There actually exists a set of books based on the Baldur's Gate series. They are based around a protagonist called Abdel Adrian and are super well written.
Donning the Girdle of Gender will break a romance with Dorn.
Dorn in his portrait is snarling and gripping his sword tightly with both hands because it symbolizes his irresistible urge to snarl and grip things tightly with both hands.
If you name Charname Abdel Adrian, you will feel bad about it.
If you kill the girl who lost her cat and place her body in the waterfall where it died, you can shapeshift into a cat, and everyone will compliment you on your pretty fur.
Keldorn actually cheated on his wife all the time with Ajantis. That's why he's willing to let it go when he finds out he's been cuckolded.
Garrick was supposed to be a romance option but then the devs realized no one would ever romance him.
Keldorn actually cheated on his wife all the time with Ajantis. That's why he's willing to let it go when he finds out he's been cuckolded.
It was when Ajantis, young and naive, became Sir Keldorn's squire. The aging knight was immediately smitten by the young man's regal beauty as the sun shined on his golden hair. At first, they where too reluctant to admit their feelings for each other, after all, Sir Keldorn was a married man and the two men where so far apart in age. Months went by and they exchanged nothing but shy glances and the occasional touch during sparing.
But at one point, Ajantis could't hold back anymore as with rosy cheeks and tears in his sapphire eyes he came to his teacher: "Mylord, I know you are a man of honor but I just can't hide it! I love you!"
"No! We can't do this!", Sir Keldorn said with anger in his raspy voice. "I am a married man!"
"But you do not love her! Not like we do each other!"
"Be quiet!"
The knight grabbed his squire by the shoulders and sealed Ajantis' lips with his own.
They got married and had a lot of babies together. The end.
Thalantyr has plans to restart the old mage school outside Beregost. Unfortunately, Ulcaster himself is not too keen on the idea. If you talk to Thalantyr about it he will pay you to arrange for a special group of halfling "ghostbusters" to deal with Ulcaster.
The Vampire's Revenge +1's health drain effect is considered to be a power level 1. Meaning that if you activate the Horn of Kazgaroth you will be immune to its level draining effects. This allows you an easy means of healing party members.
Did you know that when Gorion died he was later revived as an undead? He went on to sing great hits like "In the Dark of the Night."
Imoen has pink hair in BG2 because she killed Alora in BG1 and made a wig from Alora's scalp. Jaheira's hair is yellow because her dreads are made from those blonde bandit scalps.
Keep the dryads' acorns and the dog meat from Nalia's quest. When you get the dragons eggs in the underdark, export your character with all three items in your inventory. Import the character into BG:EE and give all three items to the cook in the Iron Throne.
...She'll whip up a real tasty omelette.
If you charm the correct squirrel, he'll reveal the real plot. The squirrels are behind it all. They're manipulating Saravok, Irenicus, the doppelgangers, the illithids, everything! They're preparing the way for their prophesied savior, known only as the "Otherworldly One Who Rides the Two-legged Mount".
While Icelus created a Summon Cow spell in his mod "Shards of Ice", which when cast drops a cow on the party, did you know he based the falling exploding cow on the Nashkel cows? If you click on them enough times, they explode.
In a related easter egg, if you click enough times on the guards, they say "Yes, Me Lord..." (+10 points for the archaeic game reference)
Its actually possible to pick a third faction to support in order to rescue Imoen. Its known as the ruffian faction. You don't normally encounter them much in the game, though its said that they are the ones who seemingly constantly manage to ambush you with the exact same party setup.
(Their plan to attack Bodhi's lair involves this line of thinking as well)
Evil clerics can also side with the Temple of Umberlee in Brynnlaw, but only if they have not assisted the Talosians in Athkatla.
Your first task as a priest of Umberlee is to extort money from the pirate lord (money required to ensure safe passage for his crews). Your second is to defeat a sect of Valkurites that have begun newly operating in the town.
If you talk to @elminster 300 times before he disappears, he will give you his hat, a +5 wizard hat that grants 3 extra spells of each level, five daily casts of his 'Chickenator' spell, and 100% magic resistance.
