Did you know that if you have 1 Max HP, you are invincible? I know this might sound like something from the "Did you ACTUALLY know?" thread, but it's true. There's one way I know of to get a max HP of 1: play as a mage with 3 Constitution (you should be human, since other races have higher minimum Constitution), then equip the Claw of Kazgoroth. Now your mage will be immune to all damage, though it won't work once they level up.
Did you know that if you manage to kill a doppelganger below Candlekeep the exact moment when "Hull", "Karan" or whatnot turns into a doppleganger, you can kill it twice, for twice the XP, and they even leave two gems.
@OlvynChuru This is because a level 1 character cannot be killed in one hit if he is uninjured in BG:EE, so if your character has 1 max HP he is always considered as uninjured.
@OlvynChuru This is because a level 1 character cannot be killed in one hit if he is uninjured in BG:EE, so if your character has 1 max HP he is always considered as uninjured.
I wonder, does it mean you can reliably complete BG1 without reloads if you don't level up you lvl 1 charname and have not more than 9 HPs from the start - activate the autopause on "character hit" and gulp a potion of healing - voila - you again have full HP and still you're of the 1st level.
@bengoshi What you describe definitely works, but you are limited to one potion of healing per round so if you get ambushed by bandits you will probably die.
Still, very very few enemies in BG:EE can kill you with death effect, so a level 1 Mage with 1 max HP could be a fantastic tank.
@OlvynChuru@bengoshi@Gotural: If that's true, it should be possible to make any character invincible if you spend enough time on it, as you should be able to take a character through the Hell trials in BG2 and repeatedly decrease their HP in the Selfishness trial. A 101 HP character would have to do this 50 times, but it should work.
@semiticgod No it won't. As far as I know it is impossible for a character to have a lower max HP than their level. Even if you use something like EEKeeper to set their max HP to 1, the game will automatically set it to their level. Maybe if you level drained them it would work but I'm not sure.
The problem is that BG2 is filled with enemies with instant death abilities, Beholders, Mind Flayers, Death Spell and so forth, so even a level drained character with 1 max HP would have problems to stay alive in the second game.
And maybe it doesn't even work in BG2:EE, I never tried.
@OlvynChuru: Unfortunate. A multi-class could theoretically get some HLAs out of the deal, since it could be level drained back down to 1/1 and level drain doesn't take away HLAs or kit abilities, but there would need to be an XP amount that would make both classes the same level, I think.
@Ganda: The idea would be to create the character in BG1:EE and import it into BG2:EE. Is that no longer possible in EE? It was possible in vanilla.
Did you know that if you have 1 Max HP, you are invincible? I know this might sound like something from the "Did you ACTUALLY know?" thread, but it's true. There's one way I know of to get a max HP of 1: play as a mage with 3 Constitution (you should be human, since other races have higher minimum Constitution), then equip the Claw of Kazgoroth. Now your mage will be immune to all damage, though it won't work once they level up.
@Ganda: The idea would be to create the character in BG1:EE and import it into BG2:EE. Is that no longer possible in EE? It was possible in vanilla.
Just tried it, imported a level 1 character from a BGEE save game into BG2EE with the claw and he was indeed immune to physical damage (and yellow text damage). But to be used as a tank would need a lot of and wide range of potions and scrolls with much game knowledge. I died at almost every other enemy due to other types of damage (lightning machine in Irenicus lair, memphits, etc). Was not a very thorough test but just wanted to see if it worked at all.
Cloak of Mirroring should block other forms of damage. Buffs from another party member should also help out, for the few damage spells that aren't flagged as Offensive Damage specific types.
Did you know that the Shadow Thief plot immunity doesn't extend to Chapter 6? You can exterminate the whole complex easily with your post underdark team.
Yet Renal Bloodscalp's envoy will still steal 500 GP off you once a week anyway.
@Ganda: Is it possible for that character to use Slayer form and survive?
I don't think so.
Not a perfect test though. I imported the 1HP character (I'll call him MinMan for the purpose of this explanation) into a hell trials multiplayer save I have as the Charname slot but this didn't automatically give him slayer form.
So I used the same multiplayer save. Imported MinMan into the Charname party slot and an ex-Charname with slayer form active into an ordinary party member slot.
Activating slayer form on the 'ex-charname' party member turned MinMan into the slayer. But this automatically gave MinMan 100HP and he started taking damage as per normal and died.
