There isn't a mathematical formula that can calculate how much I effing hate this world!
So today was the due say for my tuition for summer semester,and my stupid school in all its infinite wisdom didn't do a payment plan option for some reason so we scramble to get the full tuition together... But to pay it we need to put it on one card. So we buy 2 moneypak cards...
I wait the needed 30 minutes before trying to transfer the money into a bank account... The moneypak transfer failed saying it couldn't process it ... I tried again 40 minutes after that, then again 1 hour...2 hours and eventually I get tired and try to get effing customer support.
Now here is where the first "they can burn in the 12 realm of hell" starts... The websites help page is nothing but a list of predetermined questions that are of no help, so I call the number on the back of the card. It's a effing not bot that says, "go to website you've already been to for answers", there is literally no way to talk to a costumer support representative.
So now I'm annoyed but I know this company or whatever is ran by greendot, so I try to call their costumer support... Hahaha, yea as if it was that easy! Nope can't reach them because I don't have a effing card for them.
But lucky my, my dad has one and he calls them, just to be told he has an hour wait..
So I tell him to give me the info and I'll do it, and 15 minutes later Im talking with costumer support!
I give them all the info, well almost all since they asked for a address I didn't have and had to inform that that I was the son of the card holder, which started the whole, "sorry we can't talk to you without his permission."
So I call pops and make it a conference call, where he literally gives her again all the info I just gave her, plus the address I didn't have at the time. Then he gave them permission to talk to me before making sure there was nothing else needed and hanging up.
Oh wait, I'm still not allowed to talk to them, on top of requiring his permission he has to remain on the call with me as well... So I have to call him back, put him back in the call stopping him from well knowing pops fixing or painting some cars at his shop.
Now we get into "oh you can burn in hell, the sequel!" So after a back and fourth of trying to explain to her how, first their freaking site wasn't even working, and then how how I kept getting the failure to process and no it wasn't because the cards were locked... She finally tries to search for the moneypak...
Low and behold, despite having both cards, the receipt, and literally being able to tell her what megabox store *coughcvdcough* we bought them from, she starts to tell us that there were no moneypak cards bought today... She could not find those numbers in the system... Then I have to put in a fraud claim back on the website and wait 5 business days for a response.
Did I mention that, today was the due day?
But better yet, here is the big money question, where the eff is my money!
this world is usually wonderful and amazing, the problem often is just the human race, not only we pick every paradise and put up a parking lot, but we love to create any form of bureaucracy complication like the one you had.
we have the power to shape the world in an even more fantastic way than it is naturally and we fill it with trash, concrete and ruin it.
we have the power to live all in a way that is worth to be lived, free from starvation and from the many problems that affected originally our species, and we seem to be able to kill other human beings, to cause the extinction of many other species and we live in a way that makes half of the humans starve and the other half that has too much and waste food and resources while still in most cases don't live in a way that brings happiness as bureaucracy and too much social pressure to have more then we need ruin even the lives of most of those that are in the lucky rich part of the world.
in the matrix movie one of the enemies tell to neo that the human race is like a virus for the planet, so often i think that he is right about it...
How now here is a lovely little third "eff you"...I received a email back from their frauds claim and this is what they said...
"We have an important update on your MoneyPak Fraud Claim. We have completed our review and determined that Green Dot is not liable for returning any funds for the reasons(s) listed below:
You provided the MoneyPak information to the recipient. There were no funds to recover.
Thank you for notifying Green Dot of this incident. If you have suffered any financial loss as a result of this incident, we encourage you to report it to your local law enforcement. Treat your MoneyPak number and MoneyPak receipt the way you treat cash. For more fraud prevention tips go to
MoneyPak Fraud Investigation Team"
No b... Word that starts with the letter after A and ends with a itch! If I received had gotten the effing funds I we wouldn't be sitting on the effing phone with costumer support right now trying to find my bhaal forsaken money is ?!
The fourth eff you is here...I had to take a break after this one...
So after calli g the costumer support again, I got the biggest costumer support contradiction ever. The first one said that the money Pak wasn't even in their system and none was bought that morning, yet after constant waiting and going back and forth with the second costumer support.... The second one told ua that they can see that the money is on the money Pak, it hasn't been used so it's still there....
Yet I tried using the reference number again and spoiler alert... The number claims to be invalid....
The fourth eff you is here...I had to take a break after this one...
So after calli g the costumer support again, I got the biggest costumer support contradiction ever. The first one said that the money Pak wasn't even in their system and none was bought that morning, yet after constant waiting and going back and forth with the second costumer support.... The second one told ua that they can see that the money is on the money Pak, it hasn't been used so it's still there....
