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Our forumites' birthdays

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
edited December 2017 in Off-Topic
Visiting today , I've noticed they have a nice feature: Today's birthdays.

Our forum doesn't have such a feature. So I've gone through several threads, comments, activity posts here and there and found birthday dates of some of us who shared them.

I've thought it could be a fine idea to gather all birthdays in one thread so that we could celebrate birthdays together when they come.

Several forumites even have Birthdays on the same day:)

This is what I've found (sorry, if some of the dates are wrong - I'll fix anything if it's wrong; also, the list will be updated)


@Vallmyr January 12
@BillyYank January 13
@Metalloman January 24
@JTerzin January 31


@Boozilla February 1
@Wilbur February 1
@reedmilfam February 3
@FinneousPJ February 9
@Skatan February 14


@Nimran March 6
@Balquo March 22
@Gotural March 31
SoD March 31 :)


@DJKajuru April 2
@booinyoureyes April 5
@wubble April 13
@Buttercheese April 26


@Haeravon May 4
@sparkleav May 4
@O_Bruce May 9
@lunar May 11
@iKrivetko May 21
@Aedan May 28
@Saigon1983 May 28
@Grond0 May 31


@Fiendish_Warrior June 5
@bengoshi June 11
@mlnevese June 14
@AndrewFoley June 22


@Fardragon July 7
@Anduin July 13
@jacobtan July 15
@Zaghoul July 16
@berelinde July 17
@BelgarathMTH July 23
@jackjack July 24
@semiticgod July 25
@Teflon July 26
@Twani July 26
@LadyRhian July 29


@Tarlugn August 26
@EntropyXII August 27
@Amber_Scott August 27
@Nonnahswriter August 28


@Tresset September 6
@procco September 7
@YupImMadBro September 14
@Blackraven September 21
@meagloth September 22
@Gloomfrost September 29


@Montresor_SP October 19
@Paulg October 19
@skinnydragon October 22
@SapphireIce101 October 26


@ThacoBell November 1
@Elrandir November 3
@LavaDelVortel November 7
@Cahir November 8
@badbromance November 15
@Effiny November 19
@Sceptenar November 19
@CoM_Solaufein November 21
@Mhamza November 21


@GreenWyvern December 2
@Mathsorcerer December 7
@Meira December 16
@Redrake December 16
@dunbar December 17
@CaloNord December 23
@Syntia13 December 24
@decado December 25
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on


  • GreenWyvernGreenWyvern Member Posts: 247
    edited April 2015
    I may be worrying too much, but I'm a bit weary about this. I feel that some people will feel ignored, or feel somewhat alone, if two people have a birthday at the same time/near each other, but one of them ends up brushed over for the person whom has been on the forum for years and made friends with nearly everyone.

    PERSON A and PERSON B have a birthday! PERSON A is told "Happy birthday!" by both PERSON ♦ and PERSON ♠ PERSON B is told "Happy birthday!" by PERSON ♦, PERSON ♣, PERSON ♥, PERSON ♠, PERSON Ł, DR. SZABLA and Bob. One of them gifts him a game, two leave nice long, heartwarming messages, and DR. SZABLA tells PERSON B their dentist apportionment has been moves to next Tuesday at 14:35.

    ... this may not be too much of a problem, but I'm just putting it out there.

    In the end, I think that this is still a great idea. "I fully endorse it, let's try it at once!"
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    We just need to make sure the love is spread equally! :) It's a pretty warm and inviting community really! :)

    December 23 is a great time for a birthday! :D
  • GreenWyvernGreenWyvern Member Posts: 247
    Oh, by the way, December 2nd over here!
  • skinnydragonskinnydragon Member Posts: 110
    Mines October 22nd
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Oh to hell with it... May 9th
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    I divided myself in Kythorn, just some tenday prior to the Summer Solstice. Gosh, how I hate that month... "the time of flowers"? Yeah, riiiiiight.... More like "the time of pollen and hayfever". >_>

    This is why I much prefer the months of Alturiak, Nightal, Hammer, or even Uktar for that matter. I really own Auril for putting an end to all these thrice-cursed, pollen-producing weeds out there within the refreshingly frosty months of the year.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    edited April 2015
    July 24th here (I'll be thirty-something).
    Post edited by jackjack on
  • MhamzaMhamza Member Posts: 228
    21st November for me.
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    Yeesh, so many fall and winter birthdays! I'm August 28th.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Feb 9th
  • proccoprocco Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 915
    September 7. Another summer baby, @Nonnahswriter
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    December 17th (of which I've seen far too many).
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Happy Belated Birthday!

    I got you a :cookie:

    Hope you enjoyed your special day!

    Just pretend I repost this the day after your birthday and we call it even
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @bengoshi, well Blackraven's birthday is October 11, will be 3 three years old this year.
    But if you're interested in the guy typing in his messages, his bday is September 21, so you were very close there.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806

    @bengoshi, well Blackraven's birthday is October 11, will be 3 three years old this year.
    But if you're interested in the guy typing in his messages, his bday is September 21, so you were very close there.


    Well, Close enough I guess. 21~22
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    I like the idea. And yes, mine is correct on 11th of may. (And so close too, I will be 28!)
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    What the hell , it can't hurt, mine was this monday
  • iKrivetkoiKrivetko Member Posts: 934
  • EntropyXIIEntropyXII Member Posts: 656
    27th of August
  • HaeravonHaeravon Member Posts: 17
    May 4. It's the big 3-0 for me.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    My birthday is on July 23, on @Jackjack 's Birthday Eve.

    I was going to say how old I'll be, but then I realized somebody could calculate my birth year from that, which is an internet security risk. So I guess I won't tell.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Thanks to @skinnydragon 's idea, I've updated the OP so that we could easily see whose BD is when:)

    BTW, I think there's nothing wrong in tagging people, skinnydragon. On the contrary, even the badge "Name Dropper" says, mentioning someone in a discussion is a great way to encourage dialog and let them know who you’re talking to.

    Also, if you don't want to tag, make a tagging in the edited version of your post - this way the tagging won't work:)
    TJ_Hooker said:

    Almost exactly 9 months after Valentine's Day :/

    Could you please specify, @TJ_Hooker ?:)
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