I am of an age when running electricity through a frogs leg to see it move (and to show that electric impulses from the brain can stimulate movement) was classified as education. Alas, the teenage brain also wonders what happens if you connect lots of legs together and how far said legs can kick a pencil across the table... However to call it a monster would be an insult to the moving beauty we created from French cuisine...
True.. to some extent. Writing in 1337 is to replace letters with numbers. There's probably a lot more to it than I ever learned 'cause I never did bother with it. Many guys in the scene, at least back in the day, could write it effortlessly but for me it took ages if I tried it. 17 L00K3D S0M371NG L1K3 7H1S, but I prolly made a ton of errors in that short sentence.
The next person can write effortlessly in the pirate language and still thinks it's cool. Or coolooolooliol as it is called in pirate.
By population? I don't know. Xi Jinping is at the helm in China, Narendra Modi is in India, Donald Trump in the United States, Shinzo Abe in Japan, and Vladimir Putin in Russia. Those are my guesses. I'd put Indonesia somewhere up there, but I don't know the president.
Looking it up: turns out the two most populous countries after China, India, and the U.S. are Indonesia and Brazil. Joko Widodo is the president of Indonesia and Michael Temer is the president of Brazil.
The next person can name all the leaders of China in the past 100 years.
True, and it's interesting that "reading" to such a great degree is more the brain interpreting a word as a whole, almost like an image, rather than reading the letters one by one and building them into a word.
The next poster can read egyptian hieroglyphs (sp?).
True, and it's interesting that "reading" to such a great degree is more the brain interpreting a word as a whole, almost like an image, rather than reading the letters one by one and building them into a word.
The next poster can read egyptian hieroglyphs (sp?).
True, but only 2 symbols.
The next poster has read Beowulf in its native language.
False and I gotta admit I can't understand why ppl want to dress up as pseudo-animals? I would LOVE to get a good, long chat to someone who does so they can educate me on the subject. (No offense to any furries in here intended)
The next poster is a furry and want to tell me all about it, yay!
The next poster has used divination skills to measure the distance of a storm using the time between the flash and rumble in a mystical manner...
The next person has been economicaly hit by a lighting strike.
Next poster has created a monster using electricity in some way.
The next poster has kept tadpoles in a jar...
Then some frogs got in and ate them
The next poster is afraid of sea lions
No, ok, watch this first
The next poster is so badass they once crumpled up a piece of paper with their bare hands.
(ok, so I missed the paper bin by mistake, but it was badass I'm tellin' ya.)
The next person can write effortlessly in leet and miss the time when that was considered leet.
The next person will inform me on the subject.
The next poster is old enough to explain this to us young folks.
The next person can write effortlessly in the pirate language and still thinks it's cool. Or coolooolooliol as it is called in pirate.
The next poster has the hots for the cold.
The next person is a B4d_b0y
The next person can name the state leaders in the world's five largest (by population, not mass or economy) countries without looking up the answer.
Looking it up: turns out the two most populous countries after China, India, and the U.S. are Indonesia and Brazil. Joko Widodo is the president of Indonesia and Michael Temer is the president of Brazil.
The next person can name all the leaders of China in the past 100 years.
The next poster thinks this thread has died and this post will be the last one.
The next poster took enchantment as their mage specilization.
The next poster saw what I did there.
The next poster wakes up early every morning fresh and peachy.
The next poster is insanely happy that this thread found its way to the surface again after lying dormant for too long. (I know I am at least!)
The next poster is happily insane.
The next insane is happily poster.
The next hapsane is posterly inpi.
Teh nxet psoter konws taht ppoele can raed snetcenes eevn if the lertets are meixd up, if ecah word's fsirt and lsat letetr are slitl the smae.
The next poster can read egyptian hieroglyphs (sp?).
The next poster has read Beowulf in its native language.
But I know Hippopotamuses can't swim.
The next poster thinks that's false.
The next poster pities the fool who makes an outdated pop culture reference.
The next poster feels that shaven is better than hairy.
The next poster has been to a furry convention.
The next poster is a furry and want to tell me all about it, yay!