Yet I tried using the reference number again and spoiler alert... The number claims to be invalid....
Man, I'll never be able to complain about having to wait a few minutes for support again. What a nightmare!
The problem with a pre-paid debit card is I doubt they are really obligated to do anything. If it was a bank and your money never got where it was going but left your account, there will at least be some kind of investigation to find out what happened, even if it does take 10 business days to resolve. All Green Dot is is loading your money onto a format that can accept payments that require a card. They don't really give two shits where it's going. The only money they're collecting is the card load fee. It's basically the banking equivalent of a payday loan.
The people helping you likely have no information that is confirming anything you're telling them. If they can't see it and trace it with something concrete, you're going to continue to get a run-around, not because they're trying to be difficult, but because they can only go by something tangible they can see on their screen. A regular rep isn't going to have any authority to just refund that amount of money on the spot. You're going to need to escalating it to a supervisor.
I know it's a minor sorrow compared to what's going on in the world right now, but, Gods and Nine Hells, how I hate doing bookkeeping and tax returns. In my next life, I'm going to pay someone for that or make my husband (he's self-employed) keep his own accounts... although it wouldn't be fair because he's not a native speaker.
I'd rather have spent my week off mountainbiking, eating icecream with the children and maybe a little gaming in the evening.
Every year I tell myself: Next year I'm going to keep the accounts updated every week. And every year I screw it up and spend a week searching for files and papers.
I just hope they're never going to control all the tiny little details. Sigh.
So after requesting to speak with a manager, and being told they would call me in 24 hours... I gave them 2 effing days and no call back; we call again!
But boy the bull that was just spewed at us... So first the itch was going to tell us to go do WHAT WE'VE ALREADY DONE and then when I explain we did that and got nothing it from it... we get told we can't get the money now since we did that and it was our fault for doing it in the first place... Then constantly repeated that same exact ish the entire time before what I assume is getting up and walking away because I know they aren't allowed to hang up the phone.
And when corporations fall and burn, no one wonders why I shed no effing tears!
I love it.. this went from... there was no money pak bought to, oh we see the money on the money pak do this to since you did that it's my fault it's locked and we aren't required to give yo your money back or help you get it off the money pak.
I've been talking with a friend online who's been considering suicide and I've been having trouble helping her out. Sometimes I worry she won't make it.
I've been talking with a friend online who's been considering suicide and I've been having trouble helping her out. Sometimes I worry she won't make it.
She's a sweet girl. She deserves to be happy.
@semiticgod Sorry to hear that. Can you tell what's making her consider such an option in the first place?
...I love it.. this went from... there was no money pak bought to, oh we see the money on the money pak do this to since you did that it's my fault it's locked and we aren't required to give yo your money back or help you get it off the money pak.
@DragonKing So, they just steal your money like that? That sounds like a really mean scheme of cheating people of their money. Is there some kind of consumer protection act by the government out there or does corporate America not have them?
I've been talking with a friend online who's been considering suicide and I've been having trouble helping her out. Sometimes I worry she won't make it.
She's a sweet girl. She deserves to be happy.
@semiticgod Sorry to hear that. Can you tell what's making her consider such an option in the first place?
She's transgender and living in a transphobic household. She can't wear feminine clothes at home without being yelled at, no one calls her by the right name or pronouns, she has no IRL trans friends, and she can't go to an endocrinologist, counselor, trans support group, or even a psychiatrist because she's dependent on her abusive father for transportation and he's opposed to all of them. She has essentially all the risk factors for suicide for a trans teenager, including access to a firearm.
If she had a more supportive community, she'd be in a great position to transition. She's still very young, and that's the best time to transition--when puberty hasn't had as much time to wreck your body. But she's been depressed for so long that she doesn't feel it's possible. Her life could be so much better if she lived in a supportive environment, but she's too afraid to move to one.
I've offered to drive halfway across the country to bail her out, but she's retreated from the idea. I'd do anything to help her, but I can't pull her out of the mud until she gives me her hand.
@ThacoBell: She's a couple weeks away from 18, but even after that, she might not have the initiative to actually move.
She's considered reporting to CPS, but she's been hesitant because she doesn't think it will help. I want to encourage her to do so, but I'm having enough trouble convincing her there's a point to living.
having life does not make to live worth it, we must find the reasons to make it worth.
and sometimes it is not easy at all.
every person has his/her/whatever gender times, we can only be ready to help when she is ready to change her life, but we can not force her to the change, even when we clearly see that the change would bring a great improvement.
and this can be really terrible sometimes, to see a way out, to even be able to propose it, but to have to accept that if the person is not ready to change there is not anything we can do if not to be close, to make her feel our human warmth and to be ready to help when (and sadly if) the person will be ready to be helped.
now the best thing you have to do is to make her feel that you accept, love and appreciate her for what she feels she is, not for what other people think she/he should be.
and this means to accept also the part of her that is no more finding to live worth it, maybe telling her that she can find some light in her life in the future if she is strong enough to pass this moment, as if she is not ready to change her life now she can be ready in the future, but accepting that the final decision about her life is in her own hands, and you can not force it in any way.
and be ready if/when she will be ready for the change, that is the moment when to be supported and helped can make a difference.
