I agree entirely, dragons also always fight on the ground i don't understand it. If i was a dragon i'd stay in the air rather than land and fight puny mortals.
Aaah! But there you have hit the crux of the argument!
As you are aware birds have cleverly adapted bone and musculature. The bones are hollow and all muscles are lean. This lightness makes them quick, and agile, but unfortunately very fragile. Fat is dead weight on birds that can fly. In fact fat storage is so poor on birds that they cannot hibernate. They are forced to fly to find food each day. This same fat on mammals make them more resistant to temperature change and physical blows they may come up against, hence there current domination of the planet as the largest species.
My studies into Dragons over the millennia make me realise that Dragons are adapted to flight, but have an awful disadvantage to birds. Not only are Dragons built for flight, with all the same disadvantages that birds have, food supply is a constant worry! Think how much a pigeon eats and what a Dragon needs! It means that Dragons can only do two things. Sleep or look for food.
Happily though. Dragons collect treasure and most food simply walks in. But as for the stamping part... Lets look for some empathy here...
Would you stamp on a hot potato and then eat it? Come on... Would you? Because that adventure with a shiny sword is a hot potato, it may singe the fingers holding it, but once you get past that silvery foil stuff it is 100% fluffy carbohydrate and vitamin goodness!
The obvious answer is arrogance. The addiction they got to use it as a luring weapon , which the power under their chassis acts like a curse to confuse them to ignore to think otherwise. Don't expect a Do'Urden amongst the lizardkin with such size. Even Silver one just irritated me , how I wished I slayed her. And I did later. I did.
Serious Spoilers about Baldur's Gate 2
Lets remember how Jierdan treated you , even an attitude you could expect from a noble ( if not royal -> hard-earned ) , the tempting perfection he has in that compared to a display of saddening arrogance some noble woman or man had in Athkatla , was I think just a dragon move. If you were royal , you wouldn't act that way to some strangers who don't know you , speaking in an ordering tone. Let me remind myself the script. ( jumping to 1 minute 25 seconds )
Because dragons are implemented about as well as well as angry Halflings as missile weapons.
Yeah. Because even if they are aground , how can you kill a dragon by bloodwinding their feet ? How a spear can reach even the abdomen of a dragon ? Oh you damaged 150 to dragon ? You pedicured the toenails of the dragon , super effective !
But I think that part of implementation lies within the tower example. Like you cut the feet then dragon stomps down , they you cut the knees and dragon stomps down a level again... etc. ?
So , when you become a legend one day , they will implement you in such ways so some forum folk will get to throw jokes on about it like this , and like "oh he/she could just belched"... Hmmm... Dat story-mode...
So what to be learned about that ? Don't become a legend , or at least keep it to your own.
I fully understand as to why dragons do not step on people. I mean, have you even smelled adventurers up close? Most of them have never seen a shower from the inside for gods sake! Just imagine them having an au' natural Stinking Cloud effect surrounding them makes me wanna puke. And I bet the true dragons amongst us have a similar mindset. Not to mention their body fluids make terrible stains on scales.
from the technology available in the forgotten realms its understandable why adventurers might never have seen a shower. still they at least have a bath
Absolutely ginormous things tend to move slowly. Something the size of a TRex could run with the best of them, but the truly huge dinasours moved slowly. They have to - to allow the cushioning built into their feet to work. The cushioning effect has to be there or else they would break their own feet with the sheer force of their body weight pounding them into the ground. Watch an elephant walking and see how the lower legs and feet distort.
But then again dragons fly. This means they have to have colossal amounts of magical lift, or they are very light. It has been suggested they have great pockets of lighter than air gases which not only helps them fly, but it also explains the flaming breath. However if all of this is true, it means dragon bones must be light and therefore fragile. Standing on a well armed adventurer could break some of the small bones in the feet and ankle, unless it is done with care - more of a grab and hold with the claws than a stomp.
I personally think all the really fast and clever dragons have figured out that staying in a world full of people who keep trying to kill them is a bad idea, so they have moved addresses to a less conflict ridden plane. The ones that are left are the dunces, the low in magic and the slow. (Now I think it's time to run before an irate horde of dragons comes after me for my hide!)
I have always imagined dragons walking and running on all four legs. Sure they could walk on two legs but it would be less efficient and more difficult so they would only do that in certain situations. Unfortunately none of the video games I have played that have dragons agree with me...
Can you think of any flying animals that use arms and legs when walking? *-)
Well, dragons are obviously quite unlike any animals in reality, especially among vertebrate animals. All vertebrate animals have 4 bony "limbs" (with the exception of "fish"; which have none) where as dragons have 6 bony limbs (wings, arms, and legs). Some vertebrate animals, such as lizards of the Draco genus, have wing like structures that allow them to fly while still using all 4 of their limbs for walking. None of these vertebrates, however, are capable of powered flight like dragons are. The only vertebrate animals capable of powered flight (namely birds and bats) have at least 2 of their 4 limbs devoted to the act of flying. Many invertebrates, especially insects, do have wings for flight and use all their legs for walking but they are nothing like dragons in terms of their body plan.
