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Guess Facts about the Next Poster



  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    True. The biggest want on my bucket list is an around the world trip solely to try indigenous foods.

    The next poster has a strange phenomenom occur where streetlights ALWAYS go off when walking under them.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    False, quite the contrary. Or at least I use to have a weird "power" to make technical stuff just break-down by just being in their vicinity. We used to call it my "magic fingers" that could just down any system by just pointing at it. Didn't affect humans, only tec stuff. Luckily, this power of mine seem to have faded over time and nowadays I am fairly normal. Still not very tec savvy though.

    The next person prefer the company of "techy stuff" to humanoids.
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    edited March 2018
    False (in the general case at least. It depends on the techy stuff in question. And the humanoids. :wink: )
    Skatan said:

    Or at least I use to have a weird "power" to make technical stuff just break-down by just being in their vicinity. We used to call it my "magic fingers" that could just down any system by just pointing at it. Didn't affect humans, only tec stuff. Luckily, this power of mine seem to have faded over time and nowadays I am fairly normal. Still not very tec savvy though.

    You wouldn't happen to be a theoretical physicist by any chance? Because this is known as the "second Pauli principle", or the "Pauli Effect".

    The next poster is a theoretical physicist.
  • mashedtatersmashedtaters Member Posts: 2,266
    In theory.

    The next poster theorizes frequently, but his hypothesis are usually false.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Nope. Everyone knows a good scientist relies exclusively on non-falsifiable hypotheses!

    The next poster would date a myconid.
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    Not since I quit drinking, I wouldn't! ;) Actually, when I was online dating, I was afraid I might date a myconid, or something equally frightful from one of D&Ds tomes or manuals, but good fortune saw me through and I met a lovely woman I've been with for almost eight years now.

    The next poster also met their partner online or is hoping to do so.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Kinda! My wife and I went to middle school together for one year. It wasn't until, man, about 10 years later that she randomly found me again on facebook.

    The next poster is dating someone they knew since kindergarten.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Nope. I don't think I've been on a date since middle school. In my case, it is for lack of trying, thankfully. I've only been truly interested in maybe a half-dozen women in my entire life.

    My most recent crush was on a musician. She actually played at CBGB's (which she described as a filthy hellhole) back in the day, and even won the battle of the bands. Although, one of her bandmates' numerous Puerto Rican relatives in the audience might have biased the vote. Her group opened for another band called the Butthole Surfers.

    The next poster would also open for the Butthole Surfers.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Well you never know just how you look through other people's eyes, so ya maybe... if I was ever in a band.

    The next poster was in a band
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    False, though I like playing solo instrumental music and singing under my voice, especially when listening to my favourite songs.

    The next poster likes wearing a band (maybe a wrist-band or a head-band or something else like that).
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    False, though I very much like my glimmering sash.

    The next person remember that one time at band camp and a flute.
  • mashedtatersmashedtaters Member Posts: 2,266
    Yep. Still a little sore.

    The next poster is a musician.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Not really. I have a decent singing voice and can whistle pretty good though...

    The next poster couldn't whistle to save their life!
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    False, I can whistle the normal way. Never did learn to whistle the way when you use your fingers around your tongue to make that super-high sound though. Plagued my childhood, everyone else could but me.

    The next person has that one thing they can't do that EVERYONE could around them which made them feel insecure and will tell us what is was/is.
  • mashedtatersmashedtaters Member Posts: 2,266
    True. Couldn’t go in the sun my whole life. Pretty insecurifying.

    The next poster sunbathes.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    edited April 2018
    Nope. I am very white and I can get a light burn from spending just an hour in the Texas sun.

    The next poster is black as night.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    edited April 2018
    False, I think. At work so couldn't listen to the song to see if you had a double meaning to the question.

    The next person is wearing a tie, 'tis friday tieday and all that.

    For all of those interested (noone), I'm wearing a british 'hunting' tie today, dark green with white and black cross-stripes, coupled with white shirt and black suit and vest. I should of course have coupled it with a grey tweed vest and jacket, but alas, I own none.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Skatan said:

    False, I think. At work so couldn't listen to the song to see if you had a double meaning to the question.

    The next person is wearing a tie, 'tis friday tieday and all that.