I say 'I dont think so' because I didn't actually use MinMan's own ability to turn into the slayer. But I remember slayer form always having 100HP so assume it's the same.
Of course you could use the mirror image trick but then you'd still have 100HP from being in slayer form and not the 1HP, L1 immunity.
There are some weird inconsistencies that I don't understand but here is what I have seen so far:
- Can use the Horn of Kazgorth without dying, so it's all benefit with no drawback. - Immune to yellow text (magic damage) tested with magic missile, larlochs minor drain, skull trap. - Immune to burning hands, fireball, MMM, sunfire but not immune to flame arrow or steam memphit burning attack. - Immune to dark green text (acid) tested with Melf's Acid Arrow spell. - Immune to CF's lightning damage but not immune to lighting machine in chateau Irenicus. - Immune to white text damage from everything so far but a radiant memphit scored an 18 hit and killed him once. - Cloudkill will kill instantly due to 4 or fewer HD rule, although a light green text (poison) immune to damage showed up before dying. - Finger of death killed him instantly. - Immune to damage from Bigby's clenched fist.
The inconsistencies are weird, the character should be immune to all damage.
The reasoning behind it is that to prevent excessive situations where your characters could get killed in one hit by a Xvart or a Gibberling in the beggining, the game cheats and reduces the damage of the hit to your max HP minus 1 but only if:
-The character is level 1 -The character is uninjured
So you can do a 100+ damage backstab on a level 1 Imoen right after the ambush and she will only suffer 5 damage, but if she has only 5/6 HP then the backstab will deal the regular damage and chunk her.
So I don't really understand why some damage types go through this protection and some don't, but all the other death effects should kill the character instantly like Cloudkill, Death Fog, Disintegrate, Death Spell, Flesh to Stone, Finger of Death, etc.
When you speak to the Fate Spirit in the pocket plane in ToB, it talks about the "threads of fate" that are connected with your own. The idea of threads of fate comes from Norse mythology - three of the Norns, Urðr, Verðandi and Skuld, weaved the threads of all people and thus ruled their destinies.
Did you know that Shandalar is a Chaotic Good mage who wears a Robe of the Neutral Archmagi?
Did you know that Elminster does as well? Ghastly orange must be high fashion among epic level mages.
Not in BG1. Ulcaster does, however. As how to kill him, the answer is always one: poison. Same goes for the undead knights under Firewine's Bridge...
How to do it: - Dagger of Venom on critical hit and failed save-throw, aka leave the char to hit and go afk. - Poison Weapon ability - A sorcerer high enough to cast Lower Magic Res and than Kill Cloud
When you speak to the Fate Spirit in the pocket plane in ToB, it talks about the "threads of fate" that are connected with your own. The idea of threads of fate comes from Norse mythology - three of the Norns, Urðr, Verðandi and Skuld, weaved the threads of all people and thus ruled their destinies.
There's also a bit of Eastern lore around the "red string of fate" that ties two destined lovers together. A bit more specific, but it's the same idea that you're tied to another person via a deity's will and holy thread.
Did you know that in BG1/EE you can have a Chaotic Evil paladin, so if your reputation goes low he won't lose his status?
All you have to do is equipping the Helm of Opposite Alignment, obtainable by killing the Death Knight the first time you meet him in Durlag's Tower, then the Girdle of gender swap (at this point your Alignment will revert to Lawful Good) and finally visit a temple (with the spell it doesn't work, somehow) and pay to remove the curse. Et voilà, enjoy your bloodthirsty Inquisitor
Did you know that if you choose an evil path, and decide to return a nymph to Ramazith, you can later make a visit to him, to see how his experiment on the nymph goes:
The nymph is dead, thus letting you to take the cloak of CHA, and Ramazith, neutral up until now, turns red and teleports to the last floor of his tower. You can kill him there, just as you usually do when you choose a good path and don't return a nymph to Ramazith.
It already sounds like an interesting run idea. I'd be happy to read about a playthrough with such a character.
I haven't tried it much, but I don't think that having a partially invincible character would be that interesting. The battles where some of the enemies can kill the character would be fun, but there would be plenty of battles where none of the enemies have any way of hurting the character, so there would be no way to lose.
Did you know the reward for returning Renfold varies based on what you tell the Harper at the doorway? While you'll normally get 200 GP for the deed, actually asking for a reward nets you a mere 100 GP, while mentioning that he is poisoned gets you 300 GP.
