Unfortunately, @Elminster was confused for @Elminister by El Minster, the galactic super evil wizard wrestler whom looks to destroy @Elminister because of previous nondescript events!
Fortunately the ensuing evil wizard wrestler vs good wizard guitar slinger duel was a dazzling spectacle that was foretold in the afore mentioned @procco prophecies and events were properly put into motion.
Unfortunately, @GreenWyvern and @procco started sentences with the symbol [ instead of Unfortunately for @GreenWyvern and Fortunately for @procco, making @Son_of_Imoen wonder what Cosmic Cataclysm will await us now with this break of the [Un]fortunately WellWrittenWorldWrestlingWords-law [laW].
Fortunately, posts that do not start with fortunately and unfortunately are just considered off topic and not part of the game, so no catastrophic events will take place because of them.
Unfortunately @anduin does not know which Cillit Bang product to use on his ink stains because the website does not list ferret blood ink as a stain on their website.
Unfortunately in the last micro-second the ranger, due to her high DEX and the Haste Spell (obviously a stalker then), managed to leave the place where the boulder met the earth.
Fortunately, writing on his laptop screen with a biro had no effect...