game, though it claimed to be, but more of a parody, mixing the awful graphics and controls of 1996's Bubsy 3D, with a bizarre story of Bubsy visiting a James Turrell retrospective and going on a surreal journey of discovery. I can't really explain it any better but it's a pretty funny send-up both of bad videogames and self-consciously "artistic" media.
I played it with my 8 year old sister and surprisingly she really enjoyed it, especially when we put in the code "dustbubsy" which turns the bobcat to miniscule proportions, much like a mote of dust. So it became an in-joke for us and that's where the name came from.
A note on pronunciation. Lots of people think the first two syllables rhyme with 'fairy'. NOPE. It's pronounced JAI (rhymes with 'pie') REE
Jairyanna = JAI-ree-AH-nah
NOT jay-ray-ah-na... -_-
(Her close friends and comrades in arms call her Jai. Don't you go calling her that though, she won't like it. Not until you're a little better acquainted.)
Probably not completely phonetically correct, but that's how I pronounce it and I made it up so it must be right ^_^
Every paladin I made after that was called Jairyanna. I have other names for other classes, but this is my generic go-to fantasy name, and therefore my screen name.
I have a couple of other user names that are somewhat unusually written and people often have trouble determining how to pronounce them. When I make it clear the conversation usually goes:
"What? Are you sure? That can't be right."
"Have you heard it elsewhere before, pronounced differently?"
"Well no."
"Then, seeing as I invented it, my pronounciation is correct!"
"But you can't do that!"
"Of course I can. I'm Batman!"
note: I'm not actually Batman™.
I'm not sure what you mean by old lady name. How can that be a thing?
It's a thing.
But someone should be mad at their name or whatever cause they think it's an "old lady name".
No one has it yet :P (btw sorry it's kinda taken over the thread, I didn't think anyone would really pay attention to that line in my post! Will I just tell you so we can get back to hearing stories about other peoples' screen names?)
@Jairyanna is it Jacqueline or Jemima?
sorry I just had to guess,
@Jairyanna how about Janet or Jocelyn?
hmm.... Joanne?