Good puns

in Off-Topic
All of my puns are bad, so please share yours!
Just in time for Christmas.
who am I to diss a brie
I cheddar the world + the feta cheese
everybody's looking for stilton
so many memeories.
Also, I'd like to mention that bear puns are even easier to make in Spanish than in English. The Spanish word for bear is "oso," and many Spanish adjectives end in "oso," such as "gracioso" (funny), or "espantoso" (grisly).
estos o-varios más
casi-que ya estamos listos
¡te vas a quemar! A mar del plata
And some in english:
he's got an arpun!
i am stu-dying
the Stupidfire+1
I'm not sure if I said that right. But that's it for the Spanish puns I know. I'll be making English puns from now on in this thread.
*Nonmetals tend to have really bad conduct; they take too much pleasure in insultating.
*Just remember, if you are lithium and you are on a tightrope five feet above the floorine, it will be hard for you to keep your valance!
Silver walks into a bar, sees gold and shouts 'ey you!
Why was a mole of oxygen excited after a date? he got avagadro's number!
Does anyone have any sodium? Na
Trying to think of a good chemistry pun? all the good ones argon.
I'll leave it there...
What's a chemist's favourite tree?
A stoichiomeTREE!
*PETA really hates stores that sulfur.
*When a gas decides to store all of its gasness in a bank, that's called deposition.
*You lost all the gold? Au, that sucks!
There was another good chemistry joke in League of Legends but I don't want to plagiarize it.
Also, I've always thought that "Avogadro's number" sounds like "Avocado's Number."