Strength of will and sense of self would be the only real protection. Unfortunately her psyche might have taken too much of a drubbing already for that. There's only so much an outsider can do (including a therapist). I wish I could do more than just offer thoughts and prayers but that's the only thing I can offer. Does she have abilities & skills that could offer self-reliance when she leaves home? If so, that could be the escape hatch she needs. I'm in no position to gauge that, but you might be @semiticgod...
She has a job and is otherwise functioning, so she could hold herself up in everyday life without support. But as far as making herself happy, she doesn't have a lot of tools. Strength of will tends to get weaker the more often you're beaten down, and sense of self isn't very strong when paired with self-hatred.
I know a lot of folks who grew up in hostile environments, and they tend to place very little value on themselves. I know a girl who would get quiet and have trouble processing it when I said nice things about her, just because she was so unaccustomed to praise.
They don't always believe me, but one of the first things I tell folks who are struggling is that they're important and they deserve to be happy. They're worth it.
She has a job and is otherwise functioning, so she could hold herself up in everyday life without support. But as far as making herself happy, she doesn't have a lot of tools. Strength of will tends to get weaker the more often you're beaten down, and sense of self isn't very strong when paired with self-hatred.
I know a lot of folks who grew up in hostile environments, and they tend to place very little value on themselves. I know a girl who would get quiet and have trouble processing it when I said nice things about her, just because she was so unaccustomed to praise.
They don't always believe me, but one of the first things I tell folks who are struggling is that they're important and they deserve to be happy. They're worth it.
You can't be her dad though, unfortunately. Maybe you could try to convince her that her dad's pov is based on how he was raised and it's not reality? Also, a sense of perspective might help. Knowing that his views are based on the right now and not necessarily how he may feel in the future. Everybody changes over time, even the most pigheaded people. I'm grasping at straws here but anything that influences how she thinks about him might help. Fathers are very important for a young person, despite what we're being brainwashed into thinking. Changing her perspective on him might give her better insights on herself. I can't offer more than that without details. How's her relationship with her mother/siblings?
@Balrog99: I don't know, but the dad isn't just transphobic. Suffice to say that he's not a good person, and she has no illusions that he is. This particular family situation isn't something that can be fixed; only something that can be escaped.
This particular family situation isn't something that can be fixed; only something that can be escaped.
I agree that the situation possibly can not be fixed. but as we are taking of acceptance accepting means also to accept that your father is a J**k, hard as it can be to accept, and also this man has his problems and his lesson to learn in the life, usually bad persons are persons that was not treated well when they was child or teens.
and to accept, to be finally and completely aware of who really is a close relative important as the father, can be hard, a lot hard, but does not mean to accept that you have to support forever the bullying, not acceptance if not abuse from him.
to make the love knots with those that are part of our family not being prisons for us, gaining an independence, not only material, leaving the nest where you was born, but also an emotional independence, accepting both the facts that you father is a bad man and that to live next to him is not the better choice for you, and doing it if possible with real acceptance ( i still love you even if i realized that you don't deserve it, because i accept you as you are) is a very hard thing to do.
but to do it can make a person strong, can make a person able to feel true love, as true love is always giving, not giving as you take something in return, the life itself rewards you if you are able to real love.
so the situation can be escaped, and probably it is the only solution, but this can happen transforming the love in hate, leaving scars that can hurt all the life, and usually hurt even more when the time passes and the parent is no more alive, and only some "i could have..." remains.
or it can happen in a love situation, where you see that your place is elsewhere as you have the right to try to live your life in a way that brings you happiness, but you are strong enough to accept it without braking the love knot.
maybe it can not be escaped now, if your friend is not still ready to do it, but there is no other solution.
the only hope is that it takes not so long that damage that can not be repaired, and the suicide is only one of the possibilities, happens.
your friend has already a work and at least a friend willing to help, you, now all she need is to accept the situation, to see it as it is behind all the illusions that often love fools us with, and take the right decision.
She just told me she plans on committing suicide the evening of her birthday, June 6th.
