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Exploits, Tricks, and Nonstandard Tactics



  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Pretty sure Haste does not work on enemies. Would be interested to see the proof otherwise, don't think above works.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    They would need to be charmed first. Then Haste would work.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    so staff of command, domination with no save, then all the mages dropping multiple haste on the single strong but dominated enemy should lead to a fun battle after hastes and domination expire.
    the dragon or whatever will roll every time the minimum damage for his attacks and so on...
    i am not completely sure of it, but i think that even the final wk boss is not immune to the domination from the staff.
  • edsterzedsterz Member Posts: 10
    I was looking at how the engine stops Mislead and non-held Otiluke targets (e.g. Barbarian Rage) from attacking. It seems like they just set the char APR to 0. So it should be possible to grant them APR to allow them to attack again.

    Turns out most of the +APR items work! E.g. Belm, Kundane, Boomerang dagger, Firetooth dagger, Gaunt of Extra Spec. Unfortunately, missile weapons like Tuigan don't.

    Still, neat little trick if you equip Boomerang/Firetooth dagger and combine Mislead + WoL trick to create 6 dagger chucking magelings.

    (Nahls hotkey still seems to work with Mislead too. Clicking it twice on the clone or main for aura cleansing surprisingly hasn't been patched either.)
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Jaheiras_Witness: I have added your Potion of Genius trick to the list.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    edited June 2019
    Excellent find.

    Just wondering.... the ring of gaxx is that flagged as a quest item?
    It is treated in a similar manner as the flail in stores?

    Fingers crossed it is and that Beamdog doesnt fix that one
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,943
    Checking... yes, the Ring of Gaxx is a quest item. (I loaded up a ToB save, handed it to a non-protag, and dropped that character. The Ring was sent back to my protagonist)

    So, there's another powerful item that can be duplicated this way.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @jmerry: I'm a little unclear on how that works. If Rasaad is in fact leaving the party permanently, wouldn't that just leave you with one copy of the flail? Or do you collect the second one by recruiting him again and taking it from his inventory? This is odd behavior, since normally that would remove the quest item from Rasaad in the process.

    I have doubts that it will remain, since Beamdog typically removes EE-introduced exploits.

    If this applies to all items flagged as critical, then it could also duplicate the Rift Device, Control Circlets, Blackrazor, Sword of Balduran, Silver Sword, and maybe some useful EE quest items from other EE NPC questlines. Duplicating certain plot tokens may also allow you to complete certain quests twice for extra XP or maybe some other rewards, but that really depends on how a given quest is scripted.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    semiticgod wrote: »
    @jmerry: I'm a little unclear on how that works.
    The dialog runs these actions in the same block:

    The same would happen if they were in a script block, or if the order were reversed. The actions needs to split into two separate responses.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,943
    @semiticgod: How this works - the critical items being moved happens whenever a character leaves the party without dying outright, for any reason. Whether that's you dropping them from the party, petrification, imprisonment, or abduction, whatever critical items they have are transferred to the protagonist. If there isn't room in the protagonist's inventory, room will be made by dropping stuff. When you get that character back in the party, they won't have the critical items.

    The other half of this is that a few plot events remove a character from the party and dump all of their stuff into the inventory of the rest of the party. Imoen being taken from you on exiting Irenicus' dungeon, Nalia being abducted in her personal quest, and Rasaad leaving at the end of his quest are the examples I can think of. This is generally done when the leaving is or could be permanent.

    Both of these scripts remove the items in question from the party member being removed and give them to other party members. The bug here is that both scripts run in the Rasaad situation, which gives you two copies of the critical items; one copy dumped into the protagonist's inventory and another dumped into the inventory of a party member wherever there's room. I think I first noticed it when I had him holding the note from Hammerhelm, but I also have the habit of spreading scroll cases and gem bags around. I don't think this happens at the other points characters are removed; I'm pretty sure I've had Nalia carrying containers when she's abducted, and not gotten dupes out of that.

    This definitely applies to all items flagged as critical. Some of that list you gave are difficult for other reasons; you'd have to smuggle the Rift Device out of the sewers using another exploit, Blackrazor can't be obtained yet when you're roaming Amn, and the Sword of Balduran (gold version) would require mods in order to bring it over from BG1.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I see. So Rasaad handing over critical items is intrinsic to him leaving the party, just like a petrified character will toss their bag of holding over to you when they leave the group. Then there's a separate command that hands over all of Rasaad's gear, which adds another copy of any critical items.