That aside, if a dragon were a real creature, it would depend on what kind of dragon we were dealing with (i.e. how the dragon in question was drawn/animated). If we look at this dragon I would say that it would walk on all fours because its legs are all about the same length and very muscular and thick as if they were designed for walking on; it would be capable of rearing up and walking that way if necessary, however it would be somewhat clumsy on two limbs. Now if we look at this dragon I would say that it could walk well on either all four legs or on two legs. Its hind legs are clearly much thicker and more muscular than its front legs. The hind legs also appear to be longer despite being folded up. I would liken this dragon to a frilled-neck lizard or a basilisk lizard. It would be capable of moving on all fours, and probably do that most of the time, but when stressed it could run at much higher speed on its hind legs at the cost of a high rate of energy consumption. The long tail would also help balance it when running on two legs. (I tried to find a video of the frilled lizard to demonstrate this that did not have annoying music or commentary. I failed)
On one of the many pages on dragons on forgotten realms wiki, dragon anatomy is describe as being very similar to cats and that they walk in a similar way.
Long story short: IIRC a modern scientist went back in time, where dragon were real, and figured out how could it be possible for animals as big as dragons to fly and breath fire.
But I've seen it really a long time ago, so I could have dreamed all of this
Dragons, like Cats, like to play with their food. Besides, most dragons are arrogant enough to believe that they are immortal and incapable of being killed by 'mere mortals'.
As you are aware birds have cleverly adapted bone and musculature. The bones are hollow and all muscles are lean. This lightness makes them quick, and agile, but unfortunately very fragile. Fat is dead weight on birds that can fly. In fact fat storage is so poor on birds that they cannot hibernate. They are forced to fly to find food each day. This same fat on mammals make them more resistant to temperature change and physical blows they may come up against, hence there current domination of the planet as the largest species.
My studies into Dragons over the millennia make me realise that Dragons are adapted to flight, but have an awful disadvantage to birds. Not only are Dragons built for flight, with all the same disadvantages that birds have, food supply is a constant worry! Think how much a pigeon eats and what a Dragon needs! It means that Dragons can only do two things. Sleep or look for food.
Happily though. Dragons collect treasure and most food simply walks in. But as for the stamping part... Lets look for some empathy here...
Would you stamp on a hot potato and then eat it? Come on... Would you? Because that adventure with a shiny sword is a hot potato, it may singe the fingers holding it, but once you get past that silvery foil stuff it is 100% fluffy carbohydrate and vitamin goodness!
A proper dragon would just fly in the air and breath on everything until it's dead.
Nevermind that a proper dragon would just flee if it sees that it cannot win either by flying again or teleporting.
And so would other mages or liches.
Serious Spoilers about Baldur's Gate 2
Lets remember how Jierdan treated you , even an attitude you could expect from a noble ( if not royal -> hard-earned ) , the tempting perfection he has in that compared to a display of saddening arrogance some noble woman or man had in Athkatla , was I think just a dragon move. If you were royal , you wouldn't act that way to some strangers who don't know you , speaking in an ordering tone. Let me remind myself the script. ( jumping to 1 minute 25 seconds )
He actually spoils himself with the word creature , so that actually might reveal how he got blinded by his weapon over time.
And there are many people that are tempted by roleplayed arrogance. Look around some Youtube comments to get what I mean.
But I think that part of implementation lies within the tower example. Like you cut the feet then dragon stomps down , they you cut the knees and dragon stomps down a level again... etc. ?
So , when you become a legend one day , they will implement you in such ways so some forum folk will get to throw jokes on about it like this , and like "oh he/she could just belched"... Hmmm... Dat story-mode...
So what to be learned about that ? Don't become a legend , or at least keep it to your own.
But then again dragons fly. This means they have to have colossal amounts of magical lift, or they are very light. It has been suggested they have great pockets of lighter than air gases which not only helps them fly, but it also explains the flaming breath. However if all of this is true, it means dragon bones must be light and therefore fragile. Standing on a well armed adventurer could break some of the small bones in the feet and ankle, unless it is done with care - more of a grab and hold with the claws than a stomp.
I personally think all the really fast and clever dragons have figured out that staying in a world full of people who keep trying to kill them is a bad idea, so they have moved addresses to a less conflict ridden plane. The ones that are left are the dunces, the low in magic and the slow. (Now I think it's time to run before an irate horde of dragons comes after me for my hide!)
That aside, if a dragon were a real creature, it would depend on what kind of dragon we were dealing with (i.e. how the dragon in question was drawn/animated).
If we look at this dragon I would say that it would walk on all fours because its legs are all about the same length and very muscular and thick as if they were designed for walking on; it would be capable of rearing up and walking that way if necessary, however it would be somewhat clumsy on two limbs.
Now if we look at this dragon I would say that it could walk well on either all four legs or on two legs. Its hind legs are clearly much thicker and more muscular than its front legs. The hind legs also appear to be longer despite being folded up. I would liken this dragon to a frilled-neck lizard or a basilisk lizard. It would be capable of moving on all fours, and probably do that most of the time, but when stressed it could run at much higher speed on its hind legs at the cost of a high rate of energy consumption. The long tail would also help balance it when running on two legs. (I tried to find a video of the frilled lizard to demonstrate this that did not have annoying music or commentary. I failed)
It makes me think of an animated movie I saw many years ago
Long story short:
IIRC a modern scientist went back in time, where dragon were real, and figured out how could it be possible for animals as big as dragons to fly and breath fire.
But I've seen it really a long time ago, so I could have dreamed all of this
The Astral Dragon is the rarest of them all..
Live in the Abyss and will live forever..
But ok. the dont fight and only take Liquid as food..:P