I asked if she would look me in the eyes and turn me away if I drove across the country and offered her a new life that evening, and she said she would.
then drive across the country and watch her in the eyes that day my friend.
sometimes people tell that they will do things, but at the last moment, when you have to actually do it, what is in their mind can change.
specially if there someone that is not only talking of driving across the country, but actually does it, proving to us that there is someone that really cares for us, and this can mean all in the moment when a such definitive decision has to be taken.
you may fail, as the decision is in her hands after all, and if it happens it will painful, but even so much better then to don't do it and live the rest of you life with the question:"what if...".
again i wish to both you all the best, for the little that my wishing can help, even if i believe in the power of positive thinking and of what the religious people call praying and i call focusing the mind to spread positive vibrations.
edit: if you do it tell her that she has already decided to quit her life like it was to try an other way, give herself an other chance, is something that she can do, as she has already decided to leave the family.
she will anyway be free to decide to suicide if after trying she still finds that to live is no more worth it, but the cost of finding if there is a less definitive way out, that can give a sense to her life can be only a little more time suffering, a little price to pay when you have already decided to leave all you had if it maybe can bring a new sense to living.
I would, but I don't know her address. I'm trying to track her down with the limited information I have.
I think I'll ask her for her address if I can't find out what town she lives in (that would at least let me give some identifying information to the local police).
I don't usually post here but I'm a bit overwhelmed. I had to put my dog down today. I've been on the lookout for the day for months since the last time I brought her in in December. Just severe cognitive decline due to being 15 1/2 years old. In that time, I haven't spent more than 24 hours away from her, and walking into the apartment when I just got home hit me like a ton of bricks. I can't get over an overwhelming sense of guilt for making the decision. In the 40 minutes I spent with her in private at the vet, I basically just kept saying "I'm sorry" through tears the entire time. It's been a daily stress keeping vigilant eye out for anything being wrong with her for the last 6 months, and I feel selfish for finally deciding it was time. I thought I would be ok but I'm not. It's crushing.
@jjstraka34 I understand your position, I've been there before. Be glad you were with her at the end and spent that time with her. I've talked to vets about this before and they say that a lot of owners will just drop there dogs off and leave, and its always very hard on the dog. That extra time you spent made a lot of difference for her.
I don't know if it helps or not, but you did the right thing for her. My childhood dog was 19 when we put him down. We probably should have done it a lot sooner than we did, considering the chronic pain he was in for the last few years.
I don't usually post here but I'm a bit overwhelmed. I had to put my dog down today. I've been on the lookout for the day for months since the last time I brought her in in December. Just severe cognitive decline due to being 15 1/2 years old. In that time, I haven't spent more than 24 hours away from her, and walking into the apartment when I just got home hit me like a ton of bricks. I can't get over an overwhelming sense of guilt for making the decision. In the 40 minutes I spent with her in private at the vet, I basically just kept saying "I'm sorry" through tears the entire time. It's been a daily stress keeping vigilant eye out for anything being wrong with her for the last 6 months, and I feel selfish for finally deciding it was time. I thought I would be ok but I'm not. It's crushing.
Been there dude. Had to put down the best cat I ever had over 5 years ago. He was pretty young, not even 7 years old yet. He had one of those kidney problems that plague male cats. I made sure I was there with him at the end though, along with my now ex-wife and her daughter (I was surprised her daughter went with us, she was only like 12 at the time). It was peaceful and he was surrounded by people that loved him. Still sucked though...
You spared your pet a lot of pain, and you should be proud. You're a good man, @jjstraka34.
Our dog Zach was having a hard time in his old age and eventually we had to let him go. He had always been my dog--I was the one who picked him out when we were first looking for a new puppy, and I always knew exactly how to scratch his itchy snout. But he was having trouble walking and was visibly unhappy a lot of the time, and we knew he wasn't getting better. Putting him down was the best decision for him.
It's better that way, even though making the decision is hard. I saw our other dog die in a lot of pain, and I was glad I got to see Zach go in peace.
You spared your pet a lot of pain, and you should be proud. You're a good man, @jjstraka34.
Our dog Zach was having a hard time in his old age and eventually we had to let him go. He had always been my dog--I was the one who picked him out when we were first looking for a new puppy, and I always knew exactly how to scratch his itchy snout. But he was having trouble walking and was visibly unhappy a lot of the time, and we knew he wasn't getting better. Putting him down was the best decision for him.
It's better that way, even though making the decision is hard. I saw our other dog die in a lot of pain, and I was glad I got to see Zach go in peace.
