True, just wear a fancy short sleeve shirt, fancy beige shorts, a "fanny pack" around the waist, white socks drawn up at least halfway to the knees, sandals and a locally bought cap with the italian flag, the local city name on or similar.
The next poster tried hard when abroad to not look like a silly tourist even though they are.
Far better to stroll on regardless, and not look like a tourist, than stop and get your map out to see where you are and risk being identified as one.
The next poster also gets lost a lot.
(NB: on advice about visiting Italy - if one is stopping off in Rome and planning to visit the sites, I would definitly recommend prebooking online. I did it for the Vatican and the Colosseum, and it saved all the queues and hassle)
Trick question. Logically, I have no control over whether or not my comment is edited without my consent so I decline to answer... The next poster believes that Donald Trump is an alien.
The next poster thinks editing another person's comment to add a comment inside it is like going beyond the bounds of the possible and through puncturing the artificial constraints we post by opening up a whole new vista of possibilities and expanded horizons, where we can begin to dream the impossible.
I love Sweet Child of Mine, but I actually don't know any other Guns n' Roses songs.
You should be able to see my username at the bottom of every post I edit; it's not possible to edit a comment without leaving a publicly visible trace.
The next poster has danced, or would like to dance, naked in a nunchaku factory.
I love Sweet Child of Mine, but I actually don't know any other Guns n' Roses songs.
You should be able to see my username at the bottom of every post I edit; it's not possible to edit a comment without leaving a publicly visible trace.
The next poster has danced, or would like to dance, naked in a nunchaku factory.
False, I have done half of that.
The next poster really doesn't want to know which half I am referring to.
True, it was my mother But it wasn't an elctric pole, it was an electric bolt and she'd forgot that she had left her boots of grounding at the cobbler just the day before.
The next poster came very close to dying once (IRL), but lived to tell the tale.
Same answer. But it was an indian elephant. And I was 25. And drunk. Now that I think of it, that could also have been an bactrian camel. The smell was the worst.
The next poster came very close to unliving once (IRL), but died to tell the tale.
Not intentionally. But we did have a hideous fly problem when dead rats started showing up in the attic. The smell of death was unbearable, and my desk was right under the air vent.
The next poster can tell the difference between the smell of death, the smell of dry death, and the smell of dead fish.
The next poster thinks dwarves are better than elves.
The next person is wearing a tie.
The next person owns at least 10 different ties.
The next poster was guilty of being a silly tourist at some point in the past.
The next poster tried hard when abroad to not look like a silly tourist even though they are.
Far better to stroll on regardless, and not look like a tourist, than stop and get your map out to see where you are and risk being identified as one.
The next poster also gets lost a lot.
(NB: on advice about visiting Italy - if one is stopping off in Rome and planning to visit the sites, I would definitly recommend prebooking online. I did it for the Vatican and the Colosseum, and it saved all the queues and hassle)
The next poster thinks 4 days is a respectable enough time to wait until answering one's own post.
The next poster thinks I should stop talking to myself.
Not necessarily.
The next poster thinks editing another person's comment to add a comment inside it is an abuse of moderator privileges.
The next poster is going to have their comment edited without consent.
The next poster believes that Donald Trump is an alien.
The next poster thinks editing another person's comment to add a comment inside it is like going beyond the bounds of the possible and through puncturing the artificial constraints we post by opening up a whole new vista of possibilities and expanded horizons, where we can begin to dream the impossible.
The next poster is a huge Guns 'n Roses fan.
You should be able to see my username at the bottom of every post I edit; it's not possible to edit a comment without leaving a publicly visible trace.
The next poster has danced, or would like to dance, naked in a nunchaku factory.
The next poster really doesn't want to know which half I am referring to.
The next poster wouldn't want to hear the sexy details.
(I Love Guns N Roses btw @Balrog99 )
The next person is a fan of ACDC.
The next poster thinks Rel baited and is now waiting in ambush to say something like "Hah! So you don't like electricty!!?!" or similar :P
The next poster thinks Skatan doesn't like electricity.
True, he obviously doesn't!
The next poster has seen a skata fly into a electric pole wire and electrocuted itself.
The next poster came very close to dying once (IRL), but lived to tell the tale.
Same question.
The next poster came very close to unliving once (IRL), but died to tell the tale.
Next poster will not reply because said poster is dead.
I am replying because I am aliiiiovbnbveeee jdfdhwqqq.........................................................
Neexxt potser woll ggetttt hellp
The next person is lawful good.
The next poster breeds grubs at home.
The next poster can tell the difference between the smell of death, the smell of dry death, and the smell of dead fish.
The next poster has smelled far too much life.
By now the next poster's nose hates the next poster for being forced to smell such smells.