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Pillars of Eternity 2:Deadfire announced spoilers for pillars1 ABSOLUTELY NO PILLARS 2 SPOILERS PLS



  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    edited January 2017

    chris only really worked on the rough draft of durance and gm. he was not the main writer. he also had nothing to do with tyranny as he left the company by that point.
    Chris Avellone had a singificant impact on Tyranny before he left Obsidian.
    He's on prominent display in Tyranny's credits and the entire game has a very strong feel of Avelloneism about it, even if somewhat muffled by Obsidian's later execution. I haven't talked to him about this but I'm pretty sure he drafted most of what's cool about the game with regard to writing & design. Or rather helped the Obsidian guys draft the cool things, putting their ideas together :smirk:
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    well i feel silly now.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Obsidian has, in effect, created the next Infinity Engine. Pillars 1 & 2, Tyranny and Torment: Tides are all running on basically the same engine. I think the most striking thing about Deadfire is that they are implementing the most revolutionary feature of Ultima VII, which not alot of RPGs have ever followed up on (even MMOs) which is the day/night life cycle of NPCs. We'll see how well this actually works or how far they go with it and what it will mean. Not many games have actually taken it to the extreme that Ultima did all those years ago.
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    edited January 2017
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  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited January 2017

    Had. Past tense. Seeing as both Caed Nua as well as the Endless Paths of Od Nua get scrapped by a god with bad sleeping posture. Even the Adra Dragon will get squashed with a mere footstep of Big Ol' Eothas. So no need to even start the Master Below questline.
    That alone is enough to make me excited about this game.

    Now if Eothas can just manage to stomp on the ridiculous amour pause combat rules as well....
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    Liked PoE1, didn't love it, but liked it enough to buy the second one when released.

    I just want to give my thanks to those of you that pledge/back games like this. I'm a lazy/comfortable guy and never get around to do that. Thanks to all of you in here who has put in money to make this game come to life. You are awesome.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2017
    God said:

    Chris Avellone had a singificant impact on Tyranny before he left Obsidian.
    He's on prominent display in Tyranny's credits and the entire game has a very strong feel of Avelloneism about it, even if somewhat muffled by Obsidian's later execution. I haven't talked to him about this but I'm pretty sure he drafted most of what's cool about the game with regard to writing & design. Or rather helped the Obsidian guys draft the cool things, putting their ideas together :smirk:
    You can simply talk to him?! o:) Would it be possible to ask him then if Obsidian is going to hire Chris for PoE2 (he is a freelancer now, right?)?

  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Mirandel said:

    You can simply talk to him?! o:) Would it be possible to ask him then if Obsidian is going to hire Chris for PoE2 (he is a freelancer now, right?)?

    It should be one of their stretch goals.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Shandyr said:


    Do you see what I tried to do in this thread?

    I tried to point out that the huge amount of money raised being so fast for PoE2 might be an indicator that its predecessor may not be such a disappointing game after all. That is what I want to believe.

    Other people believe that PoE was a disappointing game. And they will find other explanations why the money for PoE2 has been raised so fast.

    So as always, everyone believes what they want to. And that is okay :)

    I think I should have made clear by now what my point of view is. What I want to believe and I do believe. That I do like PoE. That I'm excited for PoE2.

    So I don't think there is a particular reason for me to go on with this argument.
    Or are there any questions left open?

    The speed of the Fig campaign just shows it has 12,693 really eager fans (as of 28 Jan 2016, 3:14PM GMT). It look less than 12,000 backers to fully fund the campaign.

    My point is that commercial success or Fig/Kickstarter success is not necessarily an indication of overall quality. There are plenty of brilliant games that fail commercially, and plenty of utter crap that rakes in the cash.

    Unfortunately, I haven't played PoE yet. I bought it (and the White March) and downloaded it, but my 2008 MacBook Pro just can't run the game well. When I get a machine capable of running the game, I look forward to playing it. But, from what I saw of PoE's reviews, it looks like a pretty good game. It may not go down as a "classic", but obviously it did well enough for Obsidian. Good for them.
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  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited January 2017
    Shandyr said:

    I don't see how my statement is in disagreement with yours.
    Because I simply say that success on Fig might be an indicator of not being a disappointing game.
    I don't say that it is proof.

    In this context I think the Fig success of PoE 2 might be an indicator that PoE 1 was not such a disappointing game after all.

    Read the comments on the PoE 2 campaign on Fig. Also you may want to read reviews on PoE 1.

    All that might be indicators that PoE 1 was not so disappointing for so many players after all.

    I just don't take it as evidence either way. It took less than 12,000 backers to hit the initial goal.

    Also, consider that the Kickstarter for PoE 1 raised almost $4 million. Why set the goal for PoE 2 at 1/4th what they raised for PoE 1? Did they have a lack of confidence in getting enough backers to match PoE 1's total? Or maybe they set the initial target intentionally low so they could generate "WE WERE FULLY FUNDED IN 24 HOURS!" headlines. My guess is probably a bit of both.

    Whatever. If I end up enjoying PoE 1, I'll likely pick it up sometime in 2018 when it goes on sale on GoG (or in 2020, if PoE 2 ends up in a Tides of Numenera-like 2+ year delay....).
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2017
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  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    I really hope they will do something useful with the unannounced stretch goals. Like implementing swimming, diving and climbing mechanics which are not dialogue-based. Or additional playable races (I'm looking at you, Xaurips!).

    Honestly, two additional levels and a bloody human NPC are really not the heights of things for me.... so other than the localizations I recognize those stretch goals as *fillers*. Nothing more.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    Thanks for sharing the news about the stretch goals. I hope they will add the Italian language.
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  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    No fear! Pillars of Eternity: Enhanced Edition will surely be coming in Spring 2030. Brought to you by BEAMDOG Mark II.
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  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    I'm seriously hoping for a total revamp of the combat system.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    I am playing POE in these days and I am enjoying it a lot.
    The graphics and the maps are awesome and I do like the dialogue system - it is so rich and dept!
    I must admit that I still need some time to fully understand the combat rules and stats, but again - the game looks great!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2017
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  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Wasn't that obvious though? The whole world is build on top of Toril so to say. It is actually more difficult to find differences between both franchises. Even the Deadfire Archipelago appears to be a direct copy of Zakhara's southern chains of islands.
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  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    Shandyr said:


    The map of Pillars of Eternity 1 is actually based on a map of the Dalelands in Faerûn!

    "When Obsidian made the world of Pillars of Eternity, they flipped over a map of the Forgotten Realms and stuck a bunch of different labels on it."


    Honestly, they shouldn't have mentioned this, like, ever. If the Cowled Enforcers manage to find a loophole that would allow for this derivative work to be considered an illegal copyright violation, and they've been investing heavily in such arcane lore, we got Obsidian busted right there.
    Yeah, we're very sorry, but this universe you just made is totally ©D&D :lol:
    wotb.png 311.1K
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    If Hasbro decides to sue them, they have a very good case... A cartographer can easily attest if the maps are copied.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    but i was told Eothas was one of the nicer gods.

    anyway i wonder if we will visit the island Sagani is from as it's part of the deadfire region.
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