I appreciate it, because I am second-guessing myself because the last 6 months have been so stressful on a daily basis for me personally. I took her in in December and decided to let her keep going, I was within minutes of going in 2 or 3 months ago, but again pulled back. I said if I went in to the vet again, it would be the last time, as this was not something that was fixable. But I still can't shake the feeling that I abandoned her and am responsible. The weight of the decision is too much for me, but that is to be expected since it's only been 8 hours. But not having her here after 15 straight years is just surreal.
I don't usually post here but I'm a bit overwhelmed. I had to put my dog down today. I've been on the lookout for the day for months since the last time I brought her in in December. Just severe cognitive decline due to being 15 1/2 years old. In that time, I haven't spent more than 24 hours away from her, and walking into the apartment when I just got home hit me like a ton of bricks. I can't get over an overwhelming sense of guilt for making the decision. In the 40 minutes I spent with her in private at the vet, I basically just kept saying "I'm sorry" through tears the entire time. It's been a daily stress keeping vigilant eye out for anything being wrong with her for the last 6 months, and I feel selfish for finally deciding it was time. I thought I would be ok but I'm not. It's crushing.
I feel you, bro. I had to put away my dog, last year in May. Technically he has been living with my parents fo couple of years now, since I moved to my own place, but still I have felt of him as of my own, still. He has suffered a massive kidney failure, we tried to put him to an IV, since it was his only hope for survival according to our vet, butche suffered badly in his last days, so my parents decided they cannot with their concious have him suffer that much aby longer. I went to vet with my mum, to help her get through this, but boy, this was though. Eventually my parent's friend was kind enough to let us bury him under the tree, not far from his house. Vigo is still in my heart, even if me and my wife have our own little rascal now.
@jjstraka34 i perfectly understand what you are feeling.
i had been there at least 3 times, with the dog of my sister, that after my sister left home to live her life was living with my mother. she (the dog, not my mother ) had some kidneys problem and we had to call the veterinary to put her down.
she was perfectly aware of what was going to happen, the animals are very good at it as they don't rely on spoken language, and she was frightened, but accepted her faith and our decision, watching us in the eyes until the last moment, with that confidence in us that only a dog can have.
the second time was with my cat that was trapped in a cellar in winter and when the owner of the cellar finally found him was dehydrated and hypothermic beyond any chance to recover. when he passed away, after a couple of days of lovely care, i was sitting on the floor right next to him and the last thing he did was trying to climb on my legs, then he died (is he correct in english for an animal in such a situation or should i had used it? i don't know as in my native language we lack of neutral)
the third time was with a puppy cat that had been discarded by the mother, sometimes they do so to the weakest puppy of the litter. for some reason i decided to care to that puppy, but it lasted only about ten days before passing away, probably i did something wrong as i did not know how to feed suckling puppy cats, but i developed a strong affection for that cat even if we lived together only for a so short time, probably the fact that i was completely responsible for his survival, he was completely depending on me, had a role in it.
what i fail to understand is how people that has passed trough this, has developed a real love and affection for a pet and is aware of how also the animals have feelings and some times are much better sentient beings then some humans can continue to feed themselves with corpses of animals, forgetting that those steaks and stews had been sentient, had feelings and often had been grown in close to torture environments as often happens in the intensive breeding.
often i keep a "low profile" about being vegetarian, and i become so after i had to visit the slaughterhouses, and i don't like the other vegetarians or the vegans that make a mission of their choice, always arguing with who decides to eat meat.
but as this is a thread to vent our sorrows to know that there are so many animals suffering just because we, as human race, decide to eat them, often in a much larger proportion then our own physiology should suggest, as the length of our intestine is the one of the omnivorous, not the one of the carnivorous, so we really are not build to eat meat all the meals, is for me a constant pain, less excruciating then the one i feel when a pet of mine dies, but almost constant, every time i see a person eating meat, every time i see a cow in the fields around my home in the mountain.
so my post is just to vent my own sorrow about it, not to criticize who chose to eat meat.
So today was the due say for my tuition for summer semester,and my stupid school in all its infinite wisdom didn't do a payment plan option for some reason so we scramble to get the full tuition together... But to pay it we need to put it on one card. So we buy 2 moneypak cards...
I wait the needed 30 minutes before trying to transfer the money into a bank account... The moneypak transfer failed saying it couldn't process it ... I tried again 40 minutes after that, then again 1 hour...2 hours and eventually I get tired and try to get effing customer support.
Now here is where the first "they can burn in the 12 realm of hell" starts... The websites help page is nothing but a list of predetermined questions that are of no help, so I call the number on the back of the card. It's a effing not bot that says, "go to website you've already been to for answers", there is literally no way to talk to a costumer support representative.
So now I'm annoyed but I know this company or whatever is ran by greendot, so I try to call their costumer support... Hahaha, yea as if it was that easy! Nope can't reach them because I don't have a effing card for them.