Did you know that: -While Firkraag looks like a classic AD&D red dragon, Nizidramati and Adalon were designed to look like the 3rd edition versions. - Although is BG2 was released quite at the same time as D&D 3rd edition (and its changes in the Faerun), chronologically the Bhaal saga happened about 5 years before .
Did you know that warric, the farmer in BG1 who pays you to kill zombies says that he wishes he could pay you more than the 150gc reward that he gives you, but if you kill him he has 250gc left on his body. He is pretty rich for a farmer
I have no idea if they do anything and how they could stack with BG2 profs.
Still, very very few enemies in BG:EE can kill you with death effect, so a level 1 Mage with 1 max HP could be a fantastic tank.
EDIT: nvm... post above.
And maybe it doesn't even work in BG2:EE, I never tried.
@Ganda: The idea would be to create the character in BG1:EE and import it into BG2:EE. Is that no longer possible in EE? It was possible in vanilla.
Was not a very thorough test but just wanted to see if it worked at all.
Yet Renal Bloodscalp's envoy will still steal 500 GP off you once a week anyway.
Not a perfect test though. I imported the 1HP character (I'll call him MinMan for the purpose of this explanation) into a hell trials multiplayer save I have as the Charname slot but this didn't automatically give him slayer form.
So I used the same multiplayer save. Imported MinMan into the Charname party slot and an ex-Charname with slayer form active into an ordinary party member slot.
Activating slayer form on the 'ex-charname' party member turned MinMan into the slayer. But this automatically gave MinMan 100HP and he started taking damage as per normal and died.
I say 'I dont think so' because I didn't actually use MinMan's own ability to turn into the slayer. But I remember slayer form always having 100HP so assume it's the same.
Of course you could use the mirror image trick but then you'd still have 100HP from being in slayer form and not the 1HP, L1 immunity.
There are some weird inconsistencies that I don't understand but here is what I have seen so far:
- Can use the Horn of Kazgorth without dying, so it's all benefit with no drawback.
- Immune to yellow text (magic damage) tested with magic missile, larlochs minor drain, skull trap.
- Immune to burning hands, fireball, MMM, sunfire but not immune to flame arrow or steam memphit burning attack.
- Immune to dark green text (acid) tested with Melf's Acid Arrow spell.
- Immune to CF's lightning damage but not immune to lighting machine in chateau Irenicus.
- Immune to white text damage from everything so far but a radiant memphit scored an 18 hit and killed him once.
- Cloudkill will kill instantly due to 4 or fewer HD rule, although a light green text (poison) immune to damage showed up before dying.
- Finger of death killed him instantly.
- Immune to damage from Bigby's clenched fist.
The reasoning behind it is that to prevent excessive situations where your characters could get killed in one hit by a Xvart or a Gibberling in the beggining, the game cheats and reduces the damage of the hit to your max HP minus 1 but only if:
-The character is level 1
-The character is uninjured
So you can do a 100+ damage backstab on a level 1 Imoen right after the ambush and she will only suffer 5 damage, but if she has only 5/6 HP then the backstab will deal the regular damage and chunk her.
So I don't really understand why some damage types go through this protection and some don't, but all the other death effects should kill the character instantly like Cloudkill, Death Fog, Disintegrate, Death Spell, Flesh to Stone, Finger of Death, etc.
As how to kill him, the answer is always one: poison.
Same goes for the undead knights under Firewine's Bridge...
How to do it:
- Dagger of Venom on critical hit and failed save-throw, aka leave the char to hit and go afk.
- Poison Weapon ability
- A sorcerer high enough to cast Lower Magic Res and than Kill Cloud
Enjoy the loot.
P.S. Hi everyone!
All you have to do is equipping the Helm of Opposite Alignment, obtainable by killing the Death Knight the first time you meet him in Durlag's Tower, then the Girdle of gender swap (at this point your Alignment will revert to Lawful Good) and finally visit a temple (with the spell it doesn't work, somehow) and pay to remove the curse.
Et voilà, enjoy your bloodthirsty Inquisitor
Edit: typos
The nymph is dead, thus letting you to take the cloak of CHA, and Ramazith, neutral up until now, turns red and teleports to the last floor of his tower. You can kill him there, just as you usually do when you choose a good path and don't return a nymph to Ramazith.
-While Firkraag looks like a classic AD&D red dragon, Nizidramati and Adalon were designed to look like the 3rd edition versions.
- Although is BG2 was released quite at the same time as D&D 3rd edition (and its changes in the Faerun), chronologically the Bhaal saga happened about 5 years before .