    Good point about Blackrazor and the Sword of Balduran. I was thinking of the Sword of Balduran from Deidre rather than the gold sword from BG1, but looking at the BG2 files, only the gold sword is flagged as critical.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    edited June 2019
    - Put SI on a hotkey (any)
    - memorize 2 spell immunity spells
    - instead of pressing a SI hotkey and picking a school you want to be immune to, press hotkey 2 times in row
    - now you may think you wasted 1 SI spell for no reason. But you are not. Now after clicking a school which you want to be immune to, that small window on the bottom of the screen will not dissapear. You can literally click every school one after other and be immune to everything.

    kjeron wrote: »
    It's an engine bug - it happens when any "sub-menu" spell is cast while such a "sub-menu" is still active.
    Nahal's Reckless Dwoemer can result in the same issue - with far more valuable results.

    credits to @BrightL1ghts and @kjeron , i just quote them, but those exploits could not miss from this thread.
    SI in the @BrightL1ghts quote is obviously spell immunity.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Added to the list on page 2. I didn't think that type of exploit was possible anymore since it didn't seem to work via the Wand of Lightning trick anymore, which also would have cast the initial spell multiple times simultaneously.
  • ElysianEchoesElysianEchoes Member Posts: 475
    This may have been mentioned already, but if you cast charm person on a person in their house, you can rob them blind, right in front of their face, without the guard getting called. When the spell wears off, they'll be hostile, but then you can just leave. They don't follow.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    This may have been mentioned already, but if you cast charm person on a person in their house, you can rob them blind, right in front of their face, without the guard getting called. When the spell wears off, they'll be hostile, but then you can just leave. They don't follow.

    If you don't want to do that you can just punch them unconscious.

    Neither of those methods works well if you have SCS installed, but you can still use Algernon's cloak (attempting that doesn't turn victims hostile even if the attempt fails).
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    edited August 2019
    The EE Shapechange Trick has been moved to the list of no longer functional tricks, as one of the updates (I think around v2.5) closed the exploit. The game now forcibly removes shapeshifting spells through two different methods, and one of them involves forcing the character to cast a Shapeshift Natural Form spell that interrupts any other spells he or she was casting at the time. Even stretching out the casting time of the shapeshifting spell using a Time Stop or Shadowstep spell is unlikely to work; the spell should still get interrupted.
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    @semiticgod It still worked on my FMC run, which is on the newest
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @histamiini: It does still work! But it requires more work for Polymorph Self now. Polymorph Self removes the shapeshifting spells twice, once at the intended end of the spell and again 4 seconds later. You have to use either Improved Alacrity or the quick save trick to have your aura clear for both periods. The quick save trick in general would be great for ensuring the trick was reliable, since you could spam the spell constantly.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    edited August 2019
    This may be old hat to many of you but I have just discovered a way for non-stealthed characters to make 'surprise' attacks. You send an invisible or stealthed member of the party to scout ahead until they find a hostile creature. Characters who can't actually see the enemy are then able to click on them to attack. As often as not the enemy creature won't react when you walk up to them and whack them.

    This has the advantage that your invisible scout stays invisible while your fighters can sneak up on targets. It doesn't always work but it is fun when it does and it also feels right tactically because you are able to ambush opponents rather than just blunder into them.
    Post edited by Permidion_Stark on
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    edited August 2019
    @sarevok57 Is this on original version? I just tried with EE Sorcerer Con 3 and Claw of Kasgaroth, but died for a bear?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @sarevok57: The trick is in fact documented, but testing in IWD2 found that it was fairly unreliable, and it's not well-tested in EE.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,022
    edited August 2019
    semiticgod wrote: »
    @sarevok57: The trick is in fact documented, but testing in IWD2 found that it was fairly unreliable, and it's not well-tested in EE.

    my run was in BG EE and it was working like a hot damn, so far, nothing has been able to kill me damage wise ( or even kill me period for that matter )
    histamiini wrote: »
    @sarevok57 Is this on original version? I just tried with EE Sorcerer Con 3 and Claw of Kasgaroth, but died for a bear?

    do you have 1 HP? you must have 1 HP for it to work and as i said you have to stay at level 1 or else you will have more than 1 HP

    when i get back from track practice today, i will continue that run and import of to bg2 and see if this amazing tactic still works

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