    For all of those interested (noone), I'm wearing a british 'hunting' tie today, dark green with white and black cross-stripes, coupled with white shirt and black suit and vest. I should of course have coupled it with a grey tweed vest and jacket, but alas, I own none.

    Next poster prefers Icewind Dale over Planescape: Torment
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    false. if anything iwd is my lest favorite ie game.

    the next poster only wants to finish nwn oc because they need to know why it was so bad and say they have beaten it.
  • TStaelTStael Member Posts: 861

    Getting a sufficient will save against the Valsharess as to romance Valen Shadowbreath in HotU to the fulfilment was really the thing.

    The next poster is equally frustrated that Frederick Zbryski (the said Valen) is not a token voice actor in RPGs. Oh why, oh why??
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    False. I don't know nothing about this.

    The next poster watched all the live streams by Beamdog thus far, but still wait for winning a prize.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    False, I haven't watched a single one. News with value have a way of coming to me without me actively searching for it.

    The next person doesn't ever watch or read regular newscasts or (e) papers.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    True, the only media that reach me is the radio at work. News with value have a way of coming to me without me actively searching for it. :)

    Next poster has news with value to share wit us.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    edited May 2018
    False. I thought I would have, just had a super-important meeting regarding my project's scope, but as usual with meetings like these in my company, it ended with "OK everyone agrees but noone understands what they agree to or think similar to the others and the shit just poured down into Skatan's lap again".

    The next poster is in a great mood.
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    True. Just completed IWD:EE yesterday with a solo Dragon Disciple. Smashed "B." to oblivion with the Black Blade of Disaster! What a battle it was! (Completed it in less than 10 rounds though.)

    Fun Fact: It appears that you can hit just anybody during the period of Time Stop regardless of their AC, and every hit hits with certainty!

    The next poster thinks that soloing IWD:EE is easier than playing with a full party.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Not at all. I've recently soloed IWD:EE with a sorcerer in HoF mode as a new no-reload run (though I would later realize that that had already been done by another no-reloader with a different character), and while the vast majority of it was easy, that was only because I knew exactly what to do:

    1. Kite and charm the goblins of Easthaven until I hit level 6
    2. Spam everything with Summon Monster I until I hit level 10
    3. Spam everything with Summon Fire Elemental until I hit level 12
    4. Dissolve everything with Death Fog until I hit level 18
    5. Chop and gobble up everything else with Black Blade of Disaster and mind flayer form during Time Stop

    Any other strategy would have been extremely ineffective, and if I applied the same metaknowledge to a party run, it would be far easier than the solo run.

    Soloing the game gives you six times as much XP, but that doesn't give you six times as many levels, or even twice as many levels. It leaves you extremely weak at the beginning of the game, viable in the early game, strong in the midgame, decent in the late game, and weak in the endgame. People pay a lot of attention to that strength in the midgame, but being 1000% prepared for half the game isn't worth being 50% prepared for the rest.

    The next poster thinks that solo runs are only done by showoffs.
  • mashedtatersmashedtaters Member Posts: 2,266
    True...ish. I haven’t ever done a solo run, but maybe that’s because I’ve never posted my games on the forums...? Not that I’m not a show off, I’m definitely that.

    The next poster is also a show off.
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    edited May 2018

    Any other strategy would have been extremely ineffective, and if I applied the same metaknowledge to a party run, it would be far easier than the solo run.

    @semiticgod This is especially true about the boss fight. It seems there is only one way to kill him with a solo Mage/Sorcerer: Black Blade of Disaster + Time Stop. I tried many other ways, but none of them seem to work. It feels so unbalanced for a solo Mage/Sorcerer (on the contrary, most other solo classes can clear the boss fight much easily). It feels very unfair.

    The next poster thinks that solo runs are only done by showoffs.

    The next poster is also a show off.

    Not at all, but I admit that it feels nice to post your solo exploits on the Forums. Especially if the first time you're completing the game is with a solo character. ;)

    The next poster wishes that there was a Fighter/Sorcerer multi-class in the Infinity Engine games.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    Now Sorcerer/thief or sorcerer/cleric (or shaman... oh, that!) is a different story.

    The next poster thinks of does not think “hockey” when they hear the name Golden Knights.
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