But lucky my, my dad has one and he calls them, just to be told he has an hour wait..
So I tell him to give me the info and I'll do it, and 15 minutes later Im talking with costumer support!
I give them all the info, well almost all since they asked for a address I didn't have and had to inform that that I was the son of the card holder, which started the whole, "sorry we can't talk to you without his permission."
So I call pops and make it a conference call, where he literally gives her again all the info I just gave her, plus the address I didn't have at the time. Then he gave them permission to talk to me before making sure there was nothing else needed and hanging up.
Oh wait, I'm still not allowed to talk to them, on top of requiring his permission he has to remain on the call with me as well... So I have to call him back, put him back in the call stopping him from well knowing pops fixing or painting some cars at his shop.
Now we get into "oh you can burn in hell, the sequel!" So after a back and fourth of trying to explain to her how, first their freaking site wasn't even working, and then how how I kept getting the failure to process and no it wasn't because the cards were locked... She finally tries to search for the moneypak...
Low and behold, despite having both cards, the receipt, and literally being able to tell her what megabox store *coughcvdcough* we bought them from, she starts to tell us that there were no moneypak cards bought today... She could not find those numbers in the system... Then I have to put in a fraud claim back on the website and wait 5 business days for a response.
Did I mention that, today was the due day?
But better yet, here is the big money question, where the eff is my money!
The older I get the more I hate this world!
we have the power to shape the world in an even more fantastic way than it is naturally and we fill it with trash, concrete and ruin it.
we have the power to live all in a way that is worth to be lived, free from starvation and from the many problems that affected originally our species, and we seem to be able to kill other human beings, to cause the extinction of many other species and we live in a way that makes half of the humans starve and the other half that has too much and waste food and resources while still in most cases don't live in a way that brings happiness as bureaucracy and too much social pressure to have more then we need ruin even the lives of most of those that are in the lucky rich part of the world.
in the matrix movie one of the enemies tell to neo that the human race is like a virus for the planet, so often i think that he is right about it...
"We have an important update on your MoneyPak Fraud Claim. We have completed our review and determined that Green Dot is not liable for returning any funds for the reasons(s) listed below:
You provided the MoneyPak information to the recipient. There were no funds to recover.
Thank you for notifying Green Dot of this incident. If you have suffered any financial loss as a result of this incident, we encourage you to report it to your local law enforcement. Treat your MoneyPak number and MoneyPak receipt the way you treat cash. For more fraud prevention tips go to
MoneyPak Fraud Investigation Team"
No b... Word that starts with the letter after A and ends with a itch! If I received had gotten the effing funds I we wouldn't be sitting on the effing phone with costumer support right now trying to find my bhaal forsaken money is ?!
So after calli g the costumer support again, I got the biggest costumer support contradiction ever. The first one said that the money Pak wasn't even in their system and none was bought that morning, yet after constant waiting and going back and forth with the second costumer support.... The second one told ua that they can see that the money is on the money Pak, it hasn't been used so it's still there....
Yet I tried using the reference number again and spoiler alert... The number claims to be invalid....
Man, I'll never be able to complain about having to wait a few minutes for support again. What a nightmare!
The people helping you likely have no information that is confirming anything you're telling them. If they can't see it and trace it with something concrete, you're going to continue to get a run-around, not because they're trying to be difficult, but because they can only go by something tangible they can see on their screen. A regular rep isn't going to have any authority to just refund that amount of money on the spot. You're going to need to escalating it to a supervisor.
I'd rather have spent my week off mountainbiking, eating icecream with the children and maybe a little gaming in the evening.
Every year I tell myself: Next year I'm going to keep the accounts updated every week. And every year I screw it up and spend a week searching for files and papers.
I just hope they're never going to control all the tiny little details. Sigh.
So after requesting to speak with a manager, and being told they would call me in 24 hours... I gave them 2 effing days and no call back; we call again!
But boy the bull that was just spewed at us... So first the itch was going to tell us to go do WHAT WE'VE ALREADY DONE and then when I explain we did that and got nothing it from it... we get told we can't get the money now since we did that and it was our fault for doing it in the first place... Then constantly repeated that same exact ish the entire time before what I assume is getting up and walking away because I know they aren't allowed to hang up the phone.
And when corporations fall and burn, no one wonders why I shed no effing tears!
I love it.. this went from... there was no money pak bought to, oh we see the money on the money pak do this to since you did that it's my fault it's locked and we aren't required to give yo your money back or help you get it off the money pak.
She's a sweet girl. She deserves to be happy.
@semiticgod Sorry to hear that. Can you tell what's making her consider such an option in the first place?
@DragonKing So, they just steal your money like that?
If she had a more supportive community, she'd be in a great position to transition. She's still very young, and that's the best time to transition--when puberty hasn't had as much time to wreck your body. But she's been depressed for so long that she doesn't feel it's possible. Her life could be so much better if she lived in a supportive environment, but she's too afraid to move to one.
I've offered to drive halfway across the country to bail her out, but she's retreated from the idea. I'd do anything to help her, but I can't pull her out of the mud until she gives me her hand.
She's considered reporting to CPS, but she's been hesitant because she doesn't think it will help. I want to encourage her to do so, but I'm having enough trouble convincing her there's a point to living.
having life does not make to live worth it, we must find the reasons to make it worth.
and sometimes it is not easy at all.
every person has his/her/whatever gender times, we can only be ready to help when she is ready to change her life, but we can not force her to the change, even when we clearly see that the change would bring a great improvement.
and this can be really terrible sometimes, to see a way out, to even be able to propose it, but to have to accept that if the person is not ready to change there is not anything we can do if not to be close, to make her feel our human warmth and to be ready to help when (and sadly if) the person will be ready to be helped.
now the best thing you have to do is to make her feel that you accept, love and appreciate her for what she feels she is, not for what other people think she/he should be.
and this means to accept also the part of her that is no more finding to live worth it, maybe telling her that she can find some light in her life in the future if she is strong enough to pass this moment, as if she is not ready to change her life now she can be ready in the future, but accepting that the final decision about her life is in her own hands, and you can not force it in any way.
and be ready if/when she will be ready for the change, that is the moment when to be supported and helped can make a difference.
i wish the best to both of you.
I know a lot of folks who grew up in hostile environments, and they tend to place very little value on themselves. I know a girl who would get quiet and have trouble processing it when I said nice things about her, just because she was so unaccustomed to praise.
They don't always believe me, but one of the first things I tell folks who are struggling is that they're important and they deserve to be happy. They're worth it.
You can't be her dad though, unfortunately. Maybe you could try to convince her that her dad's pov is based on how he was raised and it's not reality? Also, a sense of perspective might help. Knowing that his views are based on the right now and not necessarily how he may feel in the future. Everybody changes over time, even the most pigheaded people. I'm grasping at straws here but anything that influences how she thinks about him might help. Fathers are very important for a young person, despite what we're being brainwashed into thinking. Changing her perspective on him might give her better insights on herself. I can't offer more than that without details. How's her relationship with her mother/siblings?
and to accept, to be finally and completely aware of who really is a close relative important as the father, can be hard, a lot hard, but does not mean to accept that you have to support forever the bullying, not acceptance if not abuse from him.
to make the love knots with those that are part of our family not being prisons for us, gaining an independence, not only material, leaving the nest where you was born, but also an emotional independence, accepting both the facts that you father is a bad man and that to live next to him is not the better choice for you, and doing it if possible with real acceptance ( i still love you even if i realized that you don't deserve it, because i accept you as you are) is a very hard thing to do.
but to do it can make a person strong, can make a person able to feel true love, as true love is always giving, not giving as you take something in return, the life itself rewards you if you are able to real love.
so the situation can be escaped, and probably it is the only solution, but this can happen transforming the love in hate, leaving scars that can hurt all the life, and usually hurt even more when the time passes and the parent is no more alive, and only some "i could have..." remains.
or it can happen in a love situation, where you see that your place is elsewhere as you have the right to try to live your life in a way that brings you happiness, but you are strong enough to accept it without braking the love knot.
maybe it can not be escaped now, if your friend is not still ready to do it, but there is no other solution.
the only hope is that it takes not so long that damage that can not be repaired, and the suicide is only one of the possibilities, happens.
your friend has already a work and at least a friend willing to help, you, now all she need is to accept the situation, to see it as it is behind all the illusions that often love fools us with, and take the right decision.
She just told me she plans on committing suicide the evening of her birthday, June 6th.
I asked if she would look me in the eyes and turn me away if I drove across the country and offered her a new life that evening, and she said she would.
sometimes people tell that they will do things, but at the last moment, when you have to actually do it, what is in their mind can change.
specially if there someone that is not only talking of driving across the country, but actually does it, proving to us that there is someone that really cares for us, and this can mean all in the moment when a such definitive decision has to be taken.
you may fail, as the decision is in her hands after all, and if it happens it will painful, but even so much better then to don't do it and live the rest of you life with the question:"what if...".
again i wish to both you all the best, for the little that my wishing can help, even if i believe in the power of positive thinking and of what the religious people call praying and i call focusing the mind to spread positive vibrations.
edit: if you do it tell her that she has already decided to quit her life like it was to try an other way, give herself an other chance, is something that she can do, as she has already decided to leave the family.
she will anyway be free to decide to suicide if after trying she still finds that to live is no more worth it, but the cost of finding if there is a less definitive way out, that can give a sense to her life can be only a little more time suffering, a little price to pay when you have already decided to leave all you had if it maybe can bring a new sense to living.