If you talk to @elminster 300 times before he disappears, he will give you his hat, a +5 wizard hat that grants 3 extra spells of each level, five daily casts of his 'Chickenator' spell, and 100% magic resistance.
If you follow these instructions you can get another set of the big metal unit.
1. Leave irenicus's dungeon 2. Travel to the slums 3. Travel to the temple district. 4. Travel back to the slums. 5. Travel to the gate district. 6. Travel to trademeet. 7. Travel to the druid grove. 8. Enter the ogre tower (do not enter the troll cave or the actual druid's grove) 9. Leave the ogre tower. 10. Travel to Watcher's Keep 11. Talk to Sister Garlena. 12. Talk to Odren
After talking to Odren you should find a set of the big metal unit in your inventory.
There were originally going to be 5 articles of clothing in the pantaloons easter egg/running gag. The two that never got made were the copper breeches and the brass knickers. When all five were combined, Cespenar could produce the Platnum Bell-bottoms of Bahamut.
Most liches chose lichdom not to escape death, but to escape the Calimshite itch, which in the time of Netheril was called Agannazar's Scorcher. Hence the ancient phrase, "itches make liches."
You can extend the duration of Slayer form by hitting your Bhaalspawn with Ardulia's Fall.
Dorn in his portrait is snarling and gripping his sword tightly with both hands because it symbolizes his irresistible urge to snarl and grip things tightly with both hands.
If you name Charname Abdel Adrian, you will feel bad about it.
If you kill the girl who lost her cat and place her body in the waterfall where it died, you can shapeshift into a cat, and everyone will compliment you on your pretty fur.
Keldorn actually cheated on his wife all the time with Ajantis. That's why he's willing to let it go when he finds out he's been cuckolded.
Garrick was supposed to be a romance option but then the devs realized no one would ever romance him.
The aging knight was immediately smitten by the young man's regal beauty as the sun shined on his golden hair. At first, they where too reluctant to admit their feelings for each other, after all, Sir Keldorn was a married man and the two men where so far apart in age. Months went by and they exchanged nothing but shy glances and the occasional touch during sparing.
But at one point, Ajantis could't hold back anymore as with rosy cheeks and tears in his sapphire eyes he came to his teacher:
"Mylord, I know you are a man of honor but I just can't hide it! I love you!"
"No! We can't do this!", Sir Keldorn said with anger in his raspy voice.
"I am a married man!"
"But you do not love her! Not like we do each other!"
"Be quiet!"
The knight grabbed his squire by the shoulders and sealed Ajantis' lips with his own.
They got married and had a lot of babies together.
The end.
...She'll whip up a real tasty omelette.
If you charm the correct squirrel, he'll reveal the real plot. The squirrels are behind it all. They're manipulating Saravok, Irenicus, the doppelgangers, the illithids, everything! They're preparing the way for their prophesied savior, known only as the "Otherworldly One Who Rides the Two-legged Mount". OK, now I really want to play that game.
In a related easter egg, if you click enough times on the guards, they say "Yes, Me Lord..."
(+10 points for the archaeic game reference)
(Their plan to attack Bodhi's lair involves this line of thinking as well)
Your first task as a priest of Umberlee is to extort money from the pirate lord (money required to ensure safe passage for his crews). Your second is to defeat a sect of Valkurites that have begun newly operating in the town.
1. Leave irenicus's dungeon
2. Travel to the slums
3. Travel to the temple district.
4. Travel back to the slums.
5. Travel to the gate district.
6. Travel to trademeet.
7. Travel to the druid grove.
8. Enter the ogre tower (do not enter the troll cave or the actual druid's grove)
9. Leave the ogre tower.
10. Travel to Watcher's Keep
11. Talk to Sister Garlena.
12. Talk to Odren
After talking to Odren you should find a set of the big metal unit in your inventory.
You can extend the duration of Slayer form by hitting your Bhaalspawn with Ardulia's Fall.