I think I'll ask her for her address if I can't find out what town she lives in (that would at least let me give some identifying information to the local police).
I don't know if it helps or not, but you did the right thing for her. My childhood dog was 19 when we put him down. We probably should have done it a lot sooner than we did, considering the chronic pain he was in for the last few years.
Been there dude. Had to put down the best cat I ever had over 5 years ago. He was pretty young, not even 7 years old yet. He had one of those kidney problems that plague male cats. I made sure I was there with him at the end though, along with my now ex-wife and her daughter (I was surprised her daughter went with us, she was only like 12 at the time). It was peaceful and he was surrounded by people that loved him. Still sucked though...
Our dog Zach was having a hard time in his old age and eventually we had to let him go. He had always been my dog--I was the one who picked him out when we were first looking for a new puppy, and I always knew exactly how to scratch his itchy snout. But he was having trouble walking and was visibly unhappy a lot of the time, and we knew he wasn't getting better. Putting him down was the best decision for him.
It's better that way, even though making the decision is hard. I saw our other dog die in a lot of pain, and I was glad I got to see Zach go in peace.
I appreciate it, because I am second-guessing myself because the last 6 months have been so stressful on a daily basis for me personally. I took her in in December and decided to let her keep going, I was within minutes of going in 2 or 3 months ago, but again pulled back. I said if I went in to the vet again, it would be the last time, as this was not something that was fixable. But I still can't shake the feeling that I abandoned her and am responsible. The weight of the decision is too much for me, but that is to be expected since it's only been 8 hours. But not having her here after 15 straight years is just surreal.
I feel you, bro. I had to put away my dog, last year in May. Technically he has been living with my parents fo couple of years now, since I moved to my own place, but still I have felt of him as of my own, still. He has suffered a massive kidney failure, we tried to put him to an IV, since it was his only hope for survival according to our vet, butche suffered badly in his last days, so my parents decided they cannot with their concious have him suffer that much aby longer. I went to vet with my mum, to help her get through this, but boy, this was though. Eventually my parent's friend was kind enough to let us bury him under the tree, not far from his house. Vigo is still in my heart, even if me and my wife have our own little rascal now.
i had been there at least 3 times, with the dog of my sister, that after my sister left home to live her life was living with my mother. she (the dog, not my mother
she was perfectly aware of what was going to happen, the animals are very good at it as they don't rely on spoken language, and she was frightened, but accepted her faith and our decision, watching us in the eyes until the last moment, with that confidence in us that only a dog can have.
the second time was with my cat that was trapped in a cellar in winter and when the owner of the cellar finally found him was dehydrated and hypothermic beyond any chance to recover. when he passed away, after a couple of days of lovely care, i was sitting on the floor right next to him and the last thing he did was trying to climb on my legs, then he died (is he correct in english for an animal in such a situation or should i had used it? i don't know as in my native language we lack of neutral)
the third time was with a puppy cat that had been discarded by the mother, sometimes they do so to the weakest puppy of the litter. for some reason i decided to care to that puppy, but it lasted only about ten days before passing away, probably i did something wrong as i did not know how to feed suckling puppy cats, but i developed a strong affection for that cat even if we lived together only for a so short time, probably the fact that i was completely responsible for his survival, he was completely depending on me, had a role in it.
what i fail to understand is how people that has passed trough this, has developed a real love and affection for a pet and is aware of how also the animals have feelings and some times are much better sentient beings then some humans can continue to feed themselves with corpses of animals, forgetting that those steaks and stews had been sentient, had feelings and often had been grown in close to torture environments as often happens in the intensive breeding.
often i keep a "low profile" about being vegetarian, and i become so after i had to visit the slaughterhouses, and i don't like the other vegetarians or the vegans that make a mission of their choice, always arguing with who decides to eat meat.
but as this is a thread to vent our sorrows to know that there are so many animals suffering just because we, as human race, decide to eat them, often in a much larger proportion then our own physiology should suggest, as the length of our intestine is the one of the omnivorous, not the one of the carnivorous, so we really are not build to eat meat all the meals, is for me a constant pain, less excruciating then the one i feel when a pet of mine dies, but almost constant, every time i see a person eating meat, every time i see a cow in the fields around my home in the mountain.
so my post is just to vent my own sorrow about it, not to criticize who